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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.822 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.668 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.822
DEEX 0.1
CEMENT 0.00034
LIQPAY 0.005
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
b5350f52 wants 0.01028 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,023 BRIDGE.NORT
76b73e80 wants 0.00883 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.NORT
aef83f21 cancel order
89f81e81 cancel order
978710eb wants 0.01402 BRIDGE.BTC for 970 BRIDGE.NORT
e1816c49 sent 230 BRIDGE.NORT to
6ad7a570 cancel order
cbffeb32 sent 0.1 DEEX to
099d461c wants 0.01883 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,054 BRIDGE.NORT
ee61be5a wants 0.01724 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,200 BRIDGE.NORT
b817fc15 paid 0.000687 BRIDGE.BTC for 75.8 BRIDGE.NORT
487278d2 sent 0.0213 BRIDGE.BTC to
23b53abf wants 1 BTS for 0.00002185 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00002185 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BTS
2951e16a cancel order
317690f7 wants 1 BTS for 0.0000218 BRIDGE.BTC
54234579 cancel order
722433a5 cancel order
96fe4192 paid 0.000145 BRIDGE.BTC for 16 BRIDGE.NORT
d2ff784b paid 0.0000867 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.56 BRIDGE.NORT
8e7f8cab paid 0.0002268 BRIDGE.BTC for 25 BRIDGE.NORT
503463cd paid 0.0000904 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.97 BRIDGE.NORT
21a808f9 paid 0.00038 BRIDGE.BTC for 41.9 BRIDGE.NORT
35ce5cd3 wants 178.2 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.001616 BRIDGE.BTC
073be187 cancel order
1ed9bcb6 paid 0.000723 BRIDGE.BTC for 79.9 BRIDGE.NORT
afa04d82 paid 0.000397 BRIDGE.BTC for 43.9 BRIDGE.NORT
8e715d2b paid 0.0001086 BRIDGE.BTC for 12 BRIDGE.NORT
0da77795 paid 0.00924 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,021 BRIDGE.NORT
6b42d375 paid 0.000202 BRIDGE.BTC for 22.3 BRIDGE.NORT
eaf78a83 paid 0.0002896 BRIDGE.BTC for 32 BRIDGE.NORT
6f1890ec paid 0.0002625 BRIDGE.BTC for 29 BRIDGE.NORT
ebbdf949 paid 0.002243 BRIDGE.BTC for 248 BRIDGE.NORT
bc05e5ac paid 0.00226 BRIDGE.BTC for 250 BRIDGE.NORT
ebb13e47 paid 0.003096 BRIDGE.BTC for 342 BRIDGE.NORT
9678029b wants 2,259 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.02044 BRIDGE.BTC
00054776 cancel order
8d11c216 wants 2,269 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.02044 BRIDGE.BTC
c2c246c3 cancel order
aad65a8e wants 2,294 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.02044 BRIDGE.BTC
344ad2cb cancel order
f633f5a2 wants 2,269 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.02044 BRIDGE.BTC
00d8cea9 cancel order
1875fa93 wants 2,593 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.01823 BRIDGE.BTC
54029a0d cancel order
fd56edcb wants 2,294 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.02044 BRIDGE.BTC
a051cfae cancel order
ed9de0c3 wants 2,302 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.02044 BRIDGE.BTC
59aab875 cancel order
36119e6e wants 2,331 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.02044 BRIDGE.BTC
086e68dd paid 1,220 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.0205 BRIDGE.BTC
40991797 wants 775 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.003115 BRIDGE.BTC
4b8e4cfd wants 2,600 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.01823 BRIDGE.BTC
abba59a4 cancel order
709c2ebd wants 2,880 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.02134 BRIDGE.BTC
c6e989c0 cancel order
e533d850 wants 2,915 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.02134 BRIDGE.BTC
3f247d2e cancel order
28817baa wants 2,923 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.02134 BRIDGE.BTC
cea40299 cancel order
3a2038a5 wants 0.0205 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,220 BRIDGE.NORT
a2d966bd cancel order
e58015fd wants 2,935 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.02134 BRIDGE.BTC
d3fcc379 cancel order
7d0ef20d paid 0.00372 BRIDGE.BTC for 516 BRIDGE.NORT
