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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid1.267 BTS


Asset Balance
DEEX 0.1
BAIDUCOM 0.00001
EBAYCOM 0.00001
APPLECOM 0.00001
TESLACOM 0.00001
CISCOCOM 0.00001
VISACOM 0.00001
FORDCOM 0.00001
dff38bf8 sent 0.1 DEEX to
066abb80 sent 49.2 BTS to
77d4ceca sent 2,520 BRIDGE.PURE to
363151de paid 0.0279 BRIDGE.BTC for 525 BRIDGE.PURE
0e3f6a73 paid 0.0287 BRIDGE.BTC for 541 BRIDGE.PURE
29155017 wants 1,066 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.0566 BRIDGE.BTC
737da42d cancel orders (2)
f1b806ba wants 0.00926 BRIDGE.BTC for 145.6 BRIDGE.PURE
d3c08ab8 wants 93.6 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00566 BRIDGE.BTC
6b3e91d5 cancel order
f0112903 paid 161.8 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.01028 BRIDGE.BTC
f147ab67 wants 0.01028 BRIDGE.BTC for 161.8 BRIDGE.PURE
58a7fe7d wants 76.7 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00463 BRIDGE.BTC
08167a5e cancel order
bf768d9e paid 0.00515 BRIDGE.BTC for 80 BRIDGE.PURE
8288e421 wants 0.0104 BRIDGE.BTC for 153.8 BRIDGE.PURE
5d229e74 wants 80 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00515 BRIDGE.BTC
8855d3c7 cancel order
d5514025 paid 0.00572 BRIDGE.BTC for 85 BRIDGE.PURE
49181dd5 wants 0.01027 BRIDGE.BTC for 145.3 BRIDGE.PURE
666795a1 wants 85 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00572 BRIDGE.BTC
013f41ea cancel order
998944b6 paid 0.00636 BRIDGE.BTC for 92.9 BRIDGE.PURE
2274f210 wants 0.00979 BRIDGE.BTC for 136 BRIDGE.PURE
228015a1 wants 92.9 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00636 BRIDGE.BTC
04471555 cancel order
58de8849 paid 0.00706 BRIDGE.BTC for 99.6 BRIDGE.PURE
36427da8 wants 0.0094 BRIDGE.BTC for 126 BRIDGE.PURE
09d29007 wants 99.6 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00706 BRIDGE.BTC
01832911 cancel order
bf65e53c paid 0.00784 BRIDGE.BTC for 106 BRIDGE.PURE
05ce5873 paid 1 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.0000778 BRIDGE.BTC
9ed84326 wants 0.009 BRIDGE.BTC for 115.6 BRIDGE.PURE
217f0c4b wants 106 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00784 BRIDGE.BTC
3a6984aa cancel order
609077ca paid 0.00521 BRIDGE.BTC for 68.4 BRIDGE.PURE
c1ee7d03 paid 0.0000753 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.988 BRIDGE.PURE
dcf64c66 paid 0.001905 BRIDGE.BTC for 25 BRIDGE.PURE
e8d533b8 paid 0.001516 BRIDGE.BTC for 19.9 BRIDGE.PURE
6ade775c wants 0.00835 BRIDGE.BTC for 104.2 BRIDGE.PURE
bdfec85a wants 114.3 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00871 BRIDGE.BTC
74184506 cancel order
f6ae3b63 paid 0.0033 BRIDGE.BTC for 42.3 BRIDGE.PURE
514a5f87 paid 0.00544 BRIDGE.BTC for 69.6 BRIDGE.PURE
96076a35 paid 103.4 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.0085 BRIDGE.BTC
6385ab5b wants 0.0085 BRIDGE.BTC for 103.4 BRIDGE.PURE
e5154e60 wants 111.9 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00874 BRIDGE.BTC
59c30c44 cancel order
d0ddc6df paid 0.0097 BRIDGE.BTC for 119.3 BRIDGE.PURE
6e011675 wants 0.00782 BRIDGE.BTC for 91.5 BRIDGE.PURE
b97837b1 wants 119.3 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.0097 BRIDGE.BTC
2c3e2347 cancel order
aadd9252 paid 93.7 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00768 BRIDGE.BTC
c29505ce paid 8 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.000656 BRIDGE.BTC
d26b4d6d wants 0.00833 BRIDGE.BTC for 101.7 BRIDGE.PURE
1a74ccc2 wants 113.8 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00888 BRIDGE.BTC
1491ba02 cancel order
6c565617 paid 113 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00895 BRIDGE.BTC
a136b705 wants 0.00895 BRIDGE.BTC for 113 BRIDGE.PURE
6c0d3c2c wants 106 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00798 BRIDGE.BTC
89f5c61c cancel order
f69b695e paid 0.00887 BRIDGE.BTC for 114 BRIDGE.PURE
4c1b0843 wants 0.00831 BRIDGE.BTC for 101.6 BRIDGE.PURE
393523e3 wants 114 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00887 BRIDGE.BTC
30c53885 cancel order
6d4304ab paid 9.52 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.000755 BRIDGE.BTC
