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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid0.83 BTS


Asset Balance
DEEX 0.1
4abbb349 sent 0.687 BTS to
7eec8bfe sent 0.792 BTS to
337efe92 sent 0.1132 OPEN.ETH to
cc00751b sent 0.1113 OPEN.ETH to
ca83696f whitelisted
15f2dd2f sent 0.896 BTS to
c6fabfc0 sent 1 BTS to
20958641 sent 0.1 DEEX to
e83529a5 whitelisted
b7f4c97a blacklisted
0fed8bf2 sent 1,021 USD to
f2cf78d5 sent 1,883 BTS to
71a128dc wants 1,783 BTS for 2,536,848 OPEN.W3C
virtual paid 2,536,848 OPEN.W3C for 1,783 BTS
fc8f2371 wants 1,022 USD for 0.1416 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.1416 OPEN.BTC for 1,022 USD
d6d91aad cancel order
89dd1fef sent 0.715 OPEN.ETH to
80f5bfd8 paid 0.00193 OPEN.BTC for 0.0264 OPEN.ETH
41224839 paid 0.001095 OPEN.BTC for 0.01497 OPEN.ETH
dea26cb0 paid 0.001628 OPEN.BTC for 0.02226 OPEN.ETH
95422c89 paid 0.0429 OPEN.BTC for 0.587 OPEN.ETH
d3d2ba8d paid 0.0041 OPEN.BTC for 0.056 OPEN.ETH
5a9a43a6 paid 0.0001179 OPEN.BTC for 0.001612 OPEN.ETH
14dea97a wants 2.644 OPEN.ETH for 0.1934 OPEN.BTC
cbb69989 wants 0.1188 OPEN.BTC for 2,635,542 OPEN.W3C
virtual paid 2,635,542 OPEN.W3C for 0.1188 OPEN.BTC
1407d309 paid 1,497,006 OPEN.W3C for 0.0748 OPEN.BTC
5f1ba551 paid 2,994 OPEN.W3C for 0.0001496 OPEN.BTC
02f205e5 wants 0.075 OPEN.BTC for 1,500,000 OPEN.W3C
58eccf1e cancel order
b5ca0609 wants 1.185 OPEN.ETH for 1,500,000 OPEN.W3C
3af377fa sent 0.653 OPEN.ETH to
3c811350 paid 0.0233 OPEN.BTC for 0.2817 OPEN.ETH
619774a1 paid 0.00827 OPEN.BTC for 0.1 OPEN.ETH
a76d0523 paid 0.0234 OPEN.BTC for 0.283 OPEN.ETH
0f104758 wants 0.665 OPEN.ETH for 0.055 OPEN.BTC
57c186b1 wants 0.0551 OPEN.BTC for 1,000,000 OPEN.W3C
virtual paid 1,000,000 OPEN.W3C for 0.0551 OPEN.BTC
7c1e88bf cancel order
bf1ee62a wants 0.95 OPEN.ETH for 1,000,000 OPEN.W3C
5882d19c cancel order
a272cf03 wants 0.97 OPEN.ETH for 1,000,000 OPEN.W3C
6ac9d304 wants 1,895,954 OPEN.W3C for 0.641 OPEN.ETH
virtual paid 0.641 OPEN.ETH for 1,895,954 OPEN.W3C
2b7949b4 cancel order
9a6e02a0 wants 2,563,135 OPEN.W3C for 0.64 OPEN.ETH
45ddb3ed cancel order
d863dce9 wants 2,774,342 OPEN.W3C for 0.64 OPEN.ETH
3933f1b3 wants 4,149,886 OPEN.W3C for 1.162 OPEN.ETH
virtual paid 0.2305 OPEN.ETH for 823,114 OPEN.W3C
virtual paid 0.931 OPEN.ETH for 3,326,771 OPEN.W3C
c571dbc1 cancel order
c52cb412 cancel order
f2175fb6 wants 4,986,672 OPEN.W3C for 0.773 OPEN.ETH
d4312189 wants 2,372,514 OPEN.W3C for 0.388 OPEN.ETH
d237e047 cancel order
71c9ccdb wants 2,372,514 OPEN.W3C for 0.388 OPEN.ETH
590381ae cancel order
727c7381 wants 0.0978 OPEN.ETH for 542,650 OPEN.W3C
virtual paid 4.93 OPEN.W3C for 0.000001 OPEN.ETH
virtual paid 542,645 OPEN.W3C for 0.0978 OPEN.ETH
88b715c8 cancel order
66931e87 wants 0.000001 OPEN.ETH for 4.93 OPEN.W3C
064e6780 wants 0.000001 OPEN.ETH for 4.93 OPEN.W3C
a195a905 paid 0.335 OPEN.ETH for 2,185,666 OPEN.W3C
429300a6 wants 2,185,666 OPEN.W3C for 0.335 OPEN.ETH
ea1e5c96 cancel order
55454fd2 wants 2,394,387 OPEN.W3C for 0.335 OPEN.ETH