c060cbdb wants 3,472 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.02506 BRIDGE.BTC
37d97661 cancel order
94ced28b wants 0.01186 BRIDGE.BTC for 705 BRIDGE.NORT
9cdc5fc6 cancel order
50f52326 wants 0.01188 BRIDGE.BTC for 705 BRIDGE.NORT
63cb25c8 cancel order
fac54f1c wants 3,501 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.02506 BRIDGE.BTC
5773014e paid 593 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.00616 BRIDGE.BTC
5c7b2ac6 paid 1,500 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.0156 BRIDGE.BTC
158f139b paid 10 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.000104 BRIDGE.BTC
e1a8852a paid 185 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.00192 BRIDGE.BTC
960aac17 wants 0.02377 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,288 BRIDGE.NORT
5db15367 cancel order
d5d33afa wants 0.033 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,288 BRIDGE.NORT
d2c1be30 cancel order
f2071b30 wants 0.033 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,288 BRIDGE.NORT
ce9c5295 cancel order
002f3617 wants 0.0331 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,288 BRIDGE.NORT
b8f81100 cancel order
331aef4d paid 5 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.0000725 BRIDGE.BTC
14386dd6 wants 0.0332 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,294 BRIDGE.NORT
e1dc295a cancel order
4a48417c sent 700 BRIDGE.NORT to
49ffd323 wants 0.02936 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,000 BRIDGE.NORT
faf9a134 cancel order
7f589adc wants 0.0294 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,000 BRIDGE.NORT
4b92817b cancel order
7386a1ae wants 0.02956 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,000 BRIDGE.NORT
7d835f24 cancel order
a680f4ba wants 0.0296 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,000 BRIDGE.NORT
514d9d26 paid 0.01134 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,800 BRIDGE.NORT
63d9a00b paid 0.00423 BRIDGE.BTC for 597 BRIDGE.NORT
62f09a5e paid 0.00427 BRIDGE.BTC for 603 BRIDGE.NORT
9b255936 wants 1,800 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.01134 BRIDGE.BTC
25a248d5 cancel order
5209917d wants 1,800 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.0113 BRIDGE.BTC
6504bd27 wants 1,200 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.0085 BRIDGE.BTC
f66c3877 cancel order
b7472421 cancel order
15973202 wants 1,000 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.00749 BRIDGE.BTC
7f03a670 cancel order
70190a3a wants 1,000 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.00739 BRIDGE.BTC
95266447 cancel order
f70b41fe wants 1,000 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.00735 BRIDGE.BTC
a02cd327 cancel order
382efaf6 wants 0.01199 BRIDGE.BTC for 706 BRIDGE.NORT
460122b6 wants 1,200 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.00878 BRIDGE.BTC
c1525386 cancel order
35362a75 wants 1,200 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.00847 BRIDGE.BTC
c438a437 cancel order
b0a65c01 wants 1,200 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.00845 BRIDGE.BTC
898ac59c cancel order
eabf0e4a wants 1,000 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.00701 BRIDGE.BTC
142527eb paid 1,000 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.01078 BRIDGE.BTC
a79ae95e wants 0.01078 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.NORT
9d087d1d paid 0.0000183 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.95 BRIDGE.NORT
d863a6b6 paid 0.00437 BRIDGE.BTC for 704 BRIDGE.NORT
96ea85ca paid 9.85 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.0000984 BRIDGE.BTC
fc5bf05a wants 2,359 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.01465 BRIDGE.BTC
8d989382 cancel order
cd750324 cancel order
6eab9120 wants 0.0000984 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.85 BRIDGE.NORT
b5d9ddc8 paid 0.0000618 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.99 BRIDGE.NORT
a9ed19b2 wants 2,377 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.0147 BRIDGE.BTC
6f115e17 paid 1,855 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.01474 BRIDGE.BTC
