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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight11,209 BTS
Lifetime fees paid58.1 BTS
Cashback/vesting46.5 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 11,209
CNY 0.1504
USD 0.0001
DOGECOIN 19,999,825
BADCOIN 10,000
SEED 158
XBTSX.STH 0.0143
9f86dbd3 sent 0.00001 BTS to
710cdcf0 sent 10,000 BTS to
74904292 sent 0.0143 XBTSX.STH to
9f424551 sent 0.5 BTS to
cf033da9 sent 100,000 BTS to
4cc5bac6 sent 509 CNY to
b65abf7a sent 33,668 BTS to
2b0531a7 cancel order
06ac1a94 wants 464 CNY for 15,000 BTS
a8bd1b05 cancel order
3cd3a855 wants 320 CNY for 10,521 BTS
virtual paid 508 BTS for 15.5 CNY
virtual paid 10,013 BTS for 305 CNY
0daa8ca2 wants 461 CNY for 15,000 BTS
3dba2c65 cancel order
cf30c190 wants 463 CNY for 15,000 BTS
ba6a561a cancel order
d9f500f1 wants 465 CNY for 15,000 BTS
25bdaeaa cancel order
df3197c6 wants 467 CNY for 15,000 BTS
75819ff4 cancel order
75257aa3 wants 467 CNY for 15,000 BTS
eb4ad99e cancel order
90944d09 wants 466 CNY for 15,000 BTS
98598168 cancel order
ffb75b1f wants 463 CNY for 15,000 BTS
577553ce cancel order
6b49042f wants 465 CNY for 15,000 BTS
810e9fa3 cancel order
44fb8938 wants 467 CNY for 15,000 BTS
9452cafa cancel order
f5c3e332 wants 464 CNY for 15,000 BTS
e0210c94 cancel order
e78ab753 wants 468 CNY for 15,000 BTS
7cd3f5c2 cancel order
7f3bdaa1 wants 469 CNY for 15,000 BTS
27e3337f cancel order
66b8ba03 wants 472 CNY for 15,000 BTS
b15d005a cancel order
ce6a8a5f wants 469 CNY for 15,000 BTS
a7996eaf cancel order
47591077 wants 468 CNY for 15,000 BTS
b596f94d cancel order
d0ac2483 wants 468 CNY for 15,000 BTS
fb003f74 cancel order
1ff3f74c wants 468 CNY for 15,000 BTS
93254c81 cancel order
a37e3d7a wants 311.6 CNY for 10,000 BTS
b08368b7 cancel order
a4d651b9 wants 312 CNY for 10,000 BTS
2df65b89 cancel order
c1cbfd37 wants 249.5 CNY for 8,000 BTS
bdb5f9bd cancel order
af0d8598 wants 249 CNY for 8,000 BTS
91444ecd cancel order
fe984767 wants 310 CNY for 10,000 BTS
virtual paid 544 BTS for 16.86 CNY
7d2ed9bc wants 309 CNY for 10,000 BTS
virtual paid 10,000 BTS for 310 CNY
047f5575 cancel order
662e05b4 wants 311 CNY for 10,000 BTS
virtual paid 0.00321 BTS for 0.0001 CNY
4893cb60 cancel order
b37938b3 wants 365 CNY for 11,718 BTS
virtual paid 11,718 BTS for 365 CNY
043fd04e wants 313.4 CNY for 10,000 BTS
10a88426 cancel order
18f2d949 wants 315.4 CNY for 10,000 BTS
a9ad4af4 cancel order
d573ed29 wants 315.4 CNY for 10,000 BTS
9f21aecb cancel order
d4c2a8f7 wants 315.7 CNY for 10,000 BTS
1c3f0f81 cancel order
8766a790 wants 316 CNY for 10,000 BTS
af490f05 cancel order
7553e728 wants 315 CNY for 10,000 BTS
f951c2c3 cancel order
c626c03b wants 317 CNY for 10,000 BTS
27775420 cancel order
32c1d956 wants 315 CNY for 10,000 BTS
ed5a46ca cancel order
67dcb0f5 wants 317 CNY for 10,000 BTS
b543d327 cancel order
78b2f391 wants 317 CNY for 10,000 BTS
3dd1c9bb cancel order
71f30250 wants 318 CNY for 10,000 BTS
dddde1fd cancel order
b1c23e76 wants 317 CNY for 10,000 BTS
2e8ebf2e cancel order
a01aff90 wants 317 CNY for 10,000 BTS
e8ec73b5 cancel order
19a5878a wants 317 CNY for 10,000 BTS
54ad712d cancel order
a8c9cb92 wants 315.6 CNY for 10,000 BTS
9a43bc05 cancel order
a07d4b68 wants 317 CNY for 10,000 BTS
3aebcd05 cancel order
