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BGIBTS -This investment project. We pay monthly dividends 5%-10% (paid 2 times per month).By buying assets , you become a member of the investment:
1. Mining GRC ( BOINC research).
2. PAMM investment.
3. Crowdinvesting.
4. Reselling (VPS servers,hosting).
5. Mutual investment funds.
6.Portfolio diversification cryptocurrency.
We are constantly expanding sector investments ( diversification ) . Our assets in other networks : NXT-asset BGI , XCP-asset BGIXCP, BTS-asset BGIBTS. You can change between networks . Read our changes and news in the forums.

Market Last Price Last Price ($) 24h Volume Volume ($)
BGIBTS : OPEN.ETH 0.001 OPEN.ETH $0.00991 0 BGIBTS $0
BGIBTS : OPEN.DAO 0.1 OPEN.DAO $0.001344 0 BGIBTS $0
BGIBTS : OPEN.BTC 0.00004 OPEN.BTC $0.01344 0 BGIBTS $0
BGIBTS : BTSR 0.16 BTSR $0.00519 0 BGIBTS $0
BGIBTS : BTS 0.000008 BTS $0.0000000418 0 BGIBTS $0

Place order with web wallet BGIBTS BTS Price History | Market Depth

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Supply26,999,990 BGIBTS
Issued by


Internal ID1.3.808
Decimal points4 (0.0001)
Market fee0.1%
Max market fee2 BGIBTS
Max supply27,000,000 BGIBTS
Charge market fee White list Override authority Transfer restricted Disable confidential
Charge market fee

Fee Pool

Accumulated850 BGIBTS
Pool Balance0.05745 BTS
Exchange Rate0.333 BGIBTS/BTS

Amounts rounded to nearest 0.1%. Disable rounding?

# Account Balance Orders
1 26,325,956 668,263
2 2,241 -
3 1,000 -
4 0.0489 349
5 150 -
6 150 -
7 150 -
8 150 -
9 150 -
10 150 -
11 150 -
12 122.4 -
13 81.6 -
14 45.3 -
15 19.98 -
16 10.4 -
17 0.999 -
18 0.1 -