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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.269 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.953 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.269
ESCODEX.RVN 0.000529
ESCODEX.LGS 0.00000391
0abef598 sent 0.0027 ESCODEX.BTC to
dcee5b10 cancel order
86939cc4 cancel order
02a2134d cancel order
a0b70b02 cancel order
12125089 cancel order
57e3b698 cancel order
e9c3b94d sent 1 BTS to
8724f7ba wants 3,226 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.001 ESCODEX.BTC
0601c528 cancel order
490b4a57 wants 394 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.001 ESCODEX.BTC
d1479f9f cancel order
31b97c2a wants 397 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.001 ESCODEX.BTC
0841352c cancel order
a880f8b7 wants 7,143 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.001 ESCODEX.BTC
9a2f2af2 cancel order
252c3348 wants 1,818 ESCODEX.C2P for 0.0002 ESCODEX.BTC
7e3e74bb cancel order
76e0d492 wants 8,333 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.001 ESCODEX.BTC
a812bac4 cancel order
057dfe31 wants 3,448 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.001 ESCODEX.BTC
f52c9efd cancel order
5fd0e09d wants 1,471 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.001 ESCODEX.BTC
a7bf9d36 cancel order
52a2a821 wants 3,704 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.001 ESCODEX.BTC
67c23c35 cancel order
4ed9f3a8 wants 1,515 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.001 ESCODEX.BTC
65da21c5 cancel order
80ab20cb wants 1,667 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.001 ESCODEX.BTC
7dc8e7fd cancel order
18f31121 wants 10,000 ESCODEX.1X2 for 0.0002 ESCODEX.BTC
5821a2b4 cancel order
7ddf4a8d wants 1,724 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.001 ESCODEX.BTC
1fe11531 cancel order
5d20f3d4 wants 330 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.001 ESCODEX.BTC
47855d70 cancel order
871bb7bf wants 1,613 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.001 ESCODEX.BTC
9174b5e8 cancel order
0fee6a30 wants 1,667 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.001 ESCODEX.BTC
11a4bd8c cancel order
1651e885 wants 39.9 ESCODEX.ETH for 0.0002 ESCODEX.BTC
89a826a0 cancel order
9b3fb089 wants 22.2 ESCODEX.1X2 for 0.0002 ESCODEX.BTC
e5ec25e8 wants 5,000 ESCODEX.BCH for 0.0001 ESCODEX.BTC
b28f7d59 cancel order
cdc742a2 wants 4,000 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.001 ESCODEX.BTC
adeebcf5 cancel order
d25866f5 sent 0.00447 ESCODEX.BTC to
331db27c wants 5,000 ESCODEX.LPC for 0.0002 ESCODEX.BTC
210ffda2 wants 15,000 ESCODEX.BCH for 0.0003 ESCODEX.BTC
4095f54d wants 4,348 ESCODEX.SINS for 0.001 ESCODEX.BTC
fc06fe95 wants 10,000 ESCODEX.C2P for 0.0002 ESCODEX.BTC
17e739a8 wants 1,724 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.001 ESCODEX.BTC
fd16e643 wants 0.00704 ESCODEX.BTC for 485 BTS
virtual paid 5.44 BTS for 0.0000815 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual paid 220 BTS for 0.00329 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual paid 1 BTS for 0.0000149 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual paid 53.9 BTS for 0.000792 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual paid 58.1 BTS for 0.000851 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual paid 49.7 BTS for 0.000728 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual paid 71 BTS for 0.00104 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual paid 25.93 BTS for 0.00038 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
24524fcf cancel order
e22df0f7 wants 0.00898 ESCODEX.BTC for 485 BTS
4cf54935 cancel order
cee5e278 wants 0.00901 ESCODEX.BTC for 487 BTS
cd61a30b wants 486 BTS for 0.00742 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000746 BRIDGE.BTC for 49 BTS
virtual paid 0.000762 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BTS
virtual paid 0.0001426 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.36 BTS
virtual paid 0.000762 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BTS
virtual paid 0.0001526 BRIDGE.BTC for 10 BTS
virtual paid 0.000763 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BTS
virtual paid 0.000763 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BTS
virtual paid 0.0003 BRIDGE.BTC for 19.65 BTS
virtual paid 0.00303 BRIDGE.BTC for 198.2 BTS
ead134a9 cancel order
9ddf7463 wants 500 BTS for 0.00742 BRIDGE.BTC
8cb28450 sent 0.00768 ESCODEX.BTC to
8b0054e8 wants 0.001142 ESCODEX.BTC for 494 ESCODEX.RVN
virtual paid 223.6 ESCODEX.RVN for 0.000519 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual paid 221 ESCODEX.RVN for 0.000512 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual paid 49.3 ESCODEX.RVN for 0.000114 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
f1490e1c sent 119.7 ESCODEX.OUR to
34077732 wants 1 BTS for 0.00001848 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual paid 0.00001848 ESCODEX.BTC for 1 BTS
9137d70e wants 0.00657 ESCODEX.BTC for 4 ESCODEX.LGS
virtual paid 4 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.00657 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
9bad93f7 cancel order
8d77fefd cancel order
4e0dae27 wants 0.007 ESCODEX.BTC for 4 ESCODEX.LGS
acbbb963 wants 0.0464 ESCODEX.BTC for 119.7 ESCODEX.OUR