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BTSR Disclaimer. OpenLedger ApS is no longer supporting BTSR in any ways possible. The termination of support is based on technical as well as legal requirements no longer possble to fulfill.
It is therefore at your own risk now and in future to trade this asset on any other market than the suggested below, which should again also only be considered to be purely considered information and not a trading advice.
It is possible at at all times to exit to OBITS . One way is to follow link:
or go search for the market inside BitShares decentralized exchange.
Ownership of asset is changed to having no owners: null-account

Market Last Price Last Price ($) 24h Volume Volume ($)
BTSR : OPEN.USDT 0.01 OPEN.USDT $0.01316 0 BTSR $0
BTSR : OPEN.LTC 0.000421 OPEN.LTC $0.02803 0 BTSR $0
BTSR : PRIZE 1 PRIZE $0.499 0 BTSR $0
BTSR : RUBLE 11.71 RUBLE $0.1874 0 BTSR $0
BTSR : EUR 0.216 EUR $0.01843 0 BTSR $0
BTSR : BTC 0.000007 BTC $0.02625 0 BTSR $0
BTSR : OPEN.STEEM 0.1355 OPEN.STEEM $0.0512 0 BTSR $0
BTSR : VIRGROW 0.00538 VIRGROW $0.0000269 0 BTSR $0
BTSR : CNY 0.01 CNY $0.0137 0 BTSR $0
BTSR : RISKER 0.1434 RISKER $0.191 0 BTSR $0
BTSR : OPEN.BKS 0.02577 OPEN.BKS $0.427 0 BTSR $0
BTSR : USD 0.0137 USD $0.0137 0 BTSR $0
BTSR : WORTHMORE 0.0000000998 WORTHMORE $0.0000000033 0 BTSR $0
BTSR : OPEN.USD 0.19 OPEN.USD $1.095 0 BTSR $0
BTSR : OPEN.DOGE 705 OPEN.DOGE $0.1428 0 BTSR $0
BTSR : OPEN.BTC 0.000001 OPEN.BTC $0.000336 0 BTSR $0
BTSR : BGIBTS 6.25 BGIBTS $0.938 0 BTSR $0
BTSR : OPEN.ETH 0.00015 OPEN.ETH $0.001487 0 BTSR $0
BTSR : OBITS 0.2004 OBITS $0.693 0 BTSR $0
BTSR : BTS 0.131 BTS $2.383 0 BTSR $0

Place order with web wallet BTSR OPEN.ETH Price History | Market Depth

No orders to show.
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Supply593,633 BTSR
Issued by


Internal ID1.3.849
Decimal points4 (0.0001)
Market fee0.3%
Max supply3,400,000 BTSR
Charge market fee White list Override authority Transfer restricted Disable confidential
Charge market fee

Fee Pool

Accumulated596 BTSR
Pool Balance0.01852 BTS
Exchange Rate0.0444 BTSR/BTS

Amounts rounded to nearest 0.1%. Disable rounding?

Showing top 250 accounts.

