立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight25 BTS
Lifetime fees paid3.085 BTS
Whitelisting accounts


Asset Balance
BTS 3.63
DEEX 0.1
BAIDUCOM 0.00001
APPLECOM 0.00001
TESLACOM 0.00001
CISCOCOM 0.00001
virtual cancel order
040cfff3 wants 10,497,500 COMPUMATRIX.USD for 500 BTCPLUS
93f21b1c sent 500 BTCPLUS to
1919a673 sent 20 BTS to
e5f64b2d sent 25 BTS to
d28ad5cc whitelisted
15665c9d sent 28.9 BTS to
38e5d394 sent 66.1 BTCCORE to
3a7eddd7 sent 19,267 ECASH to
63574aaf cancel orders (2)
8041efb7 wants 7.53 BTS for 9.92 BTCCORE
8f05a187 wants 6.64 BTCCORE for 4.38 BTS
1176e2d0 cancel order
a2c6360c paid 5.16 BTS for 6.8 BTCCORE
4dd22bbe wants 7.76 BTS for 8.9 BTCCORE
e0e9f868 wants 6.8 BTCCORE for 5.16 BTS
fbcf09e4 cancel order
ad52d1b1 paid 10.46 BTCCORE for 8.25 BTS
4c779e9c wants 8.25 BTS for 10.46 BTCCORE
4ba2bc07 wants 5.72 BTCCORE for 3.92 BTS
aaaa5212 cancel order
f7a79265 paid 4.62 BTS for 5.29 BTCCORE
9aacc8c8 wants 9.7 BTS for 9.67 BTCCORE
eacfdd96 wants 5.29 BTCCORE for 4.62 BTS
5bef4b67 cancel order
c385ddae paid 11.38 BTCCORE for 7.6 BTS
5bfcea05 wants 7.6 BTS for 11.38 BTCCORE
64d5c48a wants 5.98 BTCCORE for 3.48 BTS
529647e8 cancel order
c84ab73a paid 4.09 BTS for 6.4 BTCCORE
329f44fa wants 7.65 BTS for 10.42 BTCCORE
3dc4f996 wants 6.4 BTCCORE for 4.09 BTS
6e756b00 cancel order
b82a0131 wants 7.3 BTS for 9.35 BTCCORE
5dd84592 paid 4.81 BTS for 7.09 BTCCORE
150b1574 wants 7.09 BTCCORE for 4.81 BTS
1ca0211e cancel order
d5f2a09a paid 5.66 BTS for 7.5 BTCCORE
e2848952 wants 7.15 BTS for 8.23 BTCCORE
46bcdc8b wants 7.5 BTCCORE for 5.66 BTS
9d99bf75 cancel order
bca365cb paid 9.68 BTCCORE for 8.13 BTS
38075331 wants 8.13 BTS for 9.68 BTCCORE
b80391ce wants 6.09 BTCCORE for 4.45 BTS
29579795 cancel order
1ed6010d paid 5.23 BTS for 5.82 BTCCORE
e2ef003d wants 9.1 BTS for 8.8 BTCCORE
9bd57994 wants 5.82 BTCCORE for 5.23 BTS
245d9860 cancel order
4365662c paid 10.36 BTCCORE for 7.51 BTS
a79957bb wants 7.51 BTS for 10.36 BTCCORE
7d3e8818 wants 6.52 BTCCORE for 4.11 BTS
e9155512 cancel order
f6f77fe5 paid 4.83 BTS for 7.3 BTCCORE
998161bd wants 7.06 BTS for 9.27 BTCCORE
c32337a3 wants 7.3 BTCCORE for 4.83 BTS
7075d789 cancel order
e39c855f paid 5.68 BTS for 7.91 BTCCORE
cd31fdd5 wants 6.68 BTS for 8.08 BTCCORE
2520434e wants 7.91 BTCCORE for 5.68 BTS
079dfc36 cancel order
7c4abda8 paid 6.69 BTS for 8.81 BTCCORE
6a1e21d6 wants 5.9 BTS for 6.76 BTCCORE