93cd9554 paid 103.3 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.0082 BRIDGE.BTC
175339d5 wants 0.00895 BRIDGE.BTC for 112.9 BRIDGE.PURE
b29f0297 wants 105.7 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00798 BRIDGE.BTC
292ce62c cancel order
b9e41f8d paid 83.6 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00643 BRIDGE.BTC
d3aedf9c paid 41.8 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00321 BRIDGE.BTC
9a8d1c6e wants 0.00965 BRIDGE.BTC for 125.4 BRIDGE.PURE
9fe0ce1f wants 95.9 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00701 BRIDGE.BTC
d22d3496 cancel order
42a888a3 paid 139.3 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.0104 BRIDGE.BTC
18dd8d1a wants 0.0104 BRIDGE.BTC for 139.3 BRIDGE.PURE
7428b674 wants 84.2 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00598 BRIDGE.BTC
0320a2a8 cancel order
38cb5393 paid 154.8 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.01135 BRIDGE.BTC
70ce4fac wants 0.01135 BRIDGE.BTC for 154.8 BRIDGE.PURE
519743ac wants 69.4 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00484 BRIDGE.BTC
5f58f336 cancel order
1e3df46e paid 0.00538 BRIDGE.BTC for 74.3 BRIDGE.PURE
aa594ee3 wants 0.01122 BRIDGE.BTC for 147.4 BRIDGE.PURE
3c03eb02 wants 74.3 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00538 BRIDGE.BTC
d08dfdb3 cancel order
1ffd198c paid 0.00598 BRIDGE.BTC for 78.7 BRIDGE.PURE
cf17be67 wants 0.01114 BRIDGE.BTC for 139.6 BRIDGE.PURE
50564c27 wants 78.7 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00598 BRIDGE.BTC
331bece6 cancel order
c2d00178 paid 0.000756 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.45 BRIDGE.PURE
33b2ceba paid 0.00589 BRIDGE.BTC for 73.6 BRIDGE.PURE
c932620b wants 0.01104 BRIDGE.BTC for 131.3 BRIDGE.PURE
166d03e0 wants 83 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00664 BRIDGE.BTC
3a57a5c6 cancel order
1e5a1071 paid 0.00561 BRIDGE.BTC for 68.9 BRIDGE.PURE
6dcf144d paid 0.001775 BRIDGE.BTC for 21.8 BRIDGE.PURE
8e6302ab wants 0.01046 BRIDGE.BTC for 122.2 BRIDGE.PURE
5d9e199a wants 90.7 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00738 BRIDGE.BTC
6339f523 cancel order
95ff2b64 paid 0.0082 BRIDGE.BTC for 97.1 BRIDGE.PURE
c21a4c6e wants 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC for 112.5 BRIDGE.PURE
e8c16498 wants 97.1 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.0082 BRIDGE.BTC
8980f07e cancel order
128aebd8 paid 0.00911 BRIDGE.BTC for 107 BRIDGE.PURE
0852b5c6 wants 0.00912 BRIDGE.BTC for 101.8 BRIDGE.PURE
0988d01d wants 107 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00911 BRIDGE.BTC
a6a1f837 cancel order
98a458c9 paid 0.01013 BRIDGE.BTC for 117.3 BRIDGE.PURE
aa98d70e wants 0.00818 BRIDGE.BTC for 90.1 BRIDGE.PURE
b21cad8a wants 117.3 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.01013 BRIDGE.BTC
62139d69 cancel order
7ed867c2 paid 100.1 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00881 BRIDGE.BTC
36365ce0 wants 0.00881 BRIDGE.BTC for 100.1 BRIDGE.PURE
56b9f7b3 wants 110.5 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00925 BRIDGE.BTC
3536e542 cancel order
fe4df08b paid 0.01028 BRIDGE.BTC for 119 BRIDGE.PURE
21ac878c wants 0.00802 BRIDGE.BTC for 88.3 BRIDGE.PURE
d5f1bc15 wants 119 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.01028 BRIDGE.BTC
e87db27e cancel order
55a800f2 paid 98 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00852 BRIDGE.BTC
df09c740 wants 0.00852 BRIDGE.BTC for 98 BRIDGE.PURE
839659b1 wants 114 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00943 BRIDGE.BTC
b58b7285 cancel order
59ac20f4 paid 109 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.0092 BRIDGE.BTC
7f90dc14 wants 0.0092 BRIDGE.BTC for 109 BRIDGE.PURE
257d3498 wants 105.8 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.0085 BRIDGE.BTC
f74344d7 cancel order
67a3b136 paid 121 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00993 BRIDGE.BTC
a06e6e26 wants 0.00993 BRIDGE.BTC for 121 BRIDGE.PURE
f0159292 wants 96.4 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00752 BRIDGE.BTC
9447a4e7 cancel order
