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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight2.37 BTS
Lifetime fees paid7.86 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 2.37
BADCOIN 10,000
aef64a41 issue 10,000 FREECOIN to
abc1659a issue 10,000 FREECOIN to
b071115d sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
80f4b422 sent 162,730 BTS to
ab5746e8 wants 5,298 BTS for 96.1 PPY
virtual paid 2.45 PPY for 145.5 BTS
virtual paid 0.691 PPY for 39.9 BTS
virtual paid 93 PPY for 5,125 BTS
561877d9 cancel order
279bd5a1 paid 2.207 PPY for 132.4 BTS
86e60a48 paid 2.425 PPY for 145.5 BTS
d50f192d paid 22 PPY for 1,320 BTS
29cabc97 paid 2.214 PPY for 132.9 BTS
97150603 paid 2.426 PPY for 145.5 BTS
6da3cd08 paid 0.249 PPY for 14.95 BTS
cb4fd470 paid 18.06 PPY for 1,084 BTS
216cbe88 paid 0.346 PPY for 20.75 BTS
7e2d1310 paid 3.99 PPY for 239.6 BTS
a2a95ed6 paid 0.00761 PPY for 0.457 BTS
1d9e20f7 paid 0.0298 PPY for 1.787 BTS
472327a2 paid 0.0596 PPY for 3.57 BTS
8083edb2 paid 0.02417 PPY for 1.45 BTS
c4000f15 paid 0.01195 PPY for 0.717 BTS
b7826c24 paid 0.00522 PPY for 0.3136 BTS
3d4d7d42 wants 155,959 BTS for 2,599 PPY
virtual paid 0.3 PPY for 22.3 BTS
virtual paid 0.395 PPY for 29.1 BTS
virtual paid 19.07 PPY for 1,361 BTS
virtual paid 103 PPY for 7,325 BTS
virtual paid 501 PPY for 35,597 BTS
virtual paid 2 PPY for 140 BTS
virtual paid 2.085 PPY for 146 BTS
virtual paid 3 PPY for 207 BTS
virtual paid 0.35 PPY for 24.17 BTS
virtual paid 27.24 PPY for 1,853 BTS
virtual paid 0.1924 PPY for 13.06 BTS
virtual paid 3 PPY for 201 BTS
virtual paid 1 PPY for 65 BTS
virtual paid 3 PPY for 188.4 BTS
virtual paid 16.54 PPY for 1,000 BTS
virtual paid 2 PPY for 120.6 BTS
virtual paid 5 PPY for 301.5 BTS
virtual paid 400 PPY for 24,000 BTS
virtual paid 1,325 PPY for 79,471 BTS
5815e9b6 paid 9.23 PPY for 554 BTS
a654fea2 paid 19.32 PPY for 1,159 BTS
025bfab2 paid 2.285 PPY for 137 BTS
0fa19c19 paid 1.98 PPY for 118.7 BTS
484d62b8 paid 0.571 PPY for 34.3 BTS
fe66a6d7 paid 1.154 PPY for 69.2 BTS
185cd72e paid 0.151 PPY for 9.06 BTS
980a62b8 paid 0.273 PPY for 16.4 BTS
cf87115a paid 0.0359 PPY for 2.15 BTS
1533c763 paid 0.01667 PPY for 1 BTS
077da1bb cancel order
a7c2b2ca sent 64,270 BTS to
9cb29d14 wants 2,704 BTS for 49.2 PPY
virtual paid 1 PPY for 64 BTS
virtual paid 8.87 PPY for 567 BTS
virtual paid 39.3 PPY for 2,161 BTS
f1848975 wants 14,182 BTS for 105 PPY
virtual paid 5.81 PPY for 970 BTS
virtual paid 3.12 PPY for 515 BTS
virtual paid 4 PPY for 655 BTS
virtual paid 3 PPY for 489 BTS
virtual paid 2 PPY for 324 BTS
virtual paid 0.13 PPY for 20.8 BTS
virtual paid 87 PPY for 11,745 BTS
713831be wants 5,730 BTS for 34.1 PPY
virtual paid 1.5 PPY for 261 BTS
virtual paid 1.2 PPY for 208 BTS
virtual paid 1 PPY for 172.8 BTS
virtual paid 1 PPY for 172 BTS
virtual paid 1 PPY for 171.6 BTS
virtual paid 1 PPY for 171 BTS
virtual paid 1 PPY for 170.5 BTS
virtual paid 1 PPY for 170 BTS
virtual paid 1 PPY for 169.6 BTS
virtual paid 1 PPY for 169.2 BTS
virtual paid 1 PPY for 169 BTS
virtual paid 7.4 PPY for 1,244 BTS
virtual paid 15 PPY for 2,520 BTS
41530e75 wants 39,758 BTS for 228 PPY
virtual paid 97.7 PPY for 18,076 BTS
virtual paid 1 PPY for 184 BTS
virtual paid 10 PPY for 1,840 BTS
virtual paid 1 PPY for 183 BTS
virtual paid 10 PPY for 1,830 BTS
virtual paid 1 PPY for 180 BTS
virtual paid 1.1 PPY for 193 BTS
virtual paid 1.1 PPY for 192 BTS
virtual paid 105 PPY for 18,317 BTS
8babafde wants 4.03 OPEN.BTC for 1,300 PPY
dd73522a cancel order
af453348 cancel order
9effd155 wants 70,078 BTS for 1,300 PPY
e6eaaf94 wants 2 OPEN.BTC for 1,300 PPY
f3c3a947 wants 244.4 PPY for 8,745 BTS
virtual paid 8,745 BTS for 244.4 PPY
