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UMATS Prediction Market

Spread University of ________ against the spread. SARS-CoV-2 and the disease it causes known as COVID-19 has provoked a drastic respone from the public and private sectors. In order to make sound decisions, policy makers need to analyze high quality data sources. This is one potential source. An open and public "prediction market" that expresses critical information about collective intelligence regarding specific complex events.

Market Last Price Last Price ($) 24h Volume Volume ($)
UMATS : BTC 0.00000553 BTC $0.01214 0 UMATS $0
UMATS : GDEX.BTC 0.00000171 GDEX.BTC $0.47 0 UMATS $0
UMATS : BTS 0.41 BTS $1.083 0 UMATS $0

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Supply295.4 UMATS
Issued by
Feed Price--


Internal ID1.3.2292
Decimal points5 (0.00001)
Market fee0.95%
Max market fee0 UMATS
Max supply100,000 UMATS
Charge market fee White list Override authority Transfer restricted Disable force settle Global settle Disable confidential Witness fed asset Committee fed asset
Charge market fee Override authority Committee fed asset

Fee Pool

Accumulated0.0118 UMATS
Pool Balance0 BTS
Exchange Rate1 UMATS/BTS

SmartCoin Settings

Maintenance collateral ratio1750
Maximum short squeeze ratio1500
Feed lifetime24h
Minimum feeds1
Force settlement delay0s
Force settlement offset1%
Max force settle vol100%
Short backing assetBTS
Settlement fund295.4 BTS
Settlement price1 BTS/UMATS
Account Date Price CER MCR SQP
Current feed
-- -- 1750 1500

Amounts rounded to nearest 0.1%. Disable rounding?

# Account Balance Orders
1 965 -
2 95 -
3 84.7 -
4 30 -
5 13.66 -
6 10 -
7 5.13 -
8 4 -
9 2.44 -
10 0.1653 -
11 0.1615 -
12 0.1427 -
13 0.0345 -
14 0.00837 -
15 0.00252 -
16 0.00123 -