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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight568 BTS
Lifetime fees paid5.09 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 568
BADCOIN 10,000
b2d4e375 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
10ea12c2 paid 915 CNY for 458 BTS
db77cd93 wants 458 BTS for 915 CNY
125030d4 cancel order
637d3b80 paid 8.94 CNY for 3.6 BTS
f1693d91 wants 372 BTS for 924 CNY
a90f7ea0 sent 924 CNY to
ad623445 cancel order
d43afc66 sent 51,000 CNY to
d8216c25 sent 51,000 CNY to
7c779973 wants 117 CNY for 100 BTS
877e48b9 sent 62,000 CNY to
a8744e9a sent 100,000 CNY to
03c1b63d sent 52,100 CNY to
cceb480c sent 40,000 CNY to
ba87f250 sent 40,100 CNY to
88f618a0 sent 66,190 CNY to
ed99506e sent 1,452 CNY to
5db546cc sent 40,000 CNY to
8313b7d3 sent 30,000 CNY to
423ec2a1 sent 100 CNY to
a5c58ab4 sent 20,000 CNY to
f12ba0dd sent 2,000 CNY to
acb01525 sent 48,000 CNY to
1b61a741 sent 41,000 CNY to
4ecad5a8 sent 18,000 CNY to
80dd2227 sent 40,000 CNY to
1521ded3 sent 4.5 BTS to
26618b8c sent 9,002 CNY to
c2e9d08d sent 1,000 CNY to
82ef98dd wants 1.88 CNY for 4 BTS
virtual paid 4 BTS for 1.88 CNY
d909dfdd cancel order
365ac91e wants 1 CNY for 2.085 BTS
081aeb49 sent 998 CNY to
458c3c00 sent 998 CNY to