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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid0.89 BTS
Registrar20% -
Referrer60% -


Asset Balance
cfb80371 wants 413 TATCHCOIN for 434 TATCH.USD
virtual paid 434 TATCH.USD for 413 TATCHCOIN
1feb91f0 wants 260.3 TATCHCOIN for 260.3 TATCH.EUR
virtual paid 260.3 TATCH.EUR for 260.3 TATCHCOIN
1a6acf5c cancel order
10a051b5 cancel order
4fb6b0f0 wants 4,823,793 BRIDGE.RPI for 434 TATCH.USD
11873e86 wants 3,610,098 BRIDGE.RPI for 260.3 TATCH.EUR
0a530824 cancel orders (2)
1f53f780 cancel order
8efff4b1 wants 15,696 TATCH.NLG for 260.3 TATCH.EUR
9ee95de9 wants 23,089 TATCH.NLG for 434 TATCH.USD
7adb45b7 wants 0.0084 TATCH.USD for 8.42 BRIDGE.RPI
17025b3c wants 9,276 BRIDGE.RPI for 3.71 TATCH.EUR
virtual paid 3.71 TATCH.EUR for 9,276 BRIDGE.RPI
58bd69fa sent 303,291 BRIDGE.RPI to
add8ff8c cancel order
5873435c wants 4,569,913 BRIDGE.RPI for 0.457 TATCH.USD
0edf805f wants 1.11 TATCH.USD for 11,111 BRIDGE.RPI
virtual paid 11,111 BRIDGE.RPI for 1.11 TATCH.USD
virtual cancel order
d49a2c8e wants 0.414 TATCH.USD for 4,136 BRIDGE.RPI
virtual paid 4,135 BRIDGE.RPI for 0.414 TATCH.USD
virtual cancel order
f307fff3 cancel order
20cdf242 cancel order
80b36381 wants 6,521 TATCH.NLG for 150 TATCH.EUR
69b4c062 sent 0.02124 TATCH.BTC to
dfb91c41 paid 826 BRIDGE.RPI for 0.1198 TATCH.USD
78b79654 paid 311.5 BRIDGE.RPI for 0.0623 TATCH.EUR
1c7bdef5 paid 5,488 BRIDGE.RPI for 0.796 TATCH.USD
303f5f66 paid 225,478 BRIDGE.RPI for 32.7 TATCH.USD
c6cb4bcb paid 41,262 BRIDGE.RPI for 5.98 TATCH.USD
650db578 paid 56,369 BRIDGE.RPI for 8.17 TATCH.USD
8a42efdb paid 13,699 BRIDGE.RPI for 1.986 TATCH.USD
4190b69a paid 30,596 BRIDGE.RPI for 4.44 TATCH.USD
9d7667ff paid 14,092 BRIDGE.RPI for 2.043 TATCH.USD
930fcd49 paid 231,587 BRIDGE.RPI for 33.6 TATCH.USD
8cef754c paid 231,586 BRIDGE.RPI for 33.6 TATCH.USD
937239e0 paid 122,459 BRIDGE.RPI for 17.76 TATCH.USD
f90526d3 paid 56,374 BRIDGE.RPI for 8.17 TATCH.USD
b0887be6 paid 14,094 BRIDGE.RPI for 2.044 TATCH.USD
c56518e6 paid 56,376 BRIDGE.RPI for 8.17 TATCH.USD
64177607 paid 910 BRIDGE.RPI for 0.1147 TATCH.USD
virtual cancel order
virtual paid 134,570 BRIDGE.RPI for 19.5 TATCH.USD
bc9d16d9 paid 15,003 BRIDGE.RPI for 2.175 TATCH.USD
8d47e458 paid 4,340 BRIDGE.RPI for 0.547 TATCH.USD
07c72519 paid 8,786 BRIDGE.RPI for 1.107 TATCH.USD
3c396645 paid 64,869 BRIDGE.RPI for 8.17 TATCH.USD
2bd65909 paid 1,037,917 BRIDGE.RPI for 130.8 TATCH.USD
