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Reveur COIN a limited supply REVEUR COIN is part of the REVEUR project aiming at creating a token with a responsible monetary policy to reward social engagement using block-chain technology.
It has a limited supply of 1 million tokens, however the token will not be issued unless there is hard backing in USD dollars or other assets, it aims to serve as a gateway coin between several social block-chains and the warranty of a backed asset aims to protect it from the volatility of crypto markets.
The issuer will warranty that no matter the amount you can always exchange the token for its face value minus a fee making it an ideal asset to protect your investment.
Our engagement is to maintain a floating band using its own funds and those of his trusted investors to warranty the coin will not be manipulated and will store its value.
The max supply is a hard limit and once it is achieved the coin price can only increase with each new capital injection.
The hard coded permissions are focused in confidentiality and

Market Last Price Last Price ($) 24h Volume Volume ($)
REVEUR : BTS 920 BTS $2,431 0 REVEUR $0

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Supply999,999 REVEUR
Issued by


Internal ID1.3.5538
Decimal points5 (0.00001)
Market fee5%
Max market fee10 REVEUR
Max supply1,000,000 REVEUR
Charge market fee Transfer restricted
Charge market fee

Fee Pool

Accumulated10.15 REVEUR
Pool Balance0 BTS
Exchange Rate0.001 REVEUR/BTS

Total: 1 BTS Buy REVEUR

Account Price REVEUR BTS Total
1 1 1 1
0 100,000,000 0.001 1

Total: 0.00143 REVEUR Sell REVEUR

Account Price REVEUR BTS Total
471,204,835 0.00133 626,702 626,702
471,204,835 0.0001 47,120 673,823