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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid9.41 BTS
Registrar-30% -
Referrer110% -
bea4a843 sent 11.45 BTS to
9e78b505 sent 112,283 PENHH to
a4dfc790 sent 0.5 CNY to
8c41a896 sent 3 BTS to
c9e2e98a sent 273 CNY to
73450604 sent 20,000 CNY to
b162a8b1 sent 40,000 CNY to
02fb7c6d sent 50,000 CNY to
626255fc sent 50,000 CNY to
228144f7 cancel order
a2910d43 sent 3 BTS to
3f83a2cc wants 0.0377 GDEX.BTC for 2,568 CNY
d643059a cancel order
3fe400bb wants 0.151 GDEX.BTC for 10,274 CNY
fcf4df98 sent 957 ADW to
67eb513a cancel order
7a21db1b wants 433 CNY for 33,341 PENHH
virtual paid 21,080 PENHH for 274 CNY
12e40878 cancel order
045a41c3 wants 2,000 CNY for 125,000 PENHH
4d5d6121 cancel order
8a5079ee wants 2,000 CNY for 121,212 PENHH
e3f75d90 cancel order
89020e40 wants 2,000 CNY for 117,647 PENHH
1ce348ed sent 32,800 CNY to
448d73f0 sent 32,000 CNY to
68e804cb paid 8,727 CNY for 33,628 PENHH
7752c8bb paid 25,885 CNY for 99,748 PENHH
1b660c27 wants 133,376 PENHH for 34,611 CNY
e55dd0e9 wants 34,646 CNY for 133,716 PENHH
virtual paid 131,871 PENHH for 34,168 CNY
virtual paid 1,845 PENHH for 478 CNY
41651ccf paid 33,004 CNY for 133,726 PENHH
13e19258 wants 133,726 PENHH for 33,004 CNY