e419ab4f wants 0.01085 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.NORT
b8ff737a wants 0.01474 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,855 BRIDGE.NORT
92b5a826 paid 0.00978 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,860 BRIDGE.NORT
99913e47 wants 2,860 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.00978 BRIDGE.BTC
0675aa5b cancel order
231d1544 wants 2,877 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.00978 BRIDGE.BTC
f5713bbc cancel order
0bcffc3e wants 2,189 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.00978 BRIDGE.BTC
0bf3e32f cancel order
f13a7a5e wants 2,433 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.00978 BRIDGE.BTC
7899925a paid 1,350 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.0098 BRIDGE.BTC
6bbdfd84 wants 0.0098 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,350 BRIDGE.NORT
76ea1edf cancel order
ef4532c2 wants 0.00983 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,350 BRIDGE.NORT
296780d4 paid 0.002855 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,353 BRIDGE.NORT
1f20cc94 wants 1,353 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.002855 BRIDGE.BTC
db865c99 cancel order
30f275e4 sent 768 BRIDGE.NORT to
72ea83d1 wants 1,414 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.002856 BRIDGE.BTC
7baba53d cancel order
cd58e15c paid 1,800 BRIDGE.HIGHT for 0.00286 BRIDGE.BTC
9fc4f723 wants 0.00286 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,800 BRIDGE.HIGHT
80aa8ce9 cancel order
cc26e994 wants 0.00305 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,800 BRIDGE.HIGHT
325b62f8 paid 0.00184 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,803 BRIDGE.HIGHT
800298b4 wants 0.015 BRIDGE.BTC for 770 BRIDGE.NORT
53e85345 cancel order
63a78eb4 wants 0.0153 BRIDGE.BTC for 770 BRIDGE.NORT
d8757fe3 cancel order
22403530 wants 0.01847 BRIDGE.BTC for 770 BRIDGE.NORT
48fc77ef paid 0.01386 BRIDGE.BTC for 708 BRIDGE.NORT
d0ad28b5 wants 708 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.01386 BRIDGE.BTC
36946028 cancel order
4d41c723 wants 709 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.01386 BRIDGE.BTC
2fd6be44 cancel order
4dd43061 wants 710 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.01386 BRIDGE.BTC
3b5c4308 cancel order
6857f439 paid 0.001243 BRIDGE.BTC for 63.7 BRIDGE.NORT
fe9e687d wants 774 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.0151 BRIDGE.BTC
1e349059 cancel order
363b9e21 wants 778 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.0151 BRIDGE.BTC
9c30a12a cancel order
856af5d3 wants 779 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.0151 BRIDGE.BTC
e3f3de42 paid 606 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.01514 BRIDGE.BTC
0714d811 wants 0.01514 BRIDGE.BTC for 606 BRIDGE.NORT
33984a23 cancel order
c918427c wants 0.0193 BRIDGE.BTC for 606 BRIDGE.NORT
d4ccaecb sent 450 BRIDGE.NORT to
c912eb25 cancel order
42957a2c paid 0.02013 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,005 BRIDGE.NORT
4b14d903 wants 0.002005 BRIDGE.BTC for 52.8 BRIDGE.NORT
e076d54e wants 1,005 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.02013 BRIDGE.BTC
1e35f8eb cancel order
bf597a0a wants 1,000 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.02013 BRIDGE.BTC
df27266d cancel order
6427d91d paid 0.000302 BRIDGE.BTC for 15 BRIDGE.NORT
e475fe4b wants 1,015 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.02043 BRIDGE.BTC
e590f9c6 cancel order
ba84752d wants 1,018 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.02043 BRIDGE.BTC
24dfb57d cancel order
7bd923bd wants 1,020 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.02043 BRIDGE.BTC
09d140ac cancel order
f26ea162 wants 1,134 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.02043 BRIDGE.BTC
af6e888d cancel order
97389d1a cancel order
08342ca3 wants 1,803 BRIDGE.HIGHT for 0.00184 BRIDGE.BTC
42240c29 wants 650 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.01074 BRIDGE.BTC
cef4e00f cancel order
4ed9eb6f paid 0.000627 BRIDGE.BTC for 37.9 BRIDGE.NORT