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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.369 BTS
Lifetime fees paid10.53 BTS
Registrar-20% -
Referrer100% -


Asset Balance
BEOS 1,600,131
BEOS.VOTEA 0.00001
BEOS.VOTEB 0.00001
1ec66b7c sent 4 BTS to
3fc301a8 sent 189,998 BTS to
ea58b702 sent 189,999 BTS to
2fcdf970 sent 9,798 BTS to
4e040ea1 issue 999,989 BEOS to
a8ce21a7 sent 599,999 BEOS to
afcd0588 sent 143 BEOS to
96b5a5c2 sent 9,799 BTS to
d9fb3e6c sent 40.1 BTS to
45cbb9d4 sent 40.6 BTS to
0b4dc7b2 sent 9,688 BTS to
aacdf7d7 sent 39,436 BEOS to
ab9c06d4 sent 39,436 BEOS to
35d7517a wants 78,872 BEOS for 4,093 BTS
virtual paid 409 BTS for 7,881 BEOS
virtual paid 3,684 BTS for 70,991 BEOS
1e28f12c cancel order
65f749e0 wants 83,368 BEOS for 3,356 BTS
532e7c82 cancel order
871cdfca wants 88,448 BEOS for 3,538 BTS
3a52d8c5 cancel order
ede4d866 wants 28,728 BEOS for 1,413 BTS
f6ea3271 sent 38,929 BEOS to
c2212b60 sent 38,929 BEOS to
7ae5cd23 sent 790 BTS to
7d91618a wants 47,352 BEOS for 2,699 BTS
virtual paid 2,699 BTS for 47,352 BEOS
98598183 wants 30,506 BEOS for 1,739 BTS
virtual paid 1,739 BTS for 30,506 BEOS
47b62ece cancel order
c6ad10d8 wants 80,506 BEOS for 4,106 BTS
2f677803 cancel orders (3)
b8d6172e wants 4,377 BEOS for 219 BTS
79512059 wants 50,000 BEOS for 2,500 BTS
56af9142 wants 26,586 BEOS for 1,329 BTS
a71a9dc8 sent 2,521 BTS to
3de79782 sent 787 BTS to
d00dfcd2 sent 10,186 BTS to
da0d338e sent 10,295 BTS to
785d3d9a sent 16,053 BTS to
8e1ff476 sent 89,170 BTS to
534d052a sent 49,999 BTS to
ca9ca2b0 sent 9,999 BTS to
0db2b86f sent 346 BTS to
7f791716 sent 510 BTS to