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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid10.11 BTS
Registrar50% -
Referrer30% -


Asset Balance
BTC 0.00000049
CHF 0.0043
CFSGOLD 0.000001
DEEX 0.1
XBTSX.STH 0.0787
7d561bca sent 0.0787 XBTSX.STH to
925e52eb sent 0.1 DEEX to
26609f6e sent 6,001 BTS to
d166778c sent 219 PPY to
c31f3f69 cancel order
e560a14f sent 0.3 BTS to
3198e669 wants 465 PPY for 6,001 BTS
f15069e9 wants 8.2 PPY for 130.9 BTS
virtual paid 0.00015 BTS for 0.00001 PPY
virtual paid 130.9 BTS for 8.2 PPY
3d92be19 wants 116.2 PPY for 1,812 BTS
virtual paid 1,812 BTS for 116.2 PPY
c17c87ca wants 39.9 PPY for 617 BTS
virtual paid 51.7 BTS for 3.45 PPY
virtual paid 565 BTS for 36.6 PPY
48818bd7 cancel order
ed548ae9 wants 41.9 PPY for 623 BTS
virtual paid 1.35 BTS for 0.0918 PPY
virtual paid 58 BTS for 3.9 PPY
68bf3325 wants 42 PPY for 617 BTS
virtual paid 1.35 BTS for 0.093 PPY
virtual paid 52.2 BTS for 3.6 PPY
virtual paid 564 BTS for 38.3 PPY
f0962f20 wants 8.46 PPY for 117.2 BTS
virtual paid 13.85 BTS for 1 PPY
virtual paid 103.3 BTS for 7.46 PPY
7a584a62 cancel order
09d43060 wants 1,039 OPEN.PPY for 9,353 BTS
6786c25e cancel order
949dfe48 wants 926 PPY for 9,350 BTS
aff3e423 sent 24.5 PPY to
afc3a5c2 wants 24.5 PPY for 377 BTS
virtual paid 377 BTS for 24.5 PPY
443d9c6b sent 87,543 BTS to
978dc298 sent 10 BTS to
d785fc1c claimed 37,257 BTS, 42,375 BTS, 8,258 BTS, 9,393 BTS
8192e7d9 sent 463 BTS to
f9c4b935 wants 14.32 BTS for 0.000042 GOLD
virtual paid 0.000042 GOLD for 14.32 BTS
11c89d0a wants 262.3 BTS for 1.025 USD
virtual paid 1.025 USD for 262.3 BTS
9c75f44f wants 129.7 BTS for 0.5 USD
virtual paid 0.5 USD for 129.7 BTS
b09cefe4 wants 60 BTS for 0.0001913 BTC
virtual paid 0.0000951 BTC for 30 BTS
virtual paid 0.0000962 BTC for 30.2 BTS
c3dbab73 sent 8,333 BROWNIE.PTS to
543235ec sent 32,304 BTS to
a8fc102e claimed 2,000 BTS, 333 BROWNIE.PTS, 9 DELETIP, 8,000 BROWNIE.PTS, 0.1 USD, 0.7 BTS, 0.394 BTS, 0.0027 CHF, 0.659 BTS, 0.0016 CHF, 90,000 MICHIGAN, 0.562 USD, 0.091 BTS, 0.0001923 BTC, 0.000001 CFSGOLD, 0.874 USD, 513 BTS, 967 BTS, 122.6 BTS, 20,203 BTS, 0.00001 BTS, 99 CFSCOIN, 0.000042 GOLD, 0.0001 USD, 0.0022 USD, 8,501 BTS