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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.00052 BTS
Lifetime fees paid2.74 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.00052 0
BRIDGE.BTC 0.00464 0
DEEX 0.1 0
LIQPAY 0.006 0
LAMBO 10 0
BRIDGE.HASH 0.00246 0
BRIDGE.PGN 598 18,587
BRIDGE.MANO 0.0649 0
BRIDGE.PAXEX 200 199.7
BRIDGE.SMK 0.0000153 0
BRIDGE.BIR 0.000127 0
BRIDGE.AGDN 13.92 13.92
BRIDGE.ADD 0.0000036 0
BRIDGE.CRCO 0.1202 0
22cc60f2 paid 18,587 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.00465 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
9ca9cc45 sent 0.0202 BRIDGE.CRCO to
d3976771 sent 0.1 BRIDGE.CRCO to
a8e79267 paid 0.00000348 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.815 BRIDGE.RVN
e6964ffb paid 0.00244 BRIDGE.BTC for 571 BRIDGE.RVN
fa136922 wants 572 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.00244 BRIDGE.BTC
91cabd42 cancel order
64c3f35a wants 0.687 BRIDGE.GASH for 0.00244 BRIDGE.BTC
d5a1fc13 cancel order
96ecd1e2 wants 0.688 BRIDGE.GASH for 0.00244 BRIDGE.BTC
fbef9fcc wants 0.002447 BRIDGE.BTC for 7.5 BRIDGE.ADD
virtual paid 5 BRIDGE.ADD for 0.00163 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 2.505 BRIDGE.ADD for 0.000817 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
6281879e cancel order
c34442bf wants 0.00274 BRIDGE.BTC for 7.5 BRIDGE.ADD
fc53e04b paid 0.00254 BRIDGE.BTC for 7.52 BRIDGE.ADD
b7fe989b wants 7.52 BRIDGE.ADD for 0.00254 BRIDGE.BTC
c9b47eed cancel order
40e8020d wants 39.1 BRIDGE.CUX for 0.00254 BRIDGE.BTC
462a462f cancel order
e9b7672f wants 7.77 BRIDGE.ADD for 0.00254 BRIDGE.BTC
79326046 cancel order
254e3f3d wants 7.72 BRIDGE.ADD for 0.00254 BRIDGE.BTC
ce6ed0e4 cancel order
1e691c74 wants 35.6 BRIDGE.BIH for 0.00254 BRIDGE.BTC
8f9a8eb1 cancel order
e65c080e wants 7.57 BRIDGE.ADD for 0.00254 BRIDGE.BTC
abb5404d cancel order
55b8fbf9 wants 7.8 BRIDGE.ADD for 0.00254 BRIDGE.BTC
d643197b cancel order
fc78f95a wants 41.3 BRIDGE.CUX for 0.00254 BRIDGE.BTC
cd00098e cancel order
df180a8c wants 3.77 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.00254 BRIDGE.BTC
af5d3941 cancel order
f00146bc wants 3.82 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.00254 BRIDGE.BTC
979d5b04 cancel order
9392b478 wants 3.85 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.00254 BRIDGE.BTC
4291b5de paid 3.67 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.002547 BRIDGE.BTC
62fb234e wants 0.002547 BRIDGE.BTC for 3.67 BRIDGE.SINS
0dd57174 paid 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0000151 BRIDGE.SINS
0bbfd2cc paid 0.002432 BRIDGE.BTC for 3.68 BRIDGE.SINS
4dfc0060 wants 3.68 BRIDGE.SINS for 0.002433 BRIDGE.BTC
b1c53eb2 paid 456 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.00244 BRIDGE.BTC
28703c31 wants 0.00371 BRIDGE.BTC for 13.92 BRIDGE.AGDN
3b86879a cancel order
20826966 wants 0.000899 BRIDGE.BTC for 199.7 BRIDGE.PAXEX
88b9469b wants 0.00403 BRIDGE.BTC for 13.92 BRIDGE.AGDN
b12142c5 paid 0.00234 BRIDGE.BTC for 8.96 BRIDGE.AGDN
b818faff paid 0.001302 BRIDGE.BTC for 4.99 BRIDGE.AGDN
059ddb99 wants 13.95 BRIDGE.AGDN for 0.00364 BRIDGE.BTC
304bdcbe cancel order
195e96ab wants 13.95 BRIDGE.AGDN for 0.00364 BRIDGE.BTC
87cde714 cancel order
776166c4 wants 14.56 BRIDGE.AGDN for 0.00364 BRIDGE.BTC
9e0c6578 cancel order
a2728665 wants 14.56 BRIDGE.AGDN for 0.00364 BRIDGE.BTC
a8fa5bbb cancel order
bff35b3e wants 15.27 BRIDGE.AGDN for 0.00364 BRIDGE.BTC
809918a6 paid 12.55 BRIDGE.PDX for 0.00365 BRIDGE.BTC
f1467eca wants 0.00365 BRIDGE.BTC for 12.55 BRIDGE.PDX
7609b565 cancel order
813b5530 wants 0.002886 BRIDGE.BTC for 12.55 BRIDGE.PDX
4896aa02 cancel order
