立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.2526 BTS
Lifetime fees paid18.3 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.2526
GDEX.EOS 0.000001
OPTIONS.19AU025P 0.01
7696dd9d sent 20.9 BTS to
61761d37 sent 76.7 CNY to
35093daf sent 500 CNY to
74aced5f sent 300 CNY to
cf397e1e sent 500 CNY to
f8428e59 sent 1,500 CNY to
d78df545 sent 526 CNY to
07b81655 sent 709 CNY to
3ba5aa17 sent 486 CNY to
aa71c339 sent 1,182 CNY to
9993a2e9 sent 1,950 CNY to
2841cd0b sent 1,500 CNY to
73044c91 sent 3,000 CNY to
ed8b6bc1 sent 5,741 CNY to
5135609c sent 1,235 CNY to
c6ed800a sent 1,300 CNY to
e1f5618c wants 122.3 CNY for 4.14 GDEX.EOS
virtual paid 4.14 GDEX.EOS for 122.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
fe3c3034 cancel order
19a04d98 paid 705 BTS for 225 CNY
7d1132bf paid 3,065 BTS for 980 CNY
6bb90de9 wants 1,205 CNY for 3,770 BTS
bea9a6b7 cancel order
896ed8eb wants 128.4 CNY for 4.14 GDEX.EOS
7eb9b0b9 wants 1,284 CNY for 3,777 BTS
b897308a wants 4.15 GDEX.EOS for 123.2 CNY
virtual paid 123.2 CNY for 4.15 GDEX.EOS
4a121fce paid 308 BTS for 99 CNY
virtual cancel order
60fe7c34 sent 1,000 CNY to
5c060c29 wants 1,124 CNY for 3,500 BTS
virtual paid 1,539 BTS for 494 CNY
virtual paid 1,484 BTS for 477 CNY
virtual paid 169 BTS for 54.3 CNY
5d3b3a45 sent 10,600 BTS to
5296a7db cancel order
dd508486 wants 6,079 CNY for 17,878 BTS
61e6efa1 wants 17,874 BTS for 5,952 CNY
virtual paid 5,952 CNY for 17,874 BTS
342e71f9 cancel order
06f1cdf9 wants 18,600 BTS for 5,952 CNY
10f9e60d sent 705 CNY to
20ff8cee sent 1,175 CNY to
e12280c3 paid 3,530 BTS for 1,133 CNY
81e9890a wants 1,133 CNY for 3,530 BTS
c0410bf1 paid 513 CNY for 1,618 BTS
dc4c8302 wants 1,618 BTS for 513 CNY
44d2e979 cancel order
d99af9f9 wants 1,710 BTS for 513 CNY
73e7e3cb paid 609 CNY for 1,933 BTS
d27586c9 wants 1,933 BTS for 609 CNY
e4b43717 cancel order
86318ce1 wants 1,938 BTS for 609 CNY
5c786cb8 cancel order
4fd4c787 sent 5,000 CNY to
97118f1a wants 1,500 BTS for 434 CNY
638edb03 cancel order
82bde72d wants 2,000 BTS for 600 CNY
ef12d440 paid 5,390 BTS for 1,617 CNY
6ba692d6 paid 13,330 BTS for 3,998 CNY
ab1cdd1a wants 5,614 CNY for 18,720 BTS
61a5d377 cancel order
9f36ee6c wants 5,610 CNY for 18,700 BTS
07a9d5a7 paid 5,255 CNY for 18,645 BTS
5651991d paid 2.82 CNY for 10 BTS
7a81d32f wants 18,709 BTS for 5,273 CNY
virtual paid 15.22 CNY for 54 BTS
64992280 sent 1,000 CNY to
352bef89 sent 500 CNY to
a10aa5c7 sent 1,405 CNY to
358a8d8e sent 771 CNY to
516e9d54 sent 1,285 CNY to
18e92c0d sent 500 CNY to
58ea0907 sent 5,400 CNY to
558ccbe4 sent 1,051 CNY to
8ff58747 sent 631 CNY to
cb674ace sent 8,000 CNY to
cf2f7c04 sent 950 CNY to
a7036f76 sent 1,583 CNY to
80a6b3b1 sent 500 CNY to
9620b590 sent 600 CNY to
1e07e83a sent 2,276 CNY to
a4eae5b5 sent 1,161 CNY to
71d6dc33 sent 10,200 CNY to
af050421 sent 6,800 CNY to
77b49f70 sent 10,000 CNY to
59dd451d sent 896 CNY to
a35caeb4 wants 19.85 BTS for 10.42 CNY
virtual paid 10.42 CNY for 19.85 BTS
f636f418 cancel order
c0c8bd12 wants 19.85 BTS for 10.32 CNY