立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid4.77 BTS
Registrar50% -
Referrer30% -


Asset Balance
STAR 100
OPEN.BTC 0.091
BADCOIN 10,000
DEEX 0.1
PROTON 0.0005
SEED 158
INDEXDJI 0.00000002
XBTSX.STH 0.0627
efe34603 update account/votes
7567febe sent 151,845 BTS to
f0573acf sent 100 BTS to
879e5059 sent 64,300 BTS to
8fa98976 sent 100 BTS to
1c6da173 sent 10,000 BTS to
5489c572 sent 0.00000002 INDEXDJI to
e3e54db6 sent 0.0005 PROTON to
9f85eb6d sent 0.0627 XBTSX.STH to
c338433b sent 40,000 BTS to
7ab05ea3 sent 10,000 BTS to
13b6ec9a sent 10,000 BTS to
e4e77846 sent 10 BTS to
8284ee7d sent 10 BTS to
fa92e8bd sent 10 BTS to
3d381f7b sent 30,000 BTS to
535f4aa8 sent 30,000 BTS to
ae49c440 sent 9,900 BTS to
4f286505 sent 100 BTS to
aaaa334e sent 20,000 BTS to
d59d8a2d sent 14,998 BTS to
689e74e7 sent 10,000 BTS to
8bc3fb57 sent 60,000 BTS to
aebe4562 sent 80,000 BTS to
338a1bc2 sent 40,000 BTS to
4d31daae sent 10 BTS to
17f05251 sent 10,000 BTS to
58162198 sent 1 BTS to
114e0f25 sent 0.001 OPEN.BTC to
8d6e5af5 sent 0.001 OPEN.BTC to
2a224c2a sent 0.01 OPEN.BTC to
d32607f7 wants 0.1032 OPEN.BTC for 8,950 BTS
virtual paid 8,950 BTS for 0.1032 OPEN.BTC
virtual cancel order
d3402846 sent 115 BTS to
f9b05731 sent 9,000 BTS to
94ead957 sent 5,000 BTS to
fb1d3a96 sent 1 BTS to
ced38c9d update account/votes
b02974b1 sent 32,340 BTS to
bb33c1ee sent 10 BTS to
702352fe claimed 78,185 BTS, 23,070 BTS, 4,000 BTS, 25,000 BTS, 76,401 BTS, 128,475 BTS, 25,000 BTS, 100 BTS, 100 STAR, 0.2 BTS, 0.98 BTS, 25,000 BTS, 1 BTS, 21,000 BTS, 34,079 BTS, 50,000 BTS, 81,033 BTS, 46,751 BTS, 26,071 BTS, 2,636 BTS