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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight24.37 BTS
Lifetime fees paid110 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 24.37
BRIDGE.BTC 0.00000001
BRIDGE.BCH 0.00000006
BRIDGE.LTC 0.0000011
BRIDGE.DASH 0.00000076
BRIDGE.XVG 0.00171
BRIDGE.FOR 0.00593
BRIDGE.XSH 0.00642
BRIDGE.BWK 0.0000354
TIREX 0.15
BRIDGE.BEET 0.000381
ROYAL 0.024
BRIDGE.POLIS 0.0000244
BRIDGE.CROP 0.0000001
CEMENT 0.00073
EBAYCOM 0.00002
BRIDGE.LUX 0.0000136
BRIDGE.TRTT 0.000581
BRIDGE.LPC 0.0000504
BRIDGE.LTX 0.0000001
BRIDGE.XGS 0.0000807
ESCODEX.LPC 0.0000466
BRIDGE.ACRE 0.002154
BRIDGE.DFS 0.00000426
BRIDGE.BIR 0.000004
BRIDGE.SNO 0.00081
BRIDGE.PPO 0.000891
BRIDGE.EVOS 0.0000276
ESCODEX.FOX 0.0000256
BRIDGE.OUR 0.0000654
BRIDGE.QBO 0.000115
BRIDGE.MIDAS 0.00002185
BRIDGE.CUX 0.0000253
BRIDGE.ADD 0.0001814
BRIDGE.INGY 0.0001136
BRIDGE.CRCO 0.000125
BRIDGE.ORL 0.000005
BRIDGE.LRM 0.0000391
BRIDGE.EXD 0.000001
BRIDGE.WCF 0.0000067
BRIDGE.YOKE 0.000054
BRIDGE.ROCO 0.0000068
BRIDGE.CTT 0.0000064
BRIDGE.PCR 0.0000097
BRIDGE.FDC 0.000091
BRIDGE.RESC 0.000055
7bdb97d9 sent 0.0766 BRIDGE.ETH to
721c4898 wants 0.0625 BRIDGE.ETH for 0.001686 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.001685 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0625 BRIDGE.ETH
virtual cancel order
59773892 wants 0.00169 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.1322 BRIDGE.DASH
virtual paid 0.1321 BRIDGE.DASH for 0.00169 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
95aafd95 issue 0.1322 BRIDGE.DASH to
7073d75a wants 0.01426 BRIDGE.ETH for 0.000385 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000385 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.01426 BRIDGE.ETH
f307dbea cancel order
8812002a wants 0.01455 BRIDGE.ETH for 0.000385 BRIDGE.BTC
f3765a8e sent 0.402 BRIDGE.BTC to
e78c53d9 cancel order
1cab6fae wants 601 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.402 BRIDGE.BTC
a5db831f sent 0.0499 BRIDGE.DASH to
af69c5bb wants 0.05 BRIDGE.DASH for 0.001226 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.001226 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.05 BRIDGE.DASH
e5c1b12b cancel order
5e5b9188 wants 600 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.403 BRIDGE.BTC
159320ef cancel order
cae782c5 wants 622 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.403 BRIDGE.BTC
dbfe08a7 cancel order
883702c2 wants 633 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.403 BRIDGE.BTC
c14256b5 cancel order
0b5ef60b wants 633 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.403 BRIDGE.BTC
bacee8dc cancel order
37e75a6a wants 612 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.39 BRIDGE.BTC
22503883 cancel order
5321c5a7 wants 615 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.39 BRIDGE.BTC
fbfcd972 sent 0.419 BRIDGE.DASH to
f10da451 wants 0.42 BRIDGE.DASH for 0.0102 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0102 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.42 BRIDGE.DASH
e041087c cancel order
0555a6c9 wants 631 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.4 BRIDGE.BTC
420467a6 sent 0.00975 BRIDGE.BTC to
24b754ef cancel order
c6ac9852 wants 647 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.41 BRIDGE.BTC
d293122b cancel order
a21ebffb paid 173.3 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.1142 BRIDGE.BTC
9232488f wants 0.1142 BRIDGE.BTC for 173.3 BRIDGE.SINS
91f8ae3a cancel order
cb4b9996 wants 469 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.296 BRIDGE.BTC
316f378e cancel order
8f542823 wants 0.1151 BRIDGE.BTC for 173.3 BRIDGE.SINS
41bad1b9 wants 469 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.296 BRIDGE.BTC
94fd3127 cancel order
a8103caf cancel order
7e0eb327 wants 462 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.296 BRIDGE.BTC
9cdb4280 cancel order
8921ef68 wants 0.1143 BRIDGE.BTC for 173.3 BRIDGE.SINS
36fe12b8 wants 470 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.296 BRIDGE.BTC
260b0563 cancel order
7108bfc6 paid 0.1094 BRIDGE.BTC for 173.6 BRIDGE.SINS
9b7219b8 wants 643 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.405 BRIDGE.BTC
