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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.00025 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.159 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.00025
TELETON 0.0002
56b698cc sent 0.01492 BRIDGE.BTC to
c9ad28bc wants 0.01496 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,887 BRIDGE.MEDIC
virtual paid 780 BRIDGE.MEDIC for 0.00405 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 2,108 BRIDGE.MEDIC for 0.01092 BRIDGE.BTC
8bc745bd cancel order
debe416f wants 0.01963 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,887 BRIDGE.MEDIC
e9161cc4 cancel order
12b1d28c wants 0.0577 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,887 BRIDGE.MEDIC
f1ac0d81 cancel order
bdbcf867 wants 0.0309 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,887 BRIDGE.MEDIC
20dfc4da sent 2,787 BRIDGE.MEDIC to
27eaaa18 sent 100 BRIDGE.MEDIC to
71ef8751 paid 0.002115 BRIDGE.BTC for 168 BRIDGE.MEDIC
e48ed2d2 paid 0.002006 BRIDGE.BTC for 159.2 BRIDGE.MEDIC
b63c5fce paid 0.00819 BRIDGE.BTC for 650 BRIDGE.MEDIC
31cced37 paid 0.01368 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,086 BRIDGE.MEDIC
4dbef5ac wants 2,063 BRIDGE.MEDIC for 0.026 BRIDGE.BTC
4808b216 paid 32,499 BRIDGE.DOGE for 0.02535 BRIDGE.BTC
9bb35f1d paid 0.01245 BRIDGE.BTC for 830 BRIDGE.MEDIC
f19fd550 paid 94.3 BRIDGE.DOGE for 0.0000736 BRIDGE.BTC
dd826401 paid 347 BRIDGE.DOGE for 0.0002707 BRIDGE.BTC
ea0cb872 paid 449 BRIDGE.DOGE for 0.00035 BRIDGE.BTC
44b3c653 wants 830 BRIDGE.MEDIC for 0.01245 BRIDGE.BTC
fe464e57 paid 322 BRIDGE.DOGE for 0.0002515 BRIDGE.BTC
1c0d3dc8 paid 6,216 BRIDGE.DOGE for 0.00485 BRIDGE.BTC
ec522002 paid 4,559 BRIDGE.DOGE for 0.00356 BRIDGE.BTC
ad3edec1 paid 682 BRIDGE.DOGE for 0.000532 BRIDGE.BTC
2e0a504a paid 3.115 BRIDGE.DOGE for 0.00000243 BRIDGE.BTC
afccee8f paid 95.8 BRIDGE.DOGE for 0.0000747 BRIDGE.BTC
505922d7 paid 4,120 BRIDGE.DOGE for 0.00321 BRIDGE.BTC
cd1b4ace wants 0.0385 BRIDGE.BTC for 49,388 BRIDGE.DOGE
4343c404 cancel order
52c2495f wants 658,504 BRIDGE.XP for 49,388 BRIDGE.DOGE
c050e37b wants 49,482 BRIDGE.DOGE for 494,824 BRIDGE.XP
virtual paid 359,395 BRIDGE.XP for 35,944 BRIDGE.DOGE
virtual paid 0.077 BRIDGE.XP for 0.0077 BRIDGE.DOGE
virtual paid 1,548 BRIDGE.XP for 154.8 BRIDGE.DOGE
virtual paid 1,396 BRIDGE.XP for 139.6 BRIDGE.DOGE
virtual paid 132,486 BRIDGE.XP for 13,249 BRIDGE.DOGE
422ad584 cancel order
91f9fb46 wants 0.0742 BRIDGE.BTC for 494,824 BRIDGE.XP
7d9ee16f cancel order
c2f6d0b6 wants 0.0519 BRIDGE.BTC for 494,824 BRIDGE.XP
3a0560b5 cancel order
189f237c wants 0.0643 BRIDGE.BTC for 494,825 BRIDGE.XP