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FITCOIN Mobile application that syncs to user's fitness tracker and converts calories burned into digital currency called a Fitcoin; Fitcoins are redeemable for merchandise from the virtual Fitcoin boutique or through the Bitshares Currency Exchange.

Market Last Price Last Price ($) 24h Volume Volume ($)
FITCOIN : BTS 9.9 BTS $26.16 0 FITCOIN $0

Place order with web wallet FITCOIN BTS Price History | Market Depth

No market history yet.


Supply502,000,000 FITCOIN
Issued by


Internal ID1.3.2509
Decimal points2
Market fee0%
Max market fee0 FITCOIN
Max supply1,000,000,000 FITCOIN
Charge market fee White list Override authority Transfer restricted Disable confidential
Override authority Disable confidential

Fee Pool

Accumulated1,179 FITCOIN
Pool Balance291.7 BTS
Exchange Rate100 FITCOIN/BTS

Total: 0.1 BTS Buy FITCOIN

Account Price FITCOIN BTS Total
0.000012 8,323 0.0999 0.0999
0 100,000,000 0.001 0.1009


Account Price FITCOIN BTS Total
100 5 500 500

Amounts rounded to nearest 0.1%. Disable rounding?

# Account Balance Orders
1 474,723,171 250,000
2 25,000,000 -
3 1,000,000 -
4 999,999 -
5 15,005 -
6 1,000 -
7 1,000 -
8 1,000 -
9 1,000 -
10 1,000 -
11 1,000 -
12 1,000 -
13 399 -
14 176.3 -
15 159.5 -
16 134.8 -
17 121.8 -
18 109 -
19 105.5 -
20 105 -
21 104.8 -
22 104.2 -
23 103 -
24 102.8 -
25 101.2 -
26 100.3 -
27 100.2 -
28 100 -
29 100 -
30 100 -
31 100 -
32 100 -
33 100 -
34 99.4 -
35 73.8 -
36 50 -
37 48.9 -
38 46.9 -
39 45 -
40 36.3 -
41 34 -
42 32.8 -
43 30.1 -
44 28.84 -
45 26.1 -
46 25.36 -
47 23.1 -
48 18.67 -
49 16.22 -
50 16.08 -
51 15.3 -
52 14 -
53 13.8 -
54 12.04 -
55 11.98 -
56 11.68 -
57 11.6 -
58 11.1 -
59 10.56 -
60 10.47 -
61 10.38 -
62 10.1 -
63 10.03 -
64 8.06 -
65 7.57 -
66 7.55 -
67 6.8 -
68 6.64 -
69 6.56 -
70 6.4 -
71 6.37 -
72 6.21 -
73 5.95 -
74 5.8 -
75 5.72 -
76 5.39 -
77 5.33 -
78 5.26 -
79 5.26 -
80 5.26 -
81 5.25 -
82 5.25 -
83 5.21 -
84 5.17 -
85 5.16 -
86 5.16 -
87 5.13 -
88 5.11 -
89 5.1 -
90 5.07 -
91 5.02 -
92 5.01 -
93 5 -
94 5 -
95 5 -
96 5 -
97 5 -
98 5 -
99 3 -
100 2.31 -
101 1.47 -
102 1.4 -
103 1.4 -
104 1 -
105 0.73 -
106 0.69 -
107 0.68 -
108 0.46 -
109 0.33 -
110 0.18 -
111 0.18 -
112 0.18 -
113 0.17 -
114 0.17 -
115 0.17 -
116 0.15 -
117 0.1 -
118 0.08 -
119 0.07 -
120 0.05 -
121 0.04 -
122 0.02 -
123 0.02 -