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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight3.75 BTS
Lifetime fees paid16.3 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 3.75
USD 0.0001
OBITS 0.0051
BTSR 0.0041
OPEN.ETH 0.000003
OPEN.BTC 0.00000728
OPEN.DAO 0.0862
BADCOIN 10,000
01d1e1e4 sent 0.0051 OBITS.VOTE to
7d3e3e79 sent 0.0051 OBITS.VOTING to
0eab7290 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
2a28941c sent 0.00002 BTS to
a29bbb8a sent 0.0001 USD to
92c02f54 sent 1 BTS to
60dcdd77 sent 1 BTS to
f1add996 sent 1 BTS to
34d35e25 sent 54,705 BTS to
23a044e8 wants 23,298 BTS for 1,009 OBITS
virtual paid 1,009 OBITS for 23,298 BTS
7f829817 cancel order
e88b398a wants 10,712 BTS for 974 BTSR
virtual paid 974 BTSR for 10,712 BTS
4c89dcc2 cancel order
52064e37 wants 2,584 BTS for 0.615 OPEN.ETH
virtual paid 0.615 OPEN.ETH for 2,584 BTS
4345f004 wants 0.426 OPEN.ETH for 458 OPEN.DAO
virtual paid 458 OPEN.DAO for 0.426 OPEN.ETH
bdf0ff4e cancel order
f6b06755 paid 0.0672 OPEN.BTC for 12,972 BTS
5d4b572f wants 18,113 BTS for 0.0939 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.02664 OPEN.BTC for 5,141 BTS
0aa84f3c sent 115 BTS to
2cfb2917 wants 11,092 BTS for 973 BTSR
113e5ac2 cancel order
0e7c99bf wants 0.0916 OPEN.BTC for 458 OPEN.DAO
3fb18b22 cancel order
61fc509b wants 0.094 OPEN.BTC for 18,330 BTS
virtual paid 18,330 BTS for 0.094 OPEN.BTC
4480aa81 wants 0.0916 OPEN.BTC for 458 OPEN.DAO
97b5df30 wants 23,386 BTS for 1,008 OBITS
385989df wants 11,489 BTS for 999 BTSR
virtual paid 26.13 BTSR for 300.5 BTS
0603e3b6 cancel order
e4d5847b wants 4.49 OPEN.ETH for 458 OPEN.DAO
199a447e cancel order
a1e2ea65 wants 4.46 OPEN.ETH for 450 OPEN.DAO
e05012e5 cancel order
f94eaca1 wants 458 OPEN.ETH for 459 OPEN.DAO
2f95ba93 paid 1,300 BTSR for 17,173 BTS
0b994e74 paid 50 BTSR for 660 BTS
e62b8cd1 wants 460 OPEN.DAO for 4.6 OPEN.ETH
virtual paid 4.6 OPEN.ETH for 460 OPEN.DAO
90c73c43 wants 0.8 OPEN.ETH for 2,520 BTS
f9d76a9d paid 2,520 BTS for 0.8 OPEN.ETH
6bdf3377 wants 4 OPEN.ETH for 12,600 BTS
5ed6021e paid 12,600 BTS for 4 OPEN.ETH
ce545aac paid 175.2 OBITS for 4,433 BTS
cd5869a5 wants 17,834 BTS for 1,350 BTSR
a06aa107 wants 15,433 BTS for 610 OBITS
virtual paid 435 OBITS for 11,000 BTS
cd8e0817 wants 2.6 OBITS for 80 BTS
virtual paid 80 BTS for 2.6 OBITS
c795f492 cancel order
4e746438 wants 3 OBITS for 78 BTS
bed4e9c0 cancel order
1c3a6023 wants 3 OBITS for 81 BTS
ab36a112 wants 81.6 BTS for 0.0008 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.0008 OPEN.BTC for 81.6 BTS
66c4ba10 sent 0.009 OPEN.BTC to
94450b6c sent 0.24 OPEN.BTC to
bfb9c686 sent 0.15 OPEN.BTC to