# Account Balance Orders
1 24,000 -
2 18,801 -
3 17,829 -
4 17,318 -
5 16,527 -
6 9,970 5,125
7 14,779 -
8 4,376 9,906
9 13,533 -
10 13,533 -
11 13,200 -
12 13,124 -
13 12,463 -
14 11,999 -
15 11,962 -
16 11,554 -
17 11,554 -
18 11,086 -
19 10,890 -
20 10,106 44.3
21 2,528 7,255
22 9,327 -
23 8,375 -
24 - 7,894
25 7,828 -
26 - 7,583
27 7,161 -
28 7,000 -
29 - 6,990
30 0.0027 6,544
31 5,323 955
32 6,145 -
33 0.0001 6,125
34 - 6,000
35 5,883 -
36 5,759 -
37 5,412 -
38 - 5,144
39 5,107 -
40 4,985 -
41 4,939 -
42 4,879 -
43 4,519 -
44 4,518 -
45 4,466 -
46 3,524 880
47 1,400 2,203
48 3,600 -
49 3,492 -
50 3,383 -
51 3,130 -
52 3,001 -
53 2,993 -
54 - 2,915
55 2,830 -
56 2,821 -
57 2,742 -
58 2,666 -
59 2,666 -
60 2,586 -
61 2,560 -
62 2,500 -
63 2,462 -
64 2,357 -
65 2,286 -
66 2,159 -
67 - 2,132
68 2,050 -
69 2,048 -
70 2,017 -
71 0.0064 2,003
72 1,792 -
73 1,706 -
74 1,638 -
75 1,635 -
76 1,615 -
77 1,595 -
78 - 1,485
79 1,459 -
80 1,328 -
81 1,314 -
82 1,312 -
83 1,003 300
84 1,300 -
85 1,300 -
86 0.0129 1,276
87 1,249 0.0222
88 1,194 -
89 1,156 -
90 1,124 -
91 - 1,123
92 - 1,093
93 1,090 -
94 1,086 -
95 1,071 -
96 1,050 -
97 1,026 -
98 1,023 -
99 1,021 -
100 1,002 -
101 1,002 -
102 1,002 -
103 1,001 -
104 1,000 -
105 1,000 -
106 - 987
107 0.0222 966
108 951 -
109 944 -
110 889 -
111 867 -
112 855 -
113 798 -
114 705 -
115 704 -
116 698 -
117 - 693
118 300 393
119 676 -
120 669 -
121 667 -
122 650 -
123 645 -
124 643 -
125 613 -
126 610 -
127 600 -
128 586 -
129 574 -
130 567 -
131 560 -
132 550 -
133 550 -
134 550 -
135 550 -
136 550 -
137 537 -
138 524 -
139 510 -
140 505 -
141 502 -
142 501 -
143 501 -
144 500 -
145 500 -
146 - 500
147 418 -
148 407 -
149 400 -
150 399 -
151 399 -
152 398 -
153 375 -
154 316 -
155 300.6 -
156 297.3 -
157 272.7 -
158 - 262
159 252 -
160 249 -
161 241 -
162 - 235
163 231 -
164 219.3 -
165 216.6 -
166 209.5 -
167 207.8 -
168 199.4 -
169 199.4 -
170 199.4 -
171 199 -
172 192.2 -
173 188 -
174 183.4 -
175 - 177
176 174.5 -
177 165.7 -
178 156.8 -
179 149.6 -
180 149.6 -
181 149.6 -
182 144 -
183 126.7 -
184 24.63 100
185 122 -
186 121.5 -
187 121 -
188 113.2 -
189 111.7 -
190 106 -
191 100 -
192 99.7 -
193 99.7 -
194 99.7 -
195 99.7 -
196 99.7 -
197 99.7 -
198 99.7 -
199 99.7 -
200 99.7 -
201 99.7 -
202 99.7 -
203 66.1 32
204 95.5 -
205 - 89.7
206 88 -
207 86.5 -
208 83.1 -
209 82 -
210 0.78 80
211 80.5 -
212 78.4 -
213 75.2 -
214 75 -
215 73 -
216 66.7 -
217 61.8 -
218 60 -
219 60 -
220 59.2 -
221 59 -
222 58.9 -
223 55.8 -
224 54.8 -
225 - 51.8
226 50 -
227 - 49.9
228 - 49.9
229 49.9 -
230 48.6 -
231 47 -
232 44.4 -
233 42.9 -
234 - 42
235 40.5 -
236 39.9 -
237 39.9 -
238 36.9 -
239 34.9 -
240 - 33.2
241 30.83 -
242 30.2 -
243 30.1 0.0011
244 29.9 -
245 29.86 -
246 20.62 7.99
247 28.3 -
248 - 26.94
249 24 -
250 23.9 -