立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight1,970 BTS
Lifetime fees paid71.4 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.373
a2e335cc sent 6.5 GDEX.EOS to
60cd87ff wants 6.51 GDEX.EOS for 541 BTS
virtual paid 541 BTS for 6.51 GDEX.EOS
5520a7c4 cancel order
6779e9eb sent 117 GDEX.EOS to
69287a44 wants 29.44 GDEX.EOS for 2,447 BTS
virtual paid 2,447 BTS for 29.44 GDEX.EOS
virtual cancel order
dec61f85 paid 1,000 BTS for 12.14 GDEX.EOS
8f374343 paid 1,000 BTS for 12.14 GDEX.EOS
b4aee100 wants 30.9 GDEX.EOS for 2,544 BTS
3cc615d6 wants 30.9 GDEX.EOS for 2,544 BTS
virtual paid 2,544 BTS for 30.9 GDEX.EOS
3f84b697 wants 1.417 GDEX.EOS for 116.4 BTS
virtual paid 116.4 BTS for 1.417 GDEX.EOS
3cb5a0e5 wants 31 GDEX.EOS for 2,532 BTS
virtual paid 2,532 BTS for 31 GDEX.EOS
20450458 cancel order
cd990b39 burn 0.000046 OPEN.GRC
d31551c9 wants 126.5 GDEX.EOS for 10,183 BTS
ecc07ce8 wants 4,913 BTS for 0.00466 RUDEX.BTC
virtual paid 0.00466 RUDEX.BTC for 4,913 BTS
da94cc39 wants 5,272 BTS for 0.005 RUDEX.BTC
virtual paid 0.005 RUDEX.BTC for 5,272 BTS
4f3d44e5 wants 0.00923 RUDEX.BTC for 1,880 BTS
virtual paid 1,880 BTS for 0.00923 RUDEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
559fe337 cancel order
714f77f5 paid 87.8 BTS for 0.000438 RUDEX.BTC
cdf21404 wants 0.00982 RUDEX.BTC for 1,969 BTS
a6e2ff46 cancel order
ba2ee882 wants 0.00994 RUDEX.BTC for 1,969 BTS
69a05454 sent 25 SCRIBBLECOIN to
dd6fc67d sent 150 KRAZYKOIN to
4b28b5f2 sent 100 SCRIBBLECOIN to
2c0bfd9f sent 25 SCRIBBLECOIN to
e6c07275 sent 50 KRAZYKOIN to
298b6208 sent 100 SCRIBBLECOIN to
47533481 cancel order
e4216add wants 19.7 GDEX.EOS for 1,970 BTS
ca7fb514 sent 25 SCRIBBLECOIN to
71e24744 sent 100 SCRIBBLECOIN to
a42072c5 sent 50 SCRIBBLECOIN to
81cdb51b sent 25 KRAZYKOIN to
c3ba2a9b sent 50 KRAZYKOIN to
6737f819 sent 75 KRAZYKOIN to
036ac875 sent 25 SCRIBBLECOIN to
ae0322d4 sent 100 SCRIBBLECOIN to
5107761d sent 50 KRAZYKOIN to
67142c40 sent 50 SCRIBBLECOIN to
1de77c18 sent 100 SCRIBBLECOIN to
d43e283a sent 25 SCRIBBLECOIN to
3cac9f34 sent 50 SCRIBBLECOIN to
02e0b490 sent 100 SCRIBBLECOIN to
045c64d7 sent 25 KRAZYKOIN to
731bf141 sent 50 KRAZYKOIN to
cc52aaa6 sent 75 KRAZYKOIN to
59cf3eec sent 100 SCRIBBLECOIN to
712ecb79 sent 100 SCRIBBLECOIN to
8064120f sent 100 SCRIBBLECOIN to
2b155775 sent 50 KRAZYKOIN to
83655de7 sent 50 SCRIBBLECOIN to
7b2952f8 sent 100 SCRIBBLECOIN to
9da8d085 sent 80 MILK to
83574800 sent 50 KRAZYKOIN to
7cb87d6b sent 25 KRAZYKOIN to
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c8436864 sent 50 KRAZYKOIN to
63d86357 sent 100 SCRIBBLECOIN to
5d970b12 sent 50 SCRIBBLECOIN to
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00d1b1b9 sent 100 BHIVE to
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97cb566e sent 100 SCRIBBLECOIN to
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20a038f9 sent 50 KRAZYKOIN to
2d1589e8 sent 25 KRAZYKOIN to
635bb602 sent 75 KRAZYKOIN to
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4f780c30 sent 100 SCRIBBLECOIN to
c95b5c65 sent 100 SCRIBBLECOIN to
daa8b46e sent 100 SCRIBBLECOIN to
19bae99b sent 100 SCRIBBLECOIN to
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883f3ba9 sent 50 KRAZYKOIN to
c95622ff sent 25 KRAZYKOIN to
