立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight127.8 BTS
Lifetime fees paid99.4 BTS
Registrar-20% -
Referrer100% -


Asset Balance
BTS 0.532
INDIE 1,358
OPTIONS.19AU025P 0.01
753e5b68 sent 258 BTS to
457b07ca paid 6,462 RUDEX.WLS for 252 BTS
e6d86a38 wants 252 BTS for 6,462 RUDEX.WLS
2d9982ee cancel order
854852dd wants 401 BTS for 6,462 RUDEX.WLS
628a2359 cancel order
8f4f2735 wants 420 BTS for 6,462 RUDEX.WLS
c5d164f1 sent 0.602 BTS to
a22ce00d sent 0.00634 GDEX.BTC to
f099a662 wants 0.000866 GDEX.BTC for 337 BTS
virtual paid 337 BTS for 0.000866 GDEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
97ee66cd paid 2,131 BTS for 0.00548 GDEX.BTC
e476aa7e wants 0.00548 GDEX.BTC for 2,131 BTS
48ac379b cancel order
174bc441 wants 0.00527 GDEX.BTC for 2,025 BTS
3b06fe50 paid 0.001 RUDEX.WLS for 0.00008 BTS
fccc19ce paid 6,468 RUDEX.WLS for 569 BTS
ea2101f9 wants 569 BTS for 6,468 RUDEX.WLS
73c78882 paid 9,708 RUDEX.WLS for 1,456 BTS
10c9e37a wants 1,456 BTS for 9,708 RUDEX.WLS
28901930 sent 610 BTS to
0ee9e283 wants 584 BTS for 17,971 RUDEX.WLS
virtual paid 17,971 RUDEX.WLS for 584 BTS
b93682b3 sent 127 BTS to
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012b09ec sent 100 AIRPLAY to
fbcf7fce sent 100 AIRPLAY to
88fd0f1c wants 3 BTS for 100 WHALECOIN
virtual paid 100 WHALECOIN for 3 BTS
6e420e25 sent 100 WHALECOIN to
736b1e1a sent 25 WHALECOIN to
f6219ad2 sent 25 WHALECOIN to
14f8a430 sent 250 INDIE to
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f70358b6 sent 25 WHALECOIN to
bb9ba054 sent 25 WHALECOIN to
55bba00a sent 100 AIRPLAY to
d153f1a7 sent 50 WHALECOIN to
73ff077c sent 100 AIRPLAY to
1e969098 sent 100 AIRPLAY to
e5f2fc99 sent 25 WHALECOIN to
61239662 sent 50 WHALECOIN to
0da0ad50 sent 50 WHALECOIN to
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5ba845f4 sent 100 WHALECOIN to
56cba02d sent 100 AIRPLAY to
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1a594488 sent 100 AIRPLAY to
561369be sent 100 AIRPLAY to
7e645f48 sent 25 WHALECOIN to
7c7bce78 sent 25 WHALECOIN to
5521ddc2 sent 100 AIRPLAY to
91220b50 sent 100 AIRPLAY to
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2521c7ab sent 50 WHALECOIN to
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65b9fec2 sent 25 WHALECOIN to
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1cda0d4f sent 100 AIRPLAY to
df5d5f07 sent 100 AIRPLAY to
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8391f266 sent 25 WHALECOIN to
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2abc7e10 sent 25 WHALECOIN to
2481f5ac sent 50 WHALECOIN to
21e92861 sent 25 WHALECOIN to
44f3e62a sent 100 AIRPLAY to
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292c79b9 sent 100 AIRPLAY to
9561e1ee sent 25 WHALECOIN to
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43ef14b9 sent 100 AIRPLAY to
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b06066c2 sent 100 AIRPLAY to
13b4623b sent 100 AIRPLAY to
1fac24e1 sent 50 WHALECOIN to
f4cb37f7 sent 100 AIRPLAY to
62f397ea sent 25 WHALECOIN to
bcf587d4 sent 25 WHALECOIN to
bb30d81a sent 25 WHALECOIN to
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631afe83 sent 25 WHALECOIN to
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426a2124 sent 100 AIRPLAY to
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6e97e181 sent 25 WHALECOIN to
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205cdd94 sent 100 AIRPLAY to
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03681738 sent 25 WHALECOIN to
0370f007 sent 25 WHALECOIN to
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82738b5f sent 100 AIRPLAY to
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6b152408 sent 100 AIRPLAY to
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8fe3ec92 sent 100 WHALECOIN to
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7b050837 sent 100 AIRPLAY to
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8a8e7637 sent 100 AIRPLAY to
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042477c3 sent 25 AIRPLAY to
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1798710a sent 50 AIRPLAY to
a1003634 sent 50 AIRPLAY to
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virtual paid 10 RUDEX.WLS for 10.92 BTS
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7b0a02b9 sent 50 WHALECOIN to
719010f9 sent 100 WHALECOIN to
83762021 sent 25 WHALECOIN to
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2eeb1a49 sent 50 WHALECOIN to
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f3fccd11 sent 100 AIRPLAY to
1110ab55 sent 100 AIRPLAY to
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4b46bd52 sent 100 AIRPLAY to
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356e8e52 sent 100 AIRPLAY to
88ff03f3 sent 25 AIRPLAY to
69a73816 sent 25 AIRPLAY to
9cf55278 sent 25 AIRPLAY to