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BitShares Block Explorer


Voting Slate

Voting weight0.0659 BTS
Proxy followers0

YES - refund400k (1.14.0)

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Lifetime fees paid12.66 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.0659
edb597a7 wants 218.4 OPEN.DOGE for 5 BTS
virtual paid 5 BTS for 218.4 OPEN.DOGE
d9f7398a wants 0.135 BTS for 0.000401 OPEN.LTC
virtual paid 0.000401 OPEN.LTC for 0.135 BTS
6081609b wants 4.95 BTS for 0.569 OPEN.STEEM
virtual paid 0.569 OPEN.STEEM for 4.95 BTS
188d6400 sent 174.8 OPEN.DOGE to
ca5da74f sent 0.00274 OPEN.DASH to
48bdbf0c sent 0.000781 OPEN.DASH to
a4ba0584 wants 127.3 OPEN.DOGE for 1.45 BTS
virtual paid 1.45 BTS for 127.3 OPEN.DOGE
d7a21612 sent 8 BTS to
dddaa0f8 cancel order
22bbd679 wants 0.00001 BTWTY for 0.773 BTS
6ab3f0bc sent 268 BTS to
82e7f0b7 wants 27.16 BTS for 0.23 ICOO
virtual paid 0.23 ICOO for 27.16 BTS
36f29c91 cancel order
fd885fd1 wants 96.8 BTS for 0.0302 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 0.0302 PEERPLAYS for 96.8 BTS
f1fadf62 cancel order
c38ea24a wants 103 BTS for 0.0302 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 0.00001 PEERPLAYS for 0.0341 BTS
2801d24d cancel order
1bf00ada wants 38.2 BTS for 1.96 BLOCKPAY
virtual paid 1.96 BLOCKPAY for 38.2 BTS
4f01f339 cancel order
1c397a5f wants 121 BTS for 0.997 ICOO
virtual paid 0.767 ICOO for 93 BTS
13eb9669 cancel order
cb0d4e53 wants 103.8 BTS for 0.0302 PEERPLAYS
07c66479 wants 39.8 BTS for 1.96 BLOCKPAY
70c459cf wants 0.163 BTS for 4.89 OPEN.DOGE
virtual paid 4.89 OPEN.DOGE for 0.163 BTS
ca4906e4 wants 132.6 BTS for 0.997 ICOO
840dba83 wants 12.66 BTS for 0.997 BTSR
virtual paid 0.997 BTSR for 12.66 BTS
6e449601 sent 0.0339 OPEN.DGD to
899d014b sent 10 BTS to
8787ea73 wants 16.07 BTS for 0.997 OBITS
virtual paid 0.997 OBITS for 16.07 BTS
73b4e23b update account/votes
5edd4a23 paid 100 BTS for 0.0333 OPEN.DGD
ce67500c wants 0.0333 OPEN.DGD for 100 BTS
05d80010 wants 0.0303 PEERPLAYS for 100 BTS
virtual paid 100 BTS for 0.0303 PEERPLAYS
d4a0bd01 wants 1 ICOO for 169 BTS
virtual paid 169 BTS for 1 ICOO
cf7ec848 wants 2 BLOCKPAY for 41.9 BTS
b3809844 paid 41.9 BTS for 2 BLOCKPAY
353c00eb wants 1.61 BTS for 64.1 OPEN.DOGE
virtual paid 26.7 OPEN.DOGE for 0.801 BTS
virtual paid 37.4 OPEN.DOGE for 0.939 BTS
3b9e8311 wants 0.00071 OPEN.DGD for 2.53 BTS
virtual paid 2.53 BTS for 0.00071 OPEN.DGD
c81a5bbd wants 1 BTSR for 13.66 BTS
virtual paid 13.66 BTS for 1 BTSR
c6924951 wants 1 OBITS for 15.82 BTS
virtual paid 15.82 BTS for 1 OBITS