14f40d82 wants 8.81 BTCCORE for 6.69 BTS
7e961150 cancel order
1b7cd24a paid 7.87 BTS for 10.02 BTCCORE
eb0228b6 wants 4.75 BTS for 5.26 BTCCORE
298e96d1 wants 10.02 BTCCORE for 7.87 BTS
cebe4ed9 cancel order
52f48fd4 paid 6.18 BTCCORE for 5.2 BTS
5392aa5f wants 5.2 BTS for 6.18 BTCCORE
257d386d wants 9.7 BTCCORE for 7.09 BTS
bb19b6f5 cancel order
00fae57c paid 7.28 BTCCORE for 5.59 BTS
451f385f wants 5.59 BTS for 7.28 BTCCORE
8810d375 wants 9.36 BTCCORE for 6.25 BTS
01d8f5bc cancel order
cee1d53b paid 8.56 BTCCORE for 6.09 BTS
78939386 wants 6.09 BTS for 8.56 BTCCORE
ec7f581b wants 8.63 BTCCORE for 5.34 BTS
1f058e62 cancel order
eb4c3238 paid 10.07 BTCCORE for 6.82 BTS
4415b4ee wants 6.82 BTS for 10.07 BTCCORE
308365c7 wants 7.34 BTCCORE for 4.32 BTS
12dfde5e cancel order
3d46a46c paid 5.08 BTS for 6.9 BTCCORE
caf67256 wants 7.65 BTS for 9.04 BTCCORE
cf8302f2 wants 6.9 BTCCORE for 5.08 BTS
e6aba367 cancel order
8a50f5e4 paid 5.98 BTS for 7.76 BTCCORE
a63be9af wants 6.98 BTS for 7.87 BTCCORE
5cfe78bd wants 7.76 BTCCORE for 5.98 BTS
95ff9166 cancel order
b549590a paid 9.26 BTCCORE for 6.7 BTS
2bf42d2d wants 6.7 BTS for 9.26 BTCCORE
7b67d316 wants 7.9 BTCCORE for 4.98 BTS
f25d2875 cancel order
837c72fa paid 5.86 BTS for 6.33 BTCCORE
16c0fa01 wants 8.84 BTS for 8.31 BTCCORE
474f068a wants 6.33 BTCCORE for 5.86 BTS
6c45be36 cancel order
4e61b71f paid 6.89 BTS for 6.97 BTCCORE
46846ba6 wants 8.26 BTS for 7.27 BTCCORE
9a2928a0 wants 6.97 BTCCORE for 6.89 BTS
685c7b30 cancel order
f860df27 paid 8.1 BTS for 7.73 BTCCORE
9370d54d wants 7.36 BTS for 6.1 BTCCORE
2aaff5ad wants 7.73 BTCCORE for 8.1 BTS
b6732879 cancel order
a7870167 paid 7.18 BTCCORE for 8.34 BTS
01ba540a wants 8.34 BTS for 7.18 BTCCORE
b42c4f6a wants 6.8 BTCCORE for 6.86 BTS
16e19ed8 cancel order
318c2e0b paid 8.45 BTCCORE for 6.63 BTS
4a6b49b7 wants 6.63 BTS for 8.45 BTCCORE
1cd815f5 wants 8.6 BTCCORE for 5.86 BTS
30f49da2 cancel order
ee114090 paid 6.9 BTS for 8.15 BTCCORE
00a214a1 wants 7.03 BTS for 7.23 BTCCORE
ec13a4fd wants 8.15 BTCCORE for 6.9 BTS
4e0b75ea cancel order
15247fe0 paid 8.12 BTS for 7.65 BTCCORE
2a64055e wants 7.42 BTS for 6.08 BTCCORE
aeee454c wants 7.65 BTCCORE for 8.12 BTS
770adb21 cancel order
581e0d6d paid 9.55 BTS for 8.62 BTCCORE
43f56864 wants 6.1 BTS for 4.79 BTCCORE
962dc7ae wants 8.62 BTCCORE for 9.55 BTS
ec8be22f cancel order
e9279fa3 paid 5.63 BTCCORE for 5.89 BTS
0f5a410e wants 5.89 BTS for 5.63 BTCCORE
