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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight4.08 BTS
Lifetime fees paid7.8 BTS
Blacklisting accounts


Asset Balance
BTS 9.34
OPEN.ZRX 0.825
7fd9b92d sent 3 OPEN.EOS to
0291cc57 sent 0.01 OPEN.EOS to
83c43f02 sent 10 OPEN.EOS to
9b3fc2e6 sent 400 BTS to
efb376d0 cancel order
030349f5 wants 1 OPEN.ETH for 400 BTS
c493622d wants 130.2 BTS for 1 GDEX.EOS
virtual paid 1 GDEX.EOS for 130.2 BTS
4003ac76 wants 280 BTS for 50.9 OPEN.EOS
virtual paid 50.9 OPEN.EOS for 280 BTS
virtual cancel order
47abfc0c sent 254 OPEN.ZRX to
e330f449 sent 33,619 BTS to
25969868 wants 17,799 BTS for 148.3 OPEN.EOS
virtual paid 1.856 OPEN.EOS for 230.4 BTS
virtual paid 1.875 OPEN.EOS for 230.4 BTS
virtual paid 5 OPEN.EOS for 610 BTS
virtual paid 0.864 OPEN.EOS for 105.4 BTS
virtual paid 1.895 OPEN.EOS for 230.4 BTS
virtual paid 1.915 OPEN.EOS for 230.4 BTS
virtual paid 8.72 OPEN.EOS for 1,046 BTS
virtual paid 93 OPEN.EOS for 11,151 BTS
367a5e35 paid 33.3 OPEN.EOS for 3,994 BTS
3c8bcede cancel order
7ab09156 paid 0.43 OPEN.EOS for 53.7 BTS
35a03114 wants 34,306 BTS for 274.5 OPEN.EOS
virtual paid 1.836 OPEN.EOS for 230.4 BTS
virtual paid 8 OPEN.EOS for 1,000 BTS
virtual paid 10 OPEN.EOS for 1,249 BTS
virtual paid 35.8 OPEN.EOS for 4,474 BTS
virtual paid 44.6 OPEN.EOS for 5,575 BTS
dcacee49 paid 25.47 OPEN.EOS for 3,184 BTS
3aad8d00 sent 250 BTS to
02a34b59 wants 275.5 BTS for 2.16 OPEN.EOS
virtual paid 2.16 OPEN.EOS for 275.5 BTS
3e60eae8 sent 1.6 BTS to
669077d1 sent 70.6 OPEN.EOS to
9d02628d sent 720 BTS to
2814a142 paid 0.000001 OPEN.EOS for 0.00009 BTS
c1c5fdca paid 0.0486 OPEN.EOS for 4.59 BTS
bad939a8 paid 0.1163 OPEN.EOS for 11 BTS
6822eeb8 paid 0.12 OPEN.EOS for 11.35 BTS
d9b4527b paid 0.12 OPEN.EOS for 11.35 BTS
6fd89fd4 paid 1.65 OPEN.EOS for 156.2 BTS
773d3c44 paid 5.55 OPEN.EOS for 525 BTS
323ecd9d wants 720 BTS for 7.6 OPEN.EOS
bc8f5eca sent 197.7 OPEN.EOS to
d7f53fb1 sent 10 OPEN.EOS to
75de0e2d sent 3 GDEX.EOS to
768c300b sent 4.39 RUDEX.EOS to