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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid74.3 BTS
05bc27d1 paid 1.152 BTSUCN for 0.0001 CNY
029de26b paid 341 CNY for 737 BTS
e60de1de sent 2,180 BTS to
8d62db48 wants 737 BTS for 341 CNY
bfdfcdd6 cancel order
feb0038f wants 737 BTS for 341 CNY
30dd721e wants 0.0001 CNY for 1.152 BTSUCN
e1688eeb wants 333 CNY for 5,083,073 BTSUCN
virtual paid 5,083,072 BTSUCN for 341 CNY
virtual cancel order
6c1294b6 paid 1,025 CNY for 2,175 BTS
2a86fa33 sent 100 BTS to
188e2994 wants 2,175 BTS for 1,025 CNY
f5c0b976 cancel order
2e0aa0f0 wants 2,283 BTS for 1,076 CNY
00f75a91 paid 51.1 CNY for 108.5 BTS
84269ba5 cancel order
86a57047 wants 2,297 BTS for 1,076 CNY
7584a46a cancel order
b15a72c7 wants 2,311 BTS for 1,076 CNY
991aa9e8 cancel order
fdbd95ad wants 2,311 BTS for 1,076 CNY
2f8f1245 cancel order
b32396e5 wants 2,311 BTS for 1,076 CNY
6891b280 wants 1,076 CNY for 14,540,466 BTSUCN
virtual paid 14,540,466 BTSUCN for 1,077 CNY
virtual cancel order
6fbec4d3 sent 750 BTS to
c7db3663 wants 49.8 BTS for 27.6 CNY
virtual paid 27.6 CNY for 49.9 BTS
a9d9b5a4 wants 27.6 CNY for 367,768 BTSUCN
virtual paid 367,766 BTSUCN for 27.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
3332b385 paid 269 CNY for 493 BTS
62677f21 wants 493 BTS for 269 CNY
59974388 cancel order
26259ec4 wants 493 BTS for 269 CNY
a8ad14a4 cancel order
697486fc wants 520 BTS for 269 CNY
86285390 wants 136.6 CNY for 1,818,537 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,818,537 BTSUCN for 136.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
d708c0d5 cancel order
3932cb6b wants 428 BTS for 132.8 CNY
aeb39528 cancel order
50143cb3 wants 469 BTS for 132.8 CNY
1da928e8 wants 132.7 CNY for 1,818,535 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,149,696 BTSUCN for 84 CNY
virtual paid 668,838 BTSUCN for 48.9 CNY
virtual cancel order
63de2379 cancel order
adf5ab62 wants 89.9 CNY for 748,809 BTSUCN
0bff5108 wants 162 BTS for 62.4 CNY
virtual paid 62.4 CNY for 162 BTS
ffb936cd wants 60.8 CNY for 855,776 BTSUCN
virtual paid 855,775 BTSUCN for 62.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
8dcfc48b wants 47.2 BTS for 13 CNY
virtual paid 13 CNY for 47.2 BTS
38aa3366 wants 12.77 CNY for 185,055 BTSUCN
virtual paid 185,055 BTSUCN for 13.03 CNY
virtual cancel order
ac5542cc sent 20 BTS to
63440077 sent 700 BTS to
e6fbeb04 wants 277.5 BTS for 76.2 CNY
virtual paid 76.2 CNY for 277.5 BTS
c581a128 wants 72.7 CNY for 1,211,247 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,211,246 BTSUCN for 76.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
7ab91e9c cancel order
3b760db2 wants 121.1 CNY for 1,211,247 BTSUCN
6874997a cancel order
372f2713 wants 99 BTS for 28.3 CNY
virtual paid 28.3 CNY for 102.9 BTS
dcf9d22b wants 104.2 CNY for 1,653,772 BTSUCN
virtual paid 442,525 BTSUCN for 28.3 CNY
95ee9c4a cancel order
6c97dc9a wants 169.5 CNY for 1,653,772 BTSUCN
6e7f84f5 paid 47.2 CNY for 255.7 BTS
9dcc05bf cancel order
245f2052 wants 255.7 BTS for 47.2 CNY
3e4b9e4e wants 25.67 CNY for 213,944 BTSUCN
84b6665e cancel order
cd8a54aa wants 252.7 BTS for 47.2 CNY
45bdc0dc cancel order
2010d370 cancel order
745cb75d wants 46.9 BTS for 8.65 CNY
cd7dbcbf cancel order
4c17cb67 wants 0.0001 CNY for 0.493 BTSUCN
2849a315 wants 7.49 CNY for 106,972 BTSUCN
virtual paid 106,972 BTSUCN for 8.66 CNY
virtual cancel order
1038a9d4 wants 219.3 BTS for 38.5 CNY
7256479e cancel order
2f97457e wants 256 BTS for 38.5 CNY
4dc9f183 cancel order
705d6341 wants 256 BTS for 38.5 CNY