f0c9f82c cancel order
3f4e9ad2 wants 643 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.405 BRIDGE.BTC
96e9bcfe cancel order
f9505aa1 wants 644 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.405 BRIDGE.BTC
686d170d cancel order
411e41b8 wants 644 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.405 BRIDGE.BTC
570eb652 paid 74.6 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.048 BRIDGE.BTC
93566e7b paid 77 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0495 BRIDGE.BTC
120d3d6b wants 0.0975 BRIDGE.BTC for 151.6 BRIDGE.SINS
1f435186 wants 0.3085 BRIDGE.BTC for 483 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 1.313 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.000839 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 234.5 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.1498 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 4.85 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0031 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 242.4 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.1548 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
7e6105aa cancel order
412de63e wants 0.423 BRIDGE.BTC for 635 BRIDGE.SINS
a9bdbe4e cancel order
005c2605 wants 0.424 BRIDGE.BTC for 635 BRIDGE.SINS
27c92145 paid 0.1782 BRIDGE.BTC for 283.6 BRIDGE.SINS
7fdf9873 paid 0.2214 BRIDGE.BTC for 352 BRIDGE.SINS
812877ed wants 636 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.4 BRIDGE.BTC
474a7e9a cancel order
74026039 wants 638 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.4 BRIDGE.BTC
9ec4d691 paid 640 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.4 BRIDGE.BTC
cdd8561b wants 0.4 BRIDGE.BTC for 640 BRIDGE.SINS
71be812a cancel order
482d410b wants 0.405 BRIDGE.BTC for 640 BRIDGE.SINS
929c4db3 cancel order
97cb2d32 wants 0.405 BRIDGE.BTC for 640 BRIDGE.SINS
cdb371d0 cancel order
3d60509a wants 0.405 BRIDGE.BTC for 640 BRIDGE.SINS
e1cdd7af cancel order
b61f5b07 wants 0.41 BRIDGE.BTC for 640 BRIDGE.SINS
2186cee5 cancel order
46482655 wants 0.397 BRIDGE.BTC for 640 BRIDGE.SINS
91212169 cancel order
c0b03711 wants 0.4 BRIDGE.BTC for 640 BRIDGE.SINS
09681a79 paid 0.03094 BRIDGE.BTC for 49.9 BRIDGE.SINS
0adbb75e paid 0.093 BRIDGE.BTC for 150 BRIDGE.SINS
9a0a90a4 paid 0.14 BRIDGE.BTC for 225.6 BRIDGE.SINS
d4b4cac1 paid 0.01283 BRIDGE.BTC for 20.67 BRIDGE.SINS
712504b5 paid 0.03096 BRIDGE.BTC for 49.9 BRIDGE.SINS
487f38f7 paid 0.0437 BRIDGE.BTC for 70.5 BRIDGE.SINS
4b66f4a3 paid 0.0464 BRIDGE.BTC for 74.7 BRIDGE.SINS
b0d48e2d wants 641 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.398 BRIDGE.BTC
4e4f2342 cancel order
9c97360b wants 641 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.398 BRIDGE.BTC
bf85b3bd cancel order
29761f62 wants 669 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.398 BRIDGE.BTC
443f7e0f cancel order
95375e4f wants 672 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.398 BRIDGE.BTC
a1ff887a cancel order
a3726d03 wants 683 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.398 BRIDGE.BTC
9cc5fed0 cancel order
9402c0e4 wants 683 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.398 BRIDGE.BTC
85c2b2cb cancel order
1ca85e68 wants 683 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.398 BRIDGE.BTC
65c01a43 cancel order
2f8b0050 wants 685 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.398 BRIDGE.BTC
69e90d35 cancel order
ec157b90 wants 686 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.398 BRIDGE.BTC
b428e25c cancel order
67277f6c wants 686 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.398 BRIDGE.BTC
ebeb4e49 cancel order
b564b882 wants 694 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.398 BRIDGE.BTC
9a7ca3ac cancel order
0a609523 wants 694 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.398 BRIDGE.BTC
7d9f9379 cancel order
983e2d04 wants 694 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.398 BRIDGE.BTC
3dd6f925 cancel order
f072f5e7 wants 694 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.398 BRIDGE.BTC
20b8ce4a cancel order
bde6ca4a cancel order
2fabcea7 wants 731 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.387 BRIDGE.BTC
d3fca193 cancel order