f56cfe9e paid 750,000 BRIDGE.RPI for 93.8 TATCH.USD
virtual paid 134,301 BRIDGE.RPI for 16.92 TATCH.USD
2d75f7e6 wants 199,492 BRIDGE.RPI for 39.3 TATCH.EUR
virtual paid 19.6 TATCH.EUR for 100,000 BRIDGE.RPI
virtual paid 19.7 TATCH.EUR for 100,000 BRIDGE.RPI
d3ce921f wants 119,060 BRIDGE.RPI for 23.2 TATCH.EUR
virtual paid 23.2 TATCH.EUR for 119,060 BRIDGE.RPI
virtual paid 119,060 BRIDGE.RPI for 23.2 TATCH.EUR
9e15b290 wants 31.55 TATCH.EUR for 450,701 BRIDGE.RPI
virtual paid 450,700 BRIDGE.RPI for 31.55 TATCH.EUR
virtual cancel order
34366699 wants 24.38 TATCH.EUR for 125,000 BRIDGE.RPI
92b6eb67 paid 1,147 BRIDGE.RPI for 0.201 TATCH.EUR
virtual cancel order
virtual paid 5,940 BRIDGE.RPI for 1.158 TATCH.EUR
5a3b5ac6 wants 21.88 TATCH.EUR for 125,000 BRIDGE.RPI
024c0575 paid 2,361 BRIDGE.RPI for 0.354 TATCH.EUR
virtual paid 33,480 BRIDGE.RPI for 5.86 TATCH.EUR
949c73d6 paid 16,268 BRIDGE.RPI for 2.847 TATCH.EUR
99722dcb paid 32,321 BRIDGE.RPI for 5.66 TATCH.EUR
c1c70c85 paid 33,427 BRIDGE.RPI for 5.85 TATCH.EUR
70f165e5 paid 8,357 BRIDGE.RPI for 1.462 TATCH.EUR
8088e9a2 paid 86,189 BRIDGE.RPI for 12.93 TATCH.EUR
7ea413f9 paid 10,974 BRIDGE.RPI for 1.646 TATCH.EUR
1db65456 paid 25,476 BRIDGE.RPI for 3.82 TATCH.EUR
0df5ff16 wants 18.75 TATCH.EUR for 125,000 BRIDGE.RPI
d42b4b68 paid 16,160 BRIDGE.RPI for 3.23 TATCH.EUR
eea8e1cc paid 8,075 BRIDGE.RPI for 1.615 TATCH.EUR
98c654cc paid 5,121 BRIDGE.RPI for 1.024 TATCH.EUR
073e62d3 wants 25 TATCH.EUR for 125,000 BRIDGE.RPI
2d3fa376 paid 1,517 BRIDGE.RPI for 0.3034 TATCH.EUR
virtual paid 63,125 BRIDGE.RPI for 12.62 TATCH.EUR
b605cc79 paid 32,209 BRIDGE.RPI for 6.44 TATCH.EUR
6781b00e wants 75 TATCH.EUR for 1,000,000 BRIDGE.RPI
virtual paid 1,000,000 BRIDGE.RPI for 75 TATCH.EUR
dcc8d895 wants 2 TATCHCOIN for 20 TATCH.EUR
virtual paid 20 TATCH.EUR for 2 TATCHCOIN
581dcdf6 wants 181.3 TATCH.USD for 1,250,000 BRIDGE.RPI
e57cfa05 wants 157.6 TATCH.USD for 1,251,123 BRIDGE.RPI
6f679438 wants 93.8 TATCH.USD for 750,000 BRIDGE.RPI
6db99dbc paid 14,546 BRIDGE.RPI for 2.91 TATCH.EUR
c041b4cb paid 1,481 BRIDGE.RPI for 0.296 TATCH.EUR
db297eac wants 50 TATCH.EUR for 250,000 BRIDGE.RPI
b0f9bb4a paid 77,283 BRIDGE.RPI for 15.46 TATCH.EUR
eb0bd67b paid 18,174 BRIDGE.RPI for 3.63 TATCH.EUR
0ad18c01 paid 10,539 BRIDGE.RPI for 2.108 TATCH.EUR
ea4b9eb6 paid 126,463 BRIDGE.RPI for 25.3 TATCH.EUR
f93604ea wants 100 TATCH.EUR for 1,000,000 BRIDGE.RPI
virtual paid 1,000,000 BRIDGE.RPI for 100 TATCH.EUR