35cbc63d sent 50 KRAZYKOIN to
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79cb0404 sent 50 KRAZYKOIN to
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3d977306 sent 75 KRAZYKOIN to
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4819a50a sent 50 KRAZYKOIN to
a90d76a4 sent 75 KRAZYKOIN to
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246a5fae sent 100 SCRIBBLECOIN to
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13eeb145 sent 25 KRAZYKOIN to
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321ba7cc sent 100 WISDOM to
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023b56b2 sent 100 SCRIBBLECOIN to
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40462900 sent 50 KRAZYKOIN to
240a5dc5 sent 75 KRAZYKOIN to
996cc5eb sent 50 WISDOM to
ff743b5a sent 50 KRAZYKOIN to
69492dcc sent 100 SCRIBBLECOIN to
6ff9e56d sent 100 WISDOM to
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6f49eb8e sent 50 KRAZYKOIN to
f6215ab4 sent 75 KRAZYKOIN to
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6ff2c4ea sent 50 KRAZYKOIN to
f080ede3 sent 100 WISDOM to
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a9b4c93d sent 50 KRAZYKOIN to
3af1fbd7 sent 100 WISDOM to
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3fb86ea5 sent 50 KRAZYKOIN to
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4758cedf sent 50 KRAZYKOIN to
b3266aa6 sent 75 KRAZYKOIN to
8038a561 sent 25 KRAZYKOIN to
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f21ab78e sent 50 KRAZYKOIN to
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220293d9 sent 50 KRAZYKOIN to
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a5761eab sent 50 KRAZYKOIN to
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33aa6e91 sent 25 KRAZYKOIN to
8fe92f42 sent 75 KRAZYKOIN to
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11d7db6d sent 75 KRAZYKOIN to
a63c7bc3 sent 25 KRAZYKOIN to
2b608d17 sent 50 KRAZYKOIN to
bb9f0261 sent 50 KRAZYKOIN to
1e376646 sent 25 KRAZYKOIN to
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2811b6e6 sent 75 KRAZYKOIN to
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3b563908 sent 54 KRAZYKOIN to
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6c7a487f sent 50 KRAZYKOIN to
da12d33c sent 75 KRAZYKOIN to
e45b5c30 sent 25 KRAZYKOIN to
5a54e71b sent 64 KRAZYKOIN to
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5ed0f679 sent 25 KRAZYKOIN to
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2645ff3d sent 75 KRAZYKOIN to
9d1d63b8 sent 150 ALTRUISTIC to
109c2812 sent 50 KRAZYKOIN to
97a97149 sent 25 KRAZYKOIN to
bd33fcf1 sent 50 KRAZYKOIN to
01e16502 sent 10 MILK to
51055069 sent 14 KRAZYKOIN to
6b36b1d0 sent 10 MILK to
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168ef334 sent 10 MILK to
081fa884 sent 10 MILK to
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e28eb3dd sent 10 MIDAS to
648c97c9 sent 19 MIDAS to
c79acea6 sent 15 MIDAS to
0dc54375 sent 24 KRAZYKOIN to
332560d8 sent 27 KRAZYKOIN to
98d68ddd sent 0.12 BTS to
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29469d0f sent 25 HAIRSHARE to
a32b152a sent 15 MIDAS to
14b18b9a sent 10 EROTX to
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4ba7c955 sent 20 DBREAD to