1e4fc986 wants 1,920 PPY for 68,703 BTS
virtual paid 751 BTS for 21.04 PPY
virtual paid 67,952 BTS for 1,899 PPY
virtual cancel order
a608edd1 wants 429 PPY for 15,320 BTS
virtual paid 15,320 BTS for 429 PPY
1aa5054f wants 391 PPY for 17,959 BTS
virtual paid 17,959 BTS for 391 PPY
00113170 paid 0.00000001 OPEN.BTC for 0.00034 BTS
614c9e81 wants 21.38 BTS for 0.000619 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.000619 OPEN.BTC for 21.38 BTS
1c74e65a wants 30.6 PPY for 1,404 BTS
virtual paid 15.66 BTS for 0.35 PPY
virtual paid 1,388 BTS for 30.25 PPY
faf5cdf4 cancel order
b7919450 cancel order
3c2ed731 cancel order
1c975031 wants 29.23 PPY for 1,190 BTS
a658cb1d wants 2.285 PPY for 93 BTS
03beabdd wants 2.994 PPY for 121.2 BTS
389e9f54 cancel order
93e0a010 wants 19,379 BTS for 8 OPEN.ETH
virtual paid 0.58 OPEN.ETH for 1,404 BTS
3e2228d5 cancel order
21e08e41 cancel order
207a0b3a wants 999,971 BTS for 50 PEERPLAYS
306973ea wants 559,250 BTS for 50 PEERPLAYS
905be94e paid 0.00001 PEERPLAYS for 0.046 BTS
cd07b814 paid 144.8 BTS for 0.000722 OPEN.BTC
f5974b79 paid 129 BTS for 0.000643 OPEN.BTC
c36b7643 wants 0.43 OPEN.BTC for 86,142 BTS
virtual paid 5,188 BTS for 0.0261 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 15,924 BTS for 0.08 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 23,712 BTS for 0.119 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 11,285 BTS for 0.0565 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 29,675 BTS for 0.148 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 84.5 BTS for 0.000421 OPEN.BTC
b7fe6e87 cancel order
230b4316 wants 0.447 OPEN.BTC for 88,893 BTS
virtual paid 2,751 BTS for 0.01383 OPEN.BTC
2c637156 cancel order
97e597f6 wants 0.459 OPEN.BTC for 91,346 BTS
virtual paid 2,454 BTS for 0.01234 OPEN.BTC
f7e5afd0 cancel order
eb3e1b0f paid 7,951 BTS for 0.04 OPEN.BTC
1043d5e0 paid 66.7 BTS for 0.000336 OPEN.BTC
27a5cf76 paid 7,225 BTS for 0.0363 OPEN.BTC
fbb44205 paid 4,441 BTS for 0.02234 OPEN.BTC
95d64ff6 paid 4,441 BTS for 0.02234 OPEN.BTC
ed559747 paid 50,830 BTS for 0.2557 OPEN.BTC
50fb5c58 paid 4,441 BTS for 0.02234 OPEN.BTC
ffd0aa0b paid 60,644 BTS for 0.305 OPEN.BTC
490f82ca paid 10,238 BTS for 0.0515 OPEN.BTC
baae38d2 paid 50,730 BTS for 0.255 OPEN.BTC
3d49b65a paid 11,231 BTS for 0.0565 OPEN.BTC
9bc26c94 paid 4,441 BTS for 0.02234 OPEN.BTC
f0d44448 paid 11,859 BTS for 0.0597 OPEN.BTC
cada186e wants 1.62 OPEN.BTC for 322,089 BTS
virtual paid 2,203 BTS for 0.01108 OPEN.BTC
491332fa paid 70 PEERPLAYS for 321,990 BTS
f8117e2d wants 322,090 BTS for 70 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 0.02173 PEERPLAYS for 100 BTS
47c9437f paid 24,207 BTS for 0.2274 OPEN.BTC
virtual cancel order
7be3bc5d paid 5,000 BTS for 0.047 OPEN.BTC
a30b8c64 paid 2,214 BTS for 0.0208 OPEN.BTC
af08b627 paid 2,200 BTS for 0.02066 OPEN.BTC
f1fabed9 paid 2,603 BTS for 0.02445 OPEN.BTC
6d51cf3a paid 1,046 BTS for 0.00983 OPEN.BTC
29f602ce paid 2,167 BTS for 0.02036 OPEN.BTC
ea9713dd paid 733 BTS for 0.00688 OPEN.BTC
09990129 paid 2,175 BTS for 0.02043 OPEN.BTC
1dbd2455 paid 1,837 BTS for 0.01726 OPEN.BTC
ccdabc7f paid 419 BTS for 0.00393 OPEN.BTC
b6db1526 paid 1,062 BTS for 0.00998 OPEN.BTC
8649d1c7 paid 2,183 BTS for 0.0205 OPEN.BTC
1c4a759a paid 2,191 BTS for 0.0206 OPEN.BTC
2753f55e paid 1,955 BTS for 0.01836 OPEN.BTC
2b78f896 paid 265 BTS for 0.00249 OPEN.BTC
17f04384 wants 1.005 OPEN.BTC for 107,000 BTS
virtual paid 54,742 BTS for 0.514 OPEN.BTC
292b7280 wants 107,000 BTS for 40 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 40 PEERPLAYS for 107,000 BTS
177e3550 cancel order
98e370d4 wants 122,400 BTS for 40 PEERPLAYS