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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight13.18 BTS
Lifetime fees paid40.6 BTS
Registrar-10% -
Referrer90% -


Asset Balance
BTS 13.18
BADCOIN 10,000
6c8946a7 update account/votes
66377847 update account/votes
56b86b0c sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
5d8e1176 sent 26,945 BTCPLUS to
ae4b91c3 sent 1,000 BTCPLUS to
335a1949 cancel orders (2)
0e48a97e sent 11 BTS to
3517e2fb sent 400 BTS to
0d4c21cd cancel order
fc5be72c wants 5,000 BTCPLUS for 400 BTS
9f2db903 sent 1,228,020 COMPUCEEDS to
6e5d13db wants 26,945 BTC for 26,945 BTCPLUS
b2841c02 cancel order
089c0a6f cancel order
39e05bef sent 9,000 BTCPLUS to
15871833 cancel order
50737467 sent 1,500 BTCPLUS to
04ff2628 cancel order
cfbaa46d sent 1,500 BTCPLUS to
ec222a39 cancel order
cf4b87f6 wants 4,499,000 USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
2898689c wants 20,000 BTC for 20,000 BTCPLUS
983c2abf cancel order
f62661b7 wants 4,497,000 USD for 1,500 BTCPLUS
fc13d6cb wants 4,498,500 USD for 1,500 BTCPLUS
d8e40668 wants 27,000,000 USD for 9,000 BTCPLUS
492cd222 cancel order
b4605ba1 cancel order
8712ea0c cancel order
69bcdbd5 cancel order
a65b9a21 sent 8,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
d86e2998 paid 0.00001 BTS for 0.0000594 BTCPLUS
78de98fb wants 112,000 USD for 100,000 COMPUCEEDS
4950837c wants 39,560 BTS for 2,000 COMPUCEEDS
76a9a512 wants 59,340 BTS for 3,000 COMPUCEEDS
d810888f paid 2,000 BTS for 11,886 BTCPLUS
virtual paid 4,500 BTS for 26,743 BTCPLUS
938f07b7 wants 26,743 BTCPLUS for 4,500 BTS
0c9654f0 wants 11,886 BTCPLUS for 2,000 BTS
73817bc6 wants 1,292,321 USD for 517 BTCPLUS
d95034c8 cancel order
87b0804b wants 1,487,500 USD for 500 BTCPLUS
38754fe9 wants 1,425,000 USD for 500 BTCPLUS
430a129f wants 1,400,000 USD for 500 BTCPLUS
a97a5a59 cancel order
a1cd0140 cancel order
7c63374c cancel order
31f95c55 cancel order
f362aa7c cancel order
b8995cde cancel order
610f0f1a cancel order
bef86c54 cancel order
476f29ed cancel order
d70fd8f6 cancel order
9d676d8d cancel order
9c4bb589 cancel order
60c64a1c cancel order
78bf2549 cancel order
b22358b9 cancel order
2d389f27 cancel order
54999a53 cancel order
97ea0dac sent 25 BTCPLUS to
ae6ef849 cancel order
ca845216 sent 25 BTCPLUS to
a29a868d sent 25 BTCPLUS to
d3d2dccb cancel order
2ac8ad69 sent 25 BTCPLUS to
3a375fa3 cancel order
bfbebc89 sent 25 BTCPLUS to
8121b9a5 cancel order
a4473c0c sent 25 BTCPLUS to
3df47646 cancel order
3e107ec2 sent 25 BTCPLUS to
17631a2f cancel order
a362bc1f sent 25 BTCPLUS to
18737613 cancel order
3a53793d sent 25 BTCPLUS to
de0223dd cancel order
36e3126d sent 25 BTCPLUS to
739c7616 cancel order
af6f9b8d sent 25 BTCPLUS to
7f75b70b cancel order
829f72b6 sent 25 BTCPLUS to
4b0c7256 cancel order
d2e9d40f sent 25 BTCPLUS to
9ee2c799 cancel order
7419fda7 sent 25 BTCPLUS to
4fb06613 cancel order
0b1d5f2c sent 25 BTCPLUS to
932eecaa cancel order
a0d772ff sent 25 BTCPLUS to
1536233d cancel order
ae5e6746 sent 25 BTCPLUS to
d187f301 cancel order
229659b1 sent 25 BTCPLUS to
059f9544 cancel order
69e111b5 sent 25 BTCPLUS to
d8c8becd cancel order
86f34a8a sent 25 BTCPLUS to
6c2f2257 cancel order
2a5fd6b0 sent 25 BTCPLUS to
1c7d3d4b cancel order
22543538 sent 25 BTCPLUS to
4daaab52 cancel order
d7ea35e7 cancel order
ab51b3ef sent 25 BTCPLUS to
db583810 cancel order
91d1e8d8 sent 25 BTCPLUS to
8dee8d6e cancel order
149767d6 sent 25 BTCPLUS to
f902793f cancel order
e72586dc sent 25 BTCPLUS to
a6fa9ff6 cancel order
30c19774 wants 1,550,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
78901b23 wants 1,500,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
42eafe80 wants 1,525,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
64e00bd0 wants 1,575,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
41ce4d1c wants 1,600,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
b8392055 wants 1,625,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
ee9f6c15 wants 1,650,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
177d8048 wants 1,675,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
5a96d93d wants 1,700,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
3b1444a6 wants 1,725,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
a3574861 wants 1,750,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
f37335b7 wants 1,775,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
4f50215d wants 1,800,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
983198c2 wants 1,825,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
9ea0de55 wants 1,850,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
21df269e wants 1,875,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
6d8d6327 wants 1,900,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
d1c86140 wants 1,925,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
78d781b6 wants 1,950,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
beb385e8 wants 1,975,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
b0f94de8 wants 2,500,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
d978c646 wants 2,475,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
a0e0b8df wants 2,450,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
f6901994 wants 2,425,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
14325156 wants 2,000,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
c47d9a58 wants 2,025,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
f3f7bfc1 wants 2,050,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
8092d967 wants 2,075,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
bf8c07e5 wants 2,125,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
136f0ebe wants 2,350,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
a8c8a044 wants 2,325,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
2be710b6 wants 2,300,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
0e81de80 wants 2,275,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
6af88287 wants 2,250,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
1e174d4e wants 2,225,025 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
2047dea3 wants 2,200,025 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
95e2e8e3 wants 2,175,025 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
2e89dce8 wants 2,150,025 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
e99392f6 wants 2,100,000 BTS for 25 BTCPLUS
8e185834 wants 950,000 BTS for 10 BTCPLUS
8a16f268 wants 9,600,000 BTS for 100 BTCPLUS
5cde1dcb wants 100 OPEN.BTC for 100 BTCPLUS
636e3d98 wants 150,000 USD for 100 BTCPLUS