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Disclaimer: OL DEX is no longer supporting the OPEN asset in any ways possible, whether gateways, nodes, support or anything else as per announcement on April 25, 2020, named "OL DEX is closing all activities". Closing is based on technical challenges, economy, and an increasingly strict legal environment. It is therefore at your own risk now and in the future to trade on any OPEN asset related markets.
Ownership of asset is changed to having no owners: null-account

Market Last Price Last Price ($) 24h Volume Volume ($)
OPEN.MASP : BTS 0.5 BTS $1.32 0 OPEN.MASP $0
OPEN.MASP : OPEN.ETH 0.000001 OPEN.ETH $0.0001013 0 OPEN.MASP $0
OPEN.MASP : OPEN.BTC 0.000000109 OPEN.BTC $0.00208 0 OPEN.MASP $0

Place order with web wallet OPEN.MASP BTS Price History | Market Depth

No orders to show.
Place order with web wallet


Supply145,832 OPEN.MASP
Issued by


Internal ID1.3.4204
Decimal points4 (0.0001)
Market fee0.2%
Max supply100,000,000,000 OPEN.MASP
Charge market fee White list Override authority Transfer restricted Disable confidential
Override authority

Fee Pool

Accumulated139.5 OPEN.MASP
Pool Balance0.11466 BTS
Exchange Rate1 OPEN.MASP/BTS

Amounts rounded to nearest 0.1%. Disable rounding?

# Account Balance Orders
1 12,016 -
2 - 9,934
3 8,303 -
4 0.763 6,615
5 - 5,714
6 - 5,300
7 - 4,261
8 6 4,220
9 4,130 -
10 0.988 3,049
11 2.81 2,240
12 2,180 -
13 - 2,172
14 - 2,001
15 2,000 -
16 - 1,964
17 1,688 -
18 1,485 -
19 1,485 -
20 1,436 -
21 383 1,000
22 1,365 -
23 1,329 -
24 1,323 -
25 226 1,061
26 1,247 -
27 1,246 -
28 1,246 -
29 1,243 -
30 1,223 -
31 1,155 -
32 1,128 -
33 - 1,111
34 1,109 -
35 1,087 -
36 1,074 -
37 - 1,051
38 1,029 -
39 1,028 -
40 1,021 -
41 1,009 -
42 996 -
43 970 -
44 966 -
45 141.2 800
46 928 -
47 0.69 922
48 922 -
49 921 -
50 914 -
51 906 -
52 - 900
53 898 -
54 895 -
55 893 -
56 886 -
57 878 -
58 381 453
59 825 -
60 96 700
61 774 -
62 772 -
63 766 -
64 759 -
65 679 -
66 670 -
67 665 -
68 664 -
69 96.9 560
70 647 -
71 634 -
72 54.7 570
73 624 -
74 624 -
75 621 -
76 619 -
77 - 611
78 572 -
79 546 -
80 0.538 542
81 531 -
82 499 -
83 0.2655 496
84 147.7 300
85 420 -
86 0.994 419
87 418 -
88 396 -
89 375 -
90 284 -
91 273.5 -
92 236 -
93 - 210
94 - 200
95 184.4 -
96 178 -
97 122 -
98 0.994 119
99 52.1 55
100 106.9 -
101 0.994 104
102 99.5 -
103 93.6 -
104 88 -
105 86.4 -
106 85.5 -
107 0.994 84
108 82.8 -
109 81.5 -
110 0.994 79
111 0.994 79
112 0.994 79
113 77 -
114 70 -
115 70 -
116 70 -
117 0.994 69
118 0.994 69
119 0.994 69
120 0.994 69
121 0.994 69
122 0.994 69
123 0.994 69
124 0.994 69
125 70 0.0008
126 0.994 69
127 - 70
128 1.89 68
129 66.3 -
130 60.5 -
131 0.994 59
132 0.994 59
133 20 -
134 11.77 -
135 10 -
136 9.55 -
137 9.51 -
138 5.43 -
139 4.89 -
140 - 3.52
141 2.62 -
142 1.94 -
143 0.382 1
144 0.994 -
145 0.888 -
146 0.887 -
147 0.501 -
148 0.385 -
149 0.332 -
150 0.1098 -
151 0.0387 -
152 0.0298 -
153 0.0192 -
154 0.0064 -
155 0.0049 -
156 0.0039 -
157 0.001 -
158 0.0003 -
159 0.0002 -