acf4a6d1 wants 9.54 BTCCORE for 8.67 BTS
70eda1ba cancel order
55ff9ac2 paid 6.62 BTCCORE for 5.66 BTS
04f1bc5b wants 5.66 BTS for 6.62 BTCCORE
4e1f201c wants 10.53 BTCCORE for 7.82 BTS
5c4cf4f1 cancel order
cc233ef9 paid 7.8 BTCCORE for 6.34 BTS
6e447088 wants 6.34 BTS for 7.8 BTCCORE
5cd51e4e wants 9.72 BTCCORE for 6.87 BTS
4da8540f cancel order
3fe81000 paid 9.17 BTCCORE for 6.93 BTS
8810c857 wants 6.93 BTS for 9.17 BTCCORE
5de74798 wants 8.87 BTCCORE for 5.83 BTS
b2c03b5a cancel order
f91dcfdd paid 6.86 BTS for 9.65 BTCCORE
22eba01f wants 6.32 BTS for 7.72 BTCCORE
3a172884 wants 9.65 BTCCORE for 6.86 BTS
ba842b32 cancel order
4599504c paid 8.08 BTS for 10.56 BTCCORE
2aca623f wants 5.4 BTS for 6.14 BTCCORE
6352e861 wants 10.56 BTCCORE for 8.08 BTS
24f6f7bb cancel order
825c35ea paid 7.22 BTCCORE for 5.83 BTS
8a1195e8 wants 5.83 BTS for 7.22 BTCCORE
80a9dd7b wants 10.25 BTCCORE for 7.2 BTS
5626e6af cancel order
b76261dd paid 8.5 BTCCORE for 6.5 BTS
61884e5e wants 6.5 BTS for 8.5 BTCCORE
2cb91e98 wants 9.36 BTCCORE for 6.23 BTS
e6aa7fec cancel orders (2)
c71a7b02 wants 5 BTS for 6.8 BTCCORE
48650584 wants 7.59 BTCCORE for 4.98 BTS
8743b296 cancel order
76ba149d paid 5.66 BTS for 7.23 BTCCORE
ef5537e4 wants 5.2 BTS for 5.93 BTCCORE
f099ac8f wants 7.23 BTCCORE for 5.66 BTS
a791ac4d cancel order
b96a1e95 paid 6.43 BTS for 6.52 BTCCORE
f3938fcd wants 5.68 BTS for 5.15 BTCCORE
fefda84a wants 6.52 BTCCORE for 6.43 BTS
a85ebe01 cancel order
cfeb4f82 paid 7.31 BTS for 7.05 BTCCORE
04a3e981 wants 5 BTS for 4.3 BTCCORE
7ce35292 wants 7.05 BTCCORE for 7.31 BTS
4fa6ec5f cancel order
e3709bfc paid 8.31 BTS for 7.87 BTCCORE
597a747d wants 3.97 BTS for 3.36 BTCCORE
112a8d6e wants 7.87 BTCCORE for 8.31 BTS
9f365db6 cancel order
375a75d7 paid 3.81 BTCCORE for 4.29 BTS
543862e2 wants 4.29 BTS for 3.81 BTCCORE
4d3f01f4 wants 7.76 BTCCORE for 7.8 BTS
ac25faed cancel order
a593b35f paid 4.33 BTCCORE for 4.68 BTS
0e8d0c58 wants 4.68 BTS for 4.33 BTCCORE
309ec056 wants 7.51 BTCCORE for 7.24 BTS
5780a358 cancel order
17f4992a paid 8.22 BTS for 8.4 BTCCORE
51101f81 wants 3.64 BTS for 3.33 BTCCORE
36115798 wants 8.4 BTCCORE for 8.22 BTS
2ca6fbd9 cancel order
d33bddca paid 3.78 BTCCORE for 3.93 BTS
4b079a59 wants 3.93 BTS for 3.78 BTCCORE
506e4211 wants 8.35 BTCCORE for 7.75 BTS
513ce251 cancel order
284cae87 paid 4.3 BTCCORE for 3.99 BTS
7338254a wants 3.99 BTS for 4.3 BTCCORE
71903b30 wants 8.77 BTCCORE for 7.27 BTS