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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid513 BTS
d6b98631 sent 260,221 BTS to
afb91335 paid 0.000004 METAFEES for 0.0078 BTS
88d7549d paid 132.2 METAFEES for 257,817 BTS
26c746ef paid 0.736 METAFEES for 1,435 BTS
da2e288c paid 0.513 METAFEES for 1,000 BTS
706489c1 wants 260,251 BTS for 133.5 METAFEES
65b414b5 cancel order
1a3f0350 sent 66,506 BTS to
99de1174 wants 253,448 BTS for 133.5 METAFEES
f88b7c52 wants 66,538 BTS for 38 METAFEES
virtual paid 38 METAFEES for 66,538 BTS
ef8a2ac7 cancel order
17a61f77 sent 66,338 BTS to
d84a66e3 wants 325,629 BTS for 171.5 METAFEES
125f6720 wants 18,250 BTS for 10 METAFEES
virtual paid 10 METAFEES for 18,250 BTS
93730b22 cancel order
32ea020b paid 25.34 METAFEES for 48,120 BTS
7fab0859 wants 392,755 BTS for 207 METAFEES
8d907159 cancel order
104ca4f0 wants 403,310 BTS for 207 METAFEES
a9ddaf39 cancel order
dfc07771 wants 390,702 BTS for 207 METAFEES
2a7a3d3f sent 18,218 BTS to
cf2f7da4 wants 18,250 BTS for 10 METAFEES
virtual paid 10 METAFEES for 18,250 BTS
0130dfdd cancel order
fe512c6f sent 18,468 BTS to
6a620875 wants 411,775 BTS for 217 METAFEES
d2c3aa8b wants 18,500 BTS for 10 METAFEES
virtual paid 10 METAFEES for 18,500 BTS
f31dfe5c cancel order
c2f8a0f3 wants 430,780 BTS for 227 METAFEES
badc4855 cancel order
e6a84f70 wants 431,015 BTS for 227 METAFEES
9e833d82 cancel order
87f777af wants 431,022 BTS for 227 METAFEES
9d318beb sent 387 METAFEES to
1548a119 cancel order
2c4997dc wants 771,700 BTS for 387 METAFEES
d2868525 cancel order
630af0cb sent 26,553 BTS to
16314f66 wants 771,709 BTS for 387 METAFEES
f53873bd wants 7,575 BTS for 3.99 METAFEES
virtual paid 3.99 METAFEES for 7,575 BTS
e46ae7fa wants 19,010 BTS for 10 METAFEES
virtual paid 10 METAFEES for 19,010 BTS
5028a6fb cancel order
7d577cf5 sent 9,392 BTS to
ca0790d4 paid 2 METAFEES for 3,998 BTS
f21564cb wants 805,626 BTS for 403 METAFEES
8cb5541c cancel order
fc7bbd72 wants 890,671 BTS for 403 METAFEES
9de1cb05 cancel order
c20af5cd paid 2.208 METAFEES for 5,000 BTS
8e172f28 wants 917,846 BTS for 405 METAFEES
b2f8a8b6 cancel order
2bc850a3 wants 919,881 BTS for 405 METAFEES
556262c6 cancel order
00cc3a86 wants 903,681 BTS for 405 METAFEES
de7a914d cancel order
a2381ec1 paid 0.1863 METAFEES for 425 BTS
3e463744 wants 923,971 BTS for 405 METAFEES
ea2c2040 cancel order
b87cf5fb wants 914,250 BTS for 405 METAFEES
16666851 cancel order
27dd9f4e wants 923,583 BTS for 405 METAFEES