efb31c40 paid 134.6 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.01022 BRIDGE.BTC
3171436c wants 0.01022 BRIDGE.BTC for 134.6 BRIDGE.PURE
da1c73df wants 89.9 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.0065 BRIDGE.BTC
86f03dc9 cancel order
6f1b8608 paid 7.82 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.000585 BRIDGE.BTC
6d16e213 paid 6.66 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.000499 BRIDGE.BTC
e3b3350e paid 135 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.0101 BRIDGE.BTC
287b5453 wants 0.0112 BRIDGE.BTC for 149.5 BRIDGE.PURE
46b81e18 wants 75.5 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00538 BRIDGE.BTC
fe4e5860 cancel order
544d6d25 paid 0.00598 BRIDGE.BTC for 81.8 BRIDGE.PURE
953f9ce4 wants 0.01085 BRIDGE.BTC for 141.3 BRIDGE.PURE
6f03c68d wants 81.8 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00598 BRIDGE.BTC
09972bcb cancel order
1721de01 paid 0.00664 BRIDGE.BTC for 85.8 BRIDGE.PURE
44c8befe wants 0.0108 BRIDGE.BTC for 132.8 BRIDGE.PURE
3d45861c wants 85.8 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00664 BRIDGE.BTC
abb0072c cancel order
23c57b05 paid 0.00738 BRIDGE.BTC for 91.4 BRIDGE.PURE
218cc09b wants 0.0105 BRIDGE.BTC for 123.7 BRIDGE.PURE
134bca23 wants 91.4 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00738 BRIDGE.BTC
3512f6b2 cancel order
1720d64d paid 0.00173 BRIDGE.BTC for 20.7 BRIDGE.PURE
e2c64964 paid 0.00585 BRIDGE.BTC for 70 BRIDGE.PURE
cebe4ef6 paid 63.5 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00558 BRIDGE.BTC
868706a7 wants 0.01063 BRIDGE.BTC for 121 BRIDGE.PURE
6fcf60d7 wants 90.7 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00758 BRIDGE.BTC
0787a056 cancel order
37c82cb4 paid 134.4 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.01148 BRIDGE.BTC
b0132fe6 wants 0.01148 BRIDGE.BTC for 134.4 BRIDGE.PURE
2c293949 wants 79.2 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00643 BRIDGE.BTC
72e9d155 cancel order
48fa6db0 paid 0.001522 BRIDGE.BTC for 17.97 BRIDGE.PURE
e0c1fda8 paid 0.003 BRIDGE.BTC for 35.4 BRIDGE.PURE
b5214b3a paid 0.00262 BRIDGE.BTC for 30.95 BRIDGE.PURE
a47df6be wants 0.01122 BRIDGE.BTC for 126 BRIDGE.PURE
808b84b6 wants 84.4 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00715 BRIDGE.BTC
76d32b3f cancel order
cfcfe9f3 paid 0.00789 BRIDGE.BTC for 89 BRIDGE.PURE
7a800647 paid 0.0505 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.0000047 BRIDGE.BTC
b3ee7218 paid 5 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.000466 BRIDGE.BTC
b530e0ec wants 0.01095 BRIDGE.BTC for 117.6 BRIDGE.PURE
0515e15a wants 89 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00789 BRIDGE.BTC
f1676ce9 cancel order
1ca4b72d paid 0.00877 BRIDGE.BTC for 98 BRIDGE.PURE
e5c0818a wants 0.01014 BRIDGE.BTC for 107.8 BRIDGE.PURE
fe0abec5 wants 98 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00877 BRIDGE.BTC
bd6f4bf4 cancel order
d89d88c9 paid 0.00974 BRIDGE.BTC for 107.7 BRIDGE.PURE
26e23c53 wants 0.00923 BRIDGE.BTC for 97 BRIDGE.PURE
9a4ab406 wants 107.7 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00974 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000002 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.000249 BRIDGE.PURE
123fe618 cancel order
e03ac53c paid 0.01082 BRIDGE.BTC for 117.3 BRIDGE.PURE
7411564d wants 0.00828 BRIDGE.BTC for 85.4 BRIDGE.PURE
8c070f16 wants 117.3 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.01082 BRIDGE.BTC
e5aeb68a cancel order
2a45f02e paid 0.01202 BRIDGE.BTC for 125.4 BRIDGE.PURE
9da0a144 wants 0.00734 BRIDGE.BTC for 72.9 BRIDGE.PURE
ac551c58 wants 125.4 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.01202 BRIDGE.BTC
0b4f3b86 cancel order
edc92933 paid 42.8 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00415 BRIDGE.BTC
99983944 paid 38.2 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.0037 BRIDGE.BTC
bfa4be73 wants 0.00785 BRIDGE.BTC for 81 BRIDGE.PURE
103b21cc wants 122 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.01124 BRIDGE.BTC
917417fc cancel order
23502b9d paid 90 BRIDGE.PURE for 0.00858 BRIDGE.BTC