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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid9.9 BTS
Registrar-10% -
Referrer90% -


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.01462 0
BTCPLUS 150 150
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
475ab4b8 sent 1.403 BTS to
a05c0c36 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
2c7a6b51 sent 25.5 CRYPTOCEEDS to
53a777de sent 1,125,492 COMPUCEEDS to
daa83c26 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
ee1f7408 wants 414,298 USD for 92 BTCPLUS
f796a158 wants 102.3 BTCPLUS for 20 BTS
virtual paid 20 BTS for 102.3 BTCPLUS
651055d4 wants 260,942 USD for 58 BTCPLUS
2c4e91e9 sent 17.2 BTCPLUS to
93a90387 cancel order
ffe7c049 sent 2,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
18b5ca11 wants 51,571 USD for 17.2 BTCPLUS
37083aae update account/votes
21a9a674 wants 5,308 COMPUCEEDS for 13.1 BTS
virtual paid 13.1 BTS for 5,308 COMPUCEEDS
795654d1 paid 7,251 BTS for 21.15 CRYPTOCEEDS
353dad3d paid 637 BTS for 1.858 CRYPTOCEEDS
f9e87dfe wants 25.5 CRYPTOCEEDS for 8,742 BTS
8e0cb0be paid 0.994 BTS for 0.0029 CRYPTOCEEDS
3e1899f5 paid 853 BTS for 2.49 CRYPTOCEEDS
cf2fcd82 sent 5,000 COMPUCEEDS to
5774db33 sent 1,000 BTS to
6b62de9d wants 3,184 COMPUCEEDS for 8 BTCPLUS
virtual paid 8 BTCPLUS for 3,184 COMPUCEEDS
0f3e0ead wants 25.25 BTCPLUS for 10,000 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 10,000 COMPUCEEDS for 25.25 BTCPLUS
e8b37736 sent 20 BTS to
5683fc6e update account/votes