ab2fbe2c wants 0.00376 BRIDGE.BTC for 12.55 BRIDGE.PDX
c34b1233 cancel order
278646d9 wants 0.00376 BRIDGE.BTC for 12.55 BRIDGE.PDX
c672adaf cancel order
31c573a1 wants 0.00402 BRIDGE.BTC for 12.55 BRIDGE.PDX
f86da3e7 paid 0.003145 BRIDGE.BTC for 12.58 BRIDGE.PDX
c3dc8e15 wants 12.58 BRIDGE.PDX for 0.003145 BRIDGE.BTC
cca7e0c7 cancel order
f91df755 wants 14.3 BRIDGE.PDX for 0.003145 BRIDGE.BTC
3e7e50f1 cancel order
8062d3a3 wants 75.7 BRIDGE.C2P for 0.003145 BRIDGE.BTC
dc04f480 wants 0.00315 BRIDGE.BTC for 63 BRIDGE.BIR
virtual paid 18 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.0009 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 45 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.002252 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
80a84988 cancel order
48a5d896 wants 0.00359 BRIDGE.BTC for 63 BRIDGE.BIR
0acfea05 cancel order
c7112eec wants 0.0037 BRIDGE.BTC for 63 BRIDGE.BIR
70e33923 cancel order
cada321f wants 0.0037 BRIDGE.BTC for 63 BRIDGE.BIR
c323301e cancel order
ff03222a cancel order
eeaf8dac wants 0.00339 BRIDGE.BTC for 56.5 BRIDGE.BIR
0eced5f9 paid 0.00334 BRIDGE.BTC for 56.7 BRIDGE.BIR
be840b02 wants 56.7 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.00334 BRIDGE.BTC
03434a0c paid 40.4 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.002865 BRIDGE.BTC
779c3272 wants 0.00333 BRIDGE.BTC for 46.9 BRIDGE.BIR
5e192289 cancel order
4cd11a57 paid 0.00275 BRIDGE.BTC for 47 BRIDGE.BIR
e0dc3a10 wants 55.3 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.00323 BRIDGE.BTC
4083b0cf cancel order
f682cec0 wants 61.4 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.00323 BRIDGE.BTC
38d4718d paid 21.64 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.00324 BRIDGE.BTC
e4910ef5 wants 0.00324 BRIDGE.BTC for 21.64 BRIDGE.USERV
390be4b7 cancel order
1c919727 wants 0.00324 BRIDGE.BTC for 21.64 BRIDGE.USERV
1d9ff99f paid 0.00124 BRIDGE.BTC for 8.87 BRIDGE.USERV
bb58723b paid 0.000396 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.83 BRIDGE.USERV
86e4ba1d paid 0.0014 BRIDGE.BTC for 10 BRIDGE.USERV
15214f58 wants 21.7 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.003037 BRIDGE.BTC
fb859085 sent 1,706 BRIDGE.RVN to
07707d08 wants 1,575 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.004 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.004 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,575 BRIDGE.RVN
11c206d6 wants 0.00409 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,057 BRIDGE.PAXEX
virtual paid 1,057 BRIDGE.PAXEX for 0.00409 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
cf9751c6 cancel order
7cc9b170 cancel order
e1e7f45d cancel order
d86b05b1 wants 45.5 BRIDGE.MANO for 0.002956 BRIDGE.BTC
5c26283a cancel order
f689fb95 wants 20.8 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.002956 BRIDGE.BTC
b3a0f49e cancel order
01df9279 wants 74.8 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.002934 BRIDGE.BTC
9e475a3a wants 0.00422 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,056 BRIDGE.PAXEX
0ad154bf cancel order
ba818a55 wants 20.86 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.002956 BRIDGE.BTC
d334268f cancel order
35165f8c wants 71.2 BRIDGE.C2P for 0.002956 BRIDGE.BTC
647c3829 cancel order
780da6c1 wants 1.527 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.002956 BRIDGE.BTC
69b108e9 wants 0.00296 BRIDGE.BTC for 13.7 BRIDGE.SMK
virtual paid 13.7 BRIDGE.SMK for 0.00296 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
e9f72153 cancel order
d2643744 wants 0.003086 BRIDGE.BTC for 13.7 BRIDGE.SMK
67e258ff cancel order
d39b9639 wants 0.00314 BRIDGE.BTC for 13.7 BRIDGE.SMK
c61abc4c cancel order