db838712 wants 731 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.387 BRIDGE.BTC
c4b815ff wants 1,000 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.01106 BRIDGE.BTC
ffa73dfe sent 0.784 BRIDGE.BTC to
e78dfb82 cancel order
681ac8f2 wants 1,197 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.784 BRIDGE.BTC
c7791616 cancel order
3994cb40 wants 1,112 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.784 BRIDGE.BTC
29aafaf4 cancel order
9896640c wants 500 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.35 BRIDGE.BTC
f098b031 cancel order
07372cef wants 558 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.367 BRIDGE.BTC
3d3b8883 cancel order
a245c232 wants 500 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.35 BRIDGE.BTC
aed0e5b9 cancel order
25d6cdc8 wants 714 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.5 BRIDGE.BTC
a418ad3e cancel order
f3233495 wants 2,005 BRIDGE.CDS for 0.703 BRIDGE.BTC
d717856e cancel order
d4c685d2 wants 1,168 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.767 BRIDGE.BTC
3f7856f3 wants 0.1495 BRIDGE.BTC for 205.8 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 64.6 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.0469 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 141.1 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.1025 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
7818038f cancel order
6ca38e17 wants 0.1542 BRIDGE.BTC for 205.8 BRIDGE.SINS
40657227 cancel order
b246c419 wants 0.1543 BRIDGE.BTC for 205.8 BRIDGE.SINS
f7469ace cancel order
66dd5aad wants 0.155 BRIDGE.BTC for 205.8 BRIDGE.SINS
247ba35b cancel order
ab437569 wants 0.159 BRIDGE.BTC for 205.8 BRIDGE.SINS
6e1c2266 cancel order
93f51402 wants 0.1605 BRIDGE.BTC for 205.8 BRIDGE.SINS
da398d5e cancel order
d7181a58 cancel order
090fbb47 wants 666 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.474 BRIDGE.BTC
08916a16 cancel order
60dbcb7d wants 0.1667 BRIDGE.BTC for 205.8 BRIDGE.SINS
7b5e75ba cancel order
a3d1285b wants 0.1607 BRIDGE.BTC for 205.8 BRIDGE.SINS
f8aa73bc cancel order
a74dacf2 wants 0.1648 BRIDGE.BTC for 205.8 BRIDGE.SINS
dde2d29b wants 666 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.474 BRIDGE.BTC
6ff5c41f cancel order
45dc4fd7 wants 667 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.474 BRIDGE.BTC
889d979b cancel order
1c027df9 wants 669 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.474 BRIDGE.BTC
7a87cc97 cancel order
ccbcdae9 wants 668 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.474 BRIDGE.BTC
d12c1418 sent 8.73 BRIDGE.SINS to
d24a726c paid 0.00708 BRIDGE.BTC for 8.76 BRIDGE.SINS
1bf10e6d sent 197 BRIDGE.SINS to
0eba5f14 wants 38.8 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.03134 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000641 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.8 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.00436 BRIDGE.BTC for 5.44 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.00437 BRIDGE.BTC for 5.43 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.0105 BRIDGE.BTC for 13 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.00438 BRIDGE.BTC for 5.42 BRIDGE.SINS
6e3270e7 wants 140.5 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.1124 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00283 BRIDGE.BTC for 3.54 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.1096 BRIDGE.BTC for 137 BRIDGE.SINS
5cc97b69 cancel order
a339b684 paid 0.00104 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.307 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.002115 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.65 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.00594 BRIDGE.BTC for 7.45 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.00606 BRIDGE.BTC for 7.59 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.001045 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.31 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.00037 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.464 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.0002 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.25 BRIDGE.SINS
virtual paid 0.00248 BRIDGE.BTC for 3.1 BRIDGE.SINS