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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight5.86 BTS
Lifetime fees paid19.14 BTS
Registrar-10% -
Referrer90% -


Asset Balance
BTS 5.86
BADCOIN 10,000
9340dc7f sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
0514cf03 sent 25 CRYPTOCEEDS to
5746c3d5 sent 0.00762 BTCPLUS to
b75141be sent 1,601,096 COMPUCEEDS to
42ee5a1e sent 33 BTCPLUS to
d3a091ae cancel order
b8f7ea94 sent 50 BTCPLUS to
d9e7a528 cancel order
1604f9c4 sent 125 BTS to
8ed2f30d sent 1,500,000 COMPUCEEDS to
39695887 sent 1 BTCPLUS to
efd1b143 sent 2 BTCPLUS to
5b768b83 wants 98,670 USD for 33 BTCPLUS
26d46361 wants 149,500 USD for 50 BTCPLUS
9f3fac51 cancel order
17ee415b cancel order
e16e136a cancel order
294987e4 wants 29,920 USD for 10 BTCPLUS
ea76fe89 wants 59,840 USD for 20 BTCPLUS
8c0f8ed6 wants 149,500 USD for 50 BTCPLUS
f915b7f6 sent 2 BTCPLUS to
95869373 sent 2 BTCPLUS to
8a211f58 sent 200 BTCPLUS to
351678f3 sent 2 BTCPLUS to
151635ab sent 200 BTCPLUS to
9eae0ab1 sent 2 BTCPLUS to
7e88f56f cancel order
cbef2394 cancel order
db2c9c09 cancel order
770008d8 cancel order
ee3d4484 cancel order
ce493587 cancel order
647ceb7d cancel order
b69d0340 cancel order
ab8d375a wants 295,000 USD for 200 BTCPLUS
14ff3bb4 wants 294,000 USD for 200 BTCPLUS
92098978 paid 40.3 BTS for 53.7 BTCPLUS
882f3d22 paid 73.5 BTS for 98 BTCPLUS
ce4259bf paid 118 BTS for 157.5 BTCPLUS
4e6bff69 paid 118 BTS for 157.5 BTCPLUS
4172be65 wants 533 BTCPLUS for 400 BTS
virtual paid 50 BTS for 66.7 BTCPLUS
9fe6e093 wants 82,000 BTS for 1 BTCPLUS
cf6e3e69 wants 2,980 USD for 2 BTCPLUS
5d85d851 wants 2,970 USD for 2 BTCPLUS
a2e5251b wants 2,960 USD for 2 BTCPLUS
d604596c wants 2,950 USD for 2 BTCPLUS
f039e683 wants 2,940 USD for 2 BTCPLUS
c16ba0cf update account/votes
23df2419 wants 75.6 COMPUCEEDS for 0.19 BTCPLUS
virtual paid 0.19 BTCPLUS for 75.6 COMPUCEEDS
aa7953bd wants 1.2 BTCPLUS for 720 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 720 COMPUCEEDS for 1.2 BTCPLUS
c8f47f76 sent 150 BTS to
8b455e9b sent 500 COMPUCEEDS to
7e573951 update account/votes