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BitShares Block Explorer



BTS4ugAb52c1CYZMXFAncahzKgYDaDPJiskyEqRLea8cSLEQQnZtD 1 50%
BTS8QzpjTLicWp2VEHStY8cqz2AcPt617EtQvyJkTd6XFZdRaJigb 1 50%
Threshold 1 50%
BTS7K36nSbYPbrwYKPYuV2spYyJanwXP7juYPPTuXbe8mqufe6Nib 1 33.3%
BTS4ugAb52c1CYZMXFAncahzKgYDaDPJiskyEqRLea8cSLEQQnZtD 1 33.3%
BTS7JDqrYB9P7i2vt2Y4KWYjRUmuMhDoFR9oD2RZwr1x6wooEYtSo 1 33.3%
Threshold 1 33.3%
Votes asnobody
Voting weight4.72 BTS
Lifetime fees paid724 BTS
Cashback/vesting1,151 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 168
911826fc sent 1 BTS to
be59a859 sent 1 BTS to
6c89ec60 sent 10 BTS to
c1c36f0d register guard-tester-001
7e9c3862 sent 0.1235 BTS to
5f01c471 sent 0.1235 BTS to
6f97559b sent 0.0211 BTS to
b18a2be5 sent 0.0211 BTS to
fcd54649 sent 0.0211 BTS to
b0d92ae2 sent 0.0211 BTS to
181f25a6 sent 0.0211 BTS to
b2883b65 sent 0.0211 BTS to
4be18129 sent 0.0211 BTS to
139dcb7d register upbit-branch
bf94af31 register upbit-ex
e16453d4 sent 1 BTS to
0e748e19 sent 1 BTS to
0df2f50a sent 1.123 BTS to
389af628 sent 1 BTS to
00c65185 sent 1 BTS to
734f0e4f sent 1.12 BTS to
25ed5e24 register guard-tester
3cac29b8 sent 1.2 BTS to
bb7134c7 sent 1 BTS to
9c03f922 sent 1 BTS to
b3df6d33 sent 0.5 BTS to
a9eeb9dd sent 0.896 BTS to
c90a08e3 sent 50.5 BTS to
7638ce65 sent 1.213 BTS to
7c9cfa31 register dunamu-users
7d49345c register dunamu-user
7e11bcba register dunamu-hot
8b0ee73c update account/votes
bd73aa75 register guard-users
209fc753 update account/votes
3647fffb update account/votes
75ec59be update account/votes
11ca90f7 sent 1 BTS to
ed878c22 update account/votes
8b837a8d update account/votes
ae8bcecd update account/votes
087b2cd3 update account/votes
b8ab011a sent 1 BTS to
065a0067 upgrade account