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Xsilver - silver backed mining Xsilver is an asset that was issued on BURST blockchain by crowetic. This asset is a physically backed asset, which is backed by physical silver. The asset has a trade-in value towards ownership in that physical silver. Not only that, the asset is also a mining asset which pays dividends monthly, and uses 50% of the mining power to purchase more physical silver to expand the vault. This asset will continue to grow and modify itself as necessary in order to stay profitable. This is a private asset which requires holders to be whitelisted in order to hold shares. This asset also requires approval by crowetic and an existing holder in order to add new holders. Thank you! http://xsilver.crowetic.com is an information site for this asset. Thank you.

Market Last Price Last Price ($) 24h Volume Volume ($)
XSILVER : BTS 0.25 BTS $0.0987 0 XSILVER $0

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Supply677,219 XSILVER
Issued by


Internal ID1.3.1883
Decimal points2
Market fee1%
Max market fee5 XSILVER
Max supply1,000,000 XSILVER
Charge market fee White list Override authority Transfer restricted Disable confidential
Charge market fee Override authority Disable confidential

Fee Pool

Accumulated30.95 XSILVER
Pool Balance2.42 BTS
Exchange Rate0.16 XSILVER/BTS

Total: 0 BTS Buy XSILVER

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Total: 30,000 XSILVER Sell XSILVER

Account Price XSILVER BTS Total
2.75 5,000 13,750 13,750
3.95 10,000 39,500 53,250
4.95 5,000 24,750 78,000
5.85 10,000 58,500 136,500

Amounts rounded to nearest 0.1%. Disable rounding?

# Account Balance Orders
1 121,618 -
2 108,333 2,082
3 50,000 33,565
4 59,801 4,800
5 52,367 -
6 37,859 -
7 35,000 -
8 27,000 -
9 24,584 -
10 20,167 -
11 15,000 -
12 14,494 -
13 9,000 -
14 9,000 -
15 7,407 -
16 5,903 -
17 5,000 -
18 4,137 -
19 4,000 -
20 3,816 -
21 3,352 -
22 3,302 -
23 3,000 -
24 2,119 -
25 1,600 -
26 1,600 -
27 1,600 -
28 1,100 -
29 1,000 -
30 800 -
31 692 -
32 500 -
33 500 -
34 500 -
35 367 -
36 125.4 -
37 41.3 -
38 33 -
39 27.54 -