a0b210c1 wants 34.2 CNY for 427,888 BTSUCN
virtual paid 427,888 BTSUCN for 38.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
447cbf68 cancel order
003e82e6 wants 48.2 CNY for 320,916 BTSUCN
0f829e11 cancel order
e2be988c wants 51.3 CNY for 320,916 BTSUCN
1f10a98f paid 10.68 CNY for 58 BTS
4662e607 cancel order
24d3aa30 wants 32.1 CNY for 213,944 BTSUCN
a8e76c4b cancel order
36569812 wants 58 BTS for 10.68 CNY
1d6123b2 wants 27.8 CNY for 213,944 BTSUCN
33c6aa26 wants 9.1 CNY for 106,972 BTSUCN
virtual paid 106,972 BTSUCN for 10.7 CNY
db0e5a3a sent 200 BTS to
26182a79 wants 236 BTS for 49.8 CNY
virtual paid 49.8 CNY for 237 BTS
76d98ff0 wants 35.2 CNY for 370,108 BTSUCN
virtual paid 370,108 BTSUCN for 37 CNY
4c272468 paid 14,218 BTSUCN for 1.706 CNY
74d6de85 paid 83,334 BTSUCN for 10 CNY
b7a4548a paid 9,421 BTSUCN for 1.13 CNY
9b94b4a2 sent 830 BTS to
d364dfbf wants 12.84 CNY for 106,973 BTSUCN
315afd4b cancel order
ee215d5b wants 16.05 CNY for 106,973 BTSUCN
5d6cc131 paid 150.7 CNY for 823 BTS
a797e13f wants 823 BTS for 150.7 CNY
725f036c cancel order
02926796 wants 823 BTS for 150.7 CNY
3e5f6485 cancel order
7f6c769e wants 834 BTS for 150.7 CNY
836dcc95 cancel order
2ac037e6 wants 834 BTS for 150.7 CNY
0586b04a cancel order
e4dfbfe2 wants 834 BTS for 150.7 CNY
d90124de cancel order
29f3d33b wants 835 BTS for 150.7 CNY
6dcb0537 wants 150.8 CNY for 1,370,637 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,370,636 BTSUCN for 151 CNY
virtual cancel order
437b9122 cancel order
8049e0d0 wants 151 CNY for 1,370,637 BTSUCN
13e64749 cancel order
d3477203 wants 151 CNY for 1,370,637 BTSUCN
33556f5e cancel order
dc2d2989 wants 151 CNY for 1,370,637 BTSUCN
2ffe6b11 cancel order
1586eff6 wants 164.5 CNY for 1,370,637 BTSUCN
69dd858d cancel order
6e601c5b wants 164.5 CNY for 1,370,637 BTSUCN
af2b7a67 cancel order
00e62624 wants 206 CNY for 1,370,637 BTSUCN
b3efbca8 cancel order
4538c1aa wants 219.3 CNY for 1,370,637 BTSUCN
7ebb0ac8 sent 1,000 BTS to
4ae77d2d wants 838 BTS for 154 CNY
virtual paid 154 CNY for 838 BTS
2024bc2e wants 125.2 CNY for 962,748 BTSUCN
virtual paid 962,748 BTSUCN for 154 CNY
virtual cancel order
480b3b64 sent 2,000 BTS to
65a39ccd sent 100 BTS to
2e86241d sent 10 BTS to
dac4b572 paid 13.35 CNY for 88 BTS
82613963 paid 44 CNY for 290 BTS
23320309 wants 2,280 BTS for 346 CNY
virtual paid 0.1593 CNY for 1.05 BTS
virtual paid 0.0551 CNY for 0.363 BTS
c732e737 paid 288.6 CNY for 1,901 BTS
cf5b3f8c wants 345 CNY for 1,604,380 BTSUCN
virtual paid 30,905 BTSUCN for 6.7 CNY
virtual paid 102,522 BTSUCN for 22.14 CNY
virtual paid 1,470,953 BTSUCN for 318 CNY
virtual cancel order
a1fe6c95 sent 200 BTSUCN to
585919d0 sent 160 BTS to
82d59a3a sent 10 BTS to
55cc0c78 wants 164 BTS for 25.1 CNY
virtual paid 0.305 CNY for 2 BTS
virtual paid 24.8 CNY for 162 BTS
bdf19195 wants 23 CNY for 106,972 BTSUCN
virtual paid 106,972 BTSUCN for 25.14 CNY
virtual cancel order
9b4ea9b2 sent 5,300 BTS to
83717cca wants 157.2 BTS for 26.7 CNY
virtual paid 26.7 CNY for 158 BTS
23b728bc wants 25.67 CNY for 106,972 BTSUCN
virtual paid 106,972 BTSUCN for 26.74 CNY
virtual cancel order
93ca7057 wants 158 BTS for 26.7 CNY
virtual paid 26.7 CNY for 158 BTS
f4513b73 wants 24.24 CNY for 105,391 BTSUCN
virtual paid 69,908 BTSUCN for 17.5 CNY
virtual paid 35,482 BTSUCN for 8.87 CNY
virtual cancel order
0550cbfd wants 0.38 CNY for 1,582 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,581 BTSUCN for 0.396 CNY
virtual cancel order
32efa70a cancel order
5132c226 wants 173.2 BTS for 26.7 CNY
virtual paid 26.7 CNY for 173.5 BTS