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Market Last Price Last Price ($) 24h Volume Volume ($)
BRIDGE.CRZ : BTS 0.0000321 BTS $0.0000848 0 BRIDGE.CRZ $0
BRIDGE.CRZ : BRIDGE.BTC 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC $0.0000001597 0 BRIDGE.CRZ $0

Place order with web wallet BRIDGE.CRZ BTS Price History | Market Depth


Supply1,052,795 BRIDGE.CRZ
Issued by


Internal ID1.3.3579
Decimal points7 (0.0000001)
Market fee0.2%
Max market fee100,000 BRIDGE.CRZ
Max supply22,000,000 BRIDGE.CRZ
Charge market fee Override authority
Charge market fee Override authority

Fee Pool

Accumulated1,133 BRIDGE.CRZ
Pool Balance487.9 BTS
Exchange Rate8,000 BRIDGE.CRZ/BTS


No orders yet.
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Account Price BRIDGE.CRZ BTS Total
10,000,000 1 10,000,000 10,000,000

Amounts rounded to nearest 0.1%. Disable rounding?

Showing top 250 accounts.

# Account Balance Orders
1 219,560 -
2 109,780 -
3 70,051 2,000
4 67,328 -
5 0.1652 53,816
6 39,803 -
7 33,351 -
8 - 29,938
9 29,493 -
10 27,258 -
11 21,085 1,724
12 - 21,543
13 9,112 11,905
14 9,454 10,000
15 18,639 -
16 15,036 -
17 13,434 -
18 12,000 -
19 10,709 -
20 10,347 -
21 9,999 -
22 0.0663 9,980
23 - 9,778
24 0.659 8,402
25 8,003 -
26 - 7,734
27 7,142 -
28 - 6,511
29 6,003 -
30 5,089 -
31 - 5,075
32 5,008 -
33 4,578 -
34 4,305 -
35 4,221 -
36 3,753 -
37 3,619 -
38 3,496 -
39 3,417 -
40 3,397 -
41 3,143 -
42 1,574 1,420
43 2,965 -
44 2,589 -
45 2,575 -
46 2,500 -
47 2,491 -
48 2,485 -
49 2,254 -
50 2,235 -
51 2,185 -
52 - 2,087
53 2,065 -
54 2,018 -
55 2,016 -
56 370 1,641
57 2,006 -
58 2,002 -
59 2,000 -
60 1,996 -
61 1,966 -
62 1,957 -
63 - 1,795
64 1,761 -
65 1,698 -
66 1,311 -
67 - 1,294
68 1,264 -
69 1,262 -
70 1,250 -
71 1,109 -
72 1,107 -
73 1,069 -
74 960 -
75 9.3 930
76 927 -
77 872 -
78 872 -
79 850 -
80 813 -
81 707 -
82 659 -
83 - 639
84 561 -
85 500 -
86 - 500
87 468 -
88 450 -
89 217 198.7
90 391 -
91 361 -
92 345 -
93 338 -
94 329 -
95 327 -
96 - 297.7
97 277 -
98 271 -
99 266 -
100 223.5 -
101 215.7 -
102 215 -
103 198.3 -
104 197 -
105 189.7 -
106 - 189.7
107 179 -
108 175.2 -
109 165 -
110 161.6 -
111 - 159.7
112 157 -
113 155.7 -
114 155.2 -
115 - 136
116 128 -
117 118.8 -
118 114.3 -
119 - 110.4
120 105.5 -
121 104 -
122 102.2 -
123 99.5 -
124 75.4 -
125 42.3 30
126 72 -
127 65.9 -
128 53 -
129 1.262 51.4
130 51 -
131 50.7 -
132 48 -
133 46.8 -
134 44.8 -
135 43 -
136 40.7 -
137 40.3 -
138 40.2 -
139 40.1 -
140 40 -
141 36.2 -
142 36 -
143 34.4 -
144 27.9 -
145 23.57 -
146 20.4 -
147 17.13 -
148 16.97 -
149 15.96 -
150 15.95 -
151 13.4 -
152 11.6 -
153 10.9 -
154 10.75 -
155 8.72 -
156 8.58 -
157 - 8.15
158 8.09 -
159 8 -
160 7.12 -
161 6.93 -
162 6.84 -
163 6.3 -
164 5.95 -
165 5.62 -
166 5.62 -
167 5.2 -
168 5.19 -
169 4.98 -
170 4.25 -
171 4.06 -
172 3.98 -
173 3.97 -
174 3.76 -
175 3.45 -
176 3.44 -
177 3.22 -
178 2.95 -
179 2.88 -
180 2.8 -
181 2.8 -
182 2.8 -
183 2.79 -
184 2.79 -
185 2.746 -
186 2.745 -
187 2.735 -
188 2.09 -
189 2 -
190 1.836 -
191 1.682 -
192 1.448 -
193 1.435 -
194 1.35 -
195 1.297 -
196 1.276 -
197 1.224 -
198 1.202 -
199 1.043 -
200 1 -
201 1 -
202 0.992 -
203 0.99 -
204 0.99 -
205 0.988 -
206 0.979 -
207 0.968 -
208 0.957 -
209 0.942 -
210 0.93 -
211 0.929 -
212 0.901 -
213 0.0462 0.83
214 0.871 -
215 0.865 -
216 0.859 -
217 0.856 -
218 0.853 -
219 0.853 -
220 0.845 -
221 0.844 -
222 0.826 -
223 0.825 -
224 0.825 -
225 0.796 -
226 0.79 -
227 0.714 -
228 0.711 -
229 0.698 -
230 0.681 -
231 0.597 -
232 0.589 -
233 0.582 -
234 0.579 -
235 0.564 -
236 0.56 -
237 0.528 -
238 0.508 -
239 0.499 -
240 0.497 -
241 0.48 -
242 0.468 -
243 0.465 -
244 0.445 -
245 0.417 -
246 0.384 -
247 0.384 -
248 0.383 -
249 0.382 -
250 0.344 -