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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.2075 BTS
Lifetime fees paid11.72 BTS
Registrar-10% -
Referrer90% -


Asset Balance
BTS 0.2075
BTCPLUS 0.0000332
2652f56b sent 7 BTS to
022dc88d sent 14 COMPUCEEDS to
ccb95822 sent 10 BTCPLUS to
d361b6a4 sent 9,990 BADCOIN to
29477456 sent 10 BADCOIN to
643bee37 sent 14 COMPUCEEDS to
94094c90 sent 810 BTCPLUS to
05f73dcc cancel order
f68a53b2 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
be46257e sent 5 BTS to
09cf0500 sent 1,800,000 COMPUCEEDS to
46aefbef sent 260 BTCPLUS to
318458de sent 25 CRYPTOCEEDS to
91a88d06 cancel order
a82fcea6 sent 265.5 BTCPLUS to
41e07409 wants 300 BTCPLUS for 87.7 BTS
virtual paid 87.7 BTS for 300 BTCPLUS
0be0b44a wants 6,074,190 USD for 810 BTCPLUS
3a7fa0fb wants 900 BTCPLUS for 264 BTS
virtual paid 264 BTS for 900 BTCPLUS
07e7b364 wants 1,194,485 USD for 265.5 BTCPLUS
6df3ab84 wants 295 BTCPLUS for 96 BTS
virtual paid 96 BTS for 295 BTCPLUS
c0e64397 sent 45 BTCPLUS to
7a3fb12a cancel order
7c78f9f4 update account/votes
7d6dd818 sent 8,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
5be0ba78 wants 134,775 USD for 45 BTCPLUS
053ea2fe wants 50 BTCPLUS for 40 BTS
virtual paid 40 BTS for 50 BTCPLUS
a74412d8 wants 2,743,484 COMPUCEEDS for 200 BTS
virtual paid 200 BTS for 2,743,484 COMPUCEEDS
0d421c80 wants 300,000 COMPUCEEDS for 21.87 BTS
virtual paid 21.87 BTS for 300,000 COMPUCEEDS
6d9405c9 wants 1,000,000 COMPUCEEDS for 72.9 BTS
virtual paid 72.9 BTS for 1,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
645cf7df paid 200 BTS for 2,743,484 COMPUCEEDS
df24610a wants 2,743,484 COMPUCEEDS for 200 BTS
6d992b36 sent 200 BTS to
cd9c4dd8 wants 2,000,000 COMPUCEEDS for 145.8 BTS
virtual paid 145.8 BTS for 2,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
6026550f sent 1,000 COMPUCEEDS to
caffbf6d sent 200 BTS to
83ef616f update account/votes