a23edec4 wants 0.0035 BRIDGE.BTC for 13.7 BRIDGE.SMK
7ca0d99f cancel order
efbea396 wants 0.00369 BRIDGE.BTC for 13.7 BRIDGE.SMK
53695d43 paid 0.00376 BRIDGE.BTC for 13.74 BRIDGE.SMK
d2a40366 wants 13.74 BRIDGE.SMK for 0.00376 BRIDGE.BTC
107b0758 wants 0.000093 BRIDGE.BTC for 23.7 BRIDGE.PAXEX
virtual paid 23.7 BRIDGE.PAXEX for 0.000093 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
ec06faac wants 0.00368 BRIDGE.BTC for 12.42 BRIDGE.SMK
virtual paid 12.42 BRIDGE.SMK for 0.00368 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
4048ebd5 cancel order
6793baf7 wants 0.00398 BRIDGE.BTC for 12.42 BRIDGE.SMK
9ee8dd64 paid 0.00321 BRIDGE.BTC for 12.45 BRIDGE.SMK
554ff333 wants 12.45 BRIDGE.SMK for 0.00321 BRIDGE.BTC
cf65933d cancel order
245b8bb0 wants 12.75 BRIDGE.SMK for 0.00321 BRIDGE.BTC
4b10d13b cancel order
69b15d37 wants 12.85 BRIDGE.SMK for 0.00321 BRIDGE.BTC
1fe8a4d2 cancel order
0e1056b0 wants 79.1 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.00321 BRIDGE.BTC
3af884ac cancel order
99ccb231 wants 79.2 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.00321 BRIDGE.BTC
8fbd8dc2 cancel order
38a40a5e wants 83.3 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.00321 BRIDGE.BTC
39c1b6de cancel order
4271dc89 wants 84 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.00321 BRIDGE.BTC
d33d1f35 cancel order
1426773a wants 84.4 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.00321 BRIDGE.BTC
dca2a82d cancel order
27db7ea8 wants 80.1 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.00321 BRIDGE.BTC
c90413c0 cancel order
d3d8d6d5 wants 83.3 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.00321 BRIDGE.BTC
cb4c608b paid 64.4 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.00321 BRIDGE.BTC
84b6c154 wants 0.00321 BRIDGE.BTC for 64.4 BRIDGE.BIR
8b819a89 cancel order
de50fccb wants 0.00328 BRIDGE.BTC for 64.4 BRIDGE.BIR
ca93b814 paid 0.000491 BRIDGE.BTC for 11.6 BRIDGE.BIR
05142e5f paid 0.00224 BRIDGE.BTC for 53 BRIDGE.BIR
156f5478 wants 64.6 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.002733 BRIDGE.BTC
5d86e6f4 cancel order
7c617bc0 wants 65.2 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.002733 BRIDGE.BTC
dfe53e9f paid 35.9 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.001832 BRIDGE.BTC
76a406a5 wants 0.001832 BRIDGE.BTC for 35.9 BRIDGE.BIR
a11dfe91 paid 4.62 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.000688 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
bc7fbfd4 paid 0.00159 BRIDGE.BTC for 36 BRIDGE.BIR
09fe3f38 paid 1.47 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.0002187 BRIDGE.BTC
9df795d4 wants 0.000907 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.09 BRIDGE.USERV
d62670a4 cancel order
80c6dd9b wants 0.000907 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.09 BRIDGE.USERV
be85d871 cancel order
638b97dd wants 36 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.00159 BRIDGE.BTC
ee74727e cancel order
66579cee wants 37.4 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.00159 BRIDGE.BTC
4784209c paid 0.1 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.0000149 BRIDGE.BTC
4de2d698 wants 0.000923 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.19 BRIDGE.USERV
0c85e4c4 cancel order
2fd34076 paid 0.00071 BRIDGE.BTC for 5.08 BRIDGE.USERV
5e10dcfb paid 0.0001586 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.134 BRIDGE.USERV
0286db30 wants 17.5 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.002445 BRIDGE.BTC
6f5853a9 cancel order
612ee5a9 wants 65.9 BRIDGE.BIR for 0.002445 BRIDGE.BTC
fff2b3bc cancel order
47c2dd05 wants 18.8 BRIDGE.USERV for 0.002445 BRIDGE.BTC