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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight12.23 BTS
Lifetime fees paid6.34 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 12.23
BADCOIN 10,000
BRIDGE.BCH 0.00000018
DEEX 0.1
ZALUPA 0.082
METEOR 0.0001
NAKED 0.002
ATOMIC 0.056
CEMENT 0.009
NICKEL 0.00004
BAIDUCOM 0.00001
EBAYCOM 0.00001
APPLECOM 0.00001
TESLACOM 0.00001
CISCOCOM 0.00001
VISACOM 0.00001
FORDCOM 0.00001
81d79d09 issue 537 BRIDGE.RVN to
6222bde6 sent 0.0683 BRIDGE.BTC to
48880eb5 wants 0.02293 BRIDGE.BTC for 7,594 BRIDGE.XSH
virtual paid 531 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00163 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 7,063 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.02147 BRIDGE.BTC
529222ac wants 0.00201 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,001 BRIDGE.RVN
virtual paid 54.5 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.00011 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 946 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.001902 BRIDGE.BTC
c0636c79 cancel order
9293d647 sent 0.1 DEEX to
256624d7 cancel order
57afd341 wants 0.044 BRIDGE.BTC for 7,594 BRIDGE.XSH
7dc33059 cancel order
2b434029 cancel order
633feff1 cancel order
36a5aa28 wants 0.00379 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,001 BRIDGE.RVN
virtual paid 348 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.001325 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 653 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.002474 BRIDGE.BTC
81c45785 cancel order
4473fa70 paid 0.01526 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,882 BRIDGE.XSH
c0183f4f paid 0.001965 BRIDGE.BTC for 500 BRIDGE.XSH
67a2b67f wants 0.00471 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.RVN
virtual paid 1,000 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.00471 BRIDGE.BTC
db2b69d2 wants 2,471,959 BRIDGE.XP for 0.0247 BRIDGE.BTC
57b4935c paid 1,000 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.0047 BRIDGE.BTC
0b53cb30 wants 0.0047 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.RVN
e04636c8 wants 0.002566 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,245 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 1,245 BRIDGE.ZNY for 0.002566 BRIDGE.BTC
a3f1c432 cancel order
e5060596 wants 0.00142 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,255 BRIDGE.DOGE
virtual paid 333 BRIDGE.DOGE for 0.0002128 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1,922 BRIDGE.DOGE for 0.00121 BRIDGE.BTC
6c1bb6d0 cancel order
ed6022ed wants 0.00472 BRIDGE.BTC for 7,255 BRIDGE.DOGE
virtual paid 5,000 BRIDGE.DOGE for 0.00325 BRIDGE.BTC
0eb9299e cancel order
313d8dc8 wants 0.00645 BRIDGE.BTC for 9,924 BRIDGE.DOGE
virtual paid 4,924 BRIDGE.DOGE for 0.0032 BRIDGE.BTC
64aaf3c8 wants 0.00279 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,245 BRIDGE.ZNY
31804a7b cancel order
c42d3dcf wants 0.00693 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,500 BRIDGE.RVN
virtual paid 231 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.00107 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1,270 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.00587 BRIDGE.BTC
9313d1ee cancel order
4b1296cc paid 169,700 BRIDGE.XP for 6,109 BRIDGE.DOGE
30299a1b paid 34,355 BRIDGE.XP for 1,237 BRIDGE.DOGE
26506f44 paid 72,181 BRIDGE.XP for 2,599 BRIDGE.DOGE
030c57a2 paid 16,614 BRIDGE.XP for 598 BRIDGE.DOGE
16feef06 paid 4,317 BRIDGE.XP for 155.4 BRIDGE.DOGE
13091fe4 paid 908 BRIDGE.XP for 32.7 BRIDGE.DOGE
fd86e649 paid 18,580 BRIDGE.XP for 669 BRIDGE.DOGE
1ebe5fcb paid 22,330 BRIDGE.XP for 804 BRIDGE.DOGE
ca85f200 wants 0.0119 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,323 BRIDGE.XSH
d39c2036 wants 0.00285 BRIDGE.BTC for 500