a12c5f39 wants 317 CNY for 10,000 BTS
f3614c1c cancel order
17e24f8e wants 475 CNY for 15,000 BTS
4aa47660 wants 463 CNY for 15,000 BTS
virtual paid 645 BTS for 20.16 CNY
virtual paid 14,355 BTS for 449 CNY
f73946ed cancel order
c168f3a6 wants 478 CNY for 15,000 BTS
f939c2c2 cancel order
c59f34e3 wants 476 CNY for 15,000 BTS
ca7ba4ca cancel order
14a59c69 wants 475 CNY for 15,000 BTS
28bac22f cancel order
e5c869b2 wants 477 CNY for 15,000 BTS
069250db cancel order
2c618673 wants 477 CNY for 15,000 BTS
f60a6f04 cancel order
5f6f6d70 wants 477 CNY for 15,000 BTS
0345038e cancel order
af9cbef2 wants 475 CNY for 15,000 BTS
c8edb75a cancel order
9e600761 wants 477 CNY for 15,000 BTS
071b2867 cancel order
34c845d5 wants 477 CNY for 15,000 BTS
97011cb3 cancel order
ce0a599a wants 479 CNY for 15,000 BTS
f1eee005 cancel order
36bd78a7 wants 479 CNY for 15,000 BTS
46b716e9 cancel order
3da78890 wants 475 CNY for 15,000 BTS
648d148e paid 47.9 BTS for 1.505 CNY
bbbc3bd8 paid 14,952 BTS for 470 CNY
91b3d153 wants 472 CNY for 15,000 BTS
bb5ef6e6 cancel order
f9ff13ee wants 472 CNY for 15,000 BTS
d06200bd cancel order
72f224df wants 472 CNY for 15,000 BTS
4926e562 cancel order
cb5fa022 wants 464 CNY for 15,000 BTS
ed026b50 cancel order
67462979 wants 464 CNY for 15,000 BTS
9ca8f42b cancel order
034631f7 wants 463 CNY for 15,000 BTS
09407962 cancel order
d4013192 wants 463 CNY for 15,000 BTS
029c520a cancel order
66df360b wants 461 CNY for 15,000 BTS
afe4c608 cancel order
44c1b4a7 wants 461 CNY for 15,000 BTS
aa5f0207 cancel order
478cde55 wants 463 CNY for 15,000 BTS
d56569ef cancel order
701c37f8 wants 463 CNY for 15,000 BTS
787aafa5 cancel order
a22c9988 wants 461 CNY for 15,000 BTS
60e27ae4 cancel order
ac143287 wants 461 CNY for 15,000 BTS
f26c03b1 paid 15,000 BTS for 458 CNY
6dd7b6b2 wants 458 CNY for 15,000 BTS
fe35294c cancel order
23b00e01 wants 461 CNY for 15,000 BTS
a6da1c90 cancel order
c795fd7e wants 463 CNY for 15,000 BTS
00d3927e cancel order
438f3409 wants 463 CNY for 15,000 BTS
728b53d9 cancel order
776e49f8 wants 463 CNY for 15,000 BTS
0f024209 cancel order
e85c7353 wants 464 CNY for 15,000 BTS
aa604c0c cancel order
7682c669 wants 474 CNY for 15,000 BTS
08641802 cancel order
e3b55fb5 wants 474 CNY for 15,000 BTS
3fe4dbc6 cancel order
d18c1513 wants 474 CNY for 15,000 BTS
aff1e336 cancel order
05ce4dd3 wants 474 CNY for 15,000 BTS
742776f9 cancel order
794621f9 wants 474 CNY for 15,000 BTS
cd442699 cancel order
bbf039c3 wants 463 CNY for 15,000 BTS
c916d62d cancel order
88015f31 wants 463 CNY for 15,000 BTS
581e127e cancel order
5a52ecb2 paid 320 BTS for 9.88 CNY
92b98723 paid 1,432 BTS for 44.2 CNY
c4239039 paid 1,440 BTS for 44.4 CNY
cf4d0373 wants 463 CNY for 15,000 BTS
61634bf1 cancel order
a6b288f3 wants 464 CNY for 15,000 BTS
9064df01 cancel order
b2ef2997 wants 472 CNY for 15,000 BTS
19ca56f9 cancel order
52793d1c wants 472 CNY for 15,000 BTS
9decd192 cancel order
ad7265e6 wants 472 CNY for 15,000 BTS
427cccf2 cancel order
d11ce95a wants 472 CNY for 15,000 BTS
5d18561b cancel order
137791c5 wants 472 CNY for 15,000 BTS
67ba89aa cancel order
3838f2ea wants 693 CNY for 22,000 BTS
c0297c84 cancel order
4a30637d wants 472 CNY for 15,000 BTS
ab1daa74 cancel order
d01d7bf3 wants 472 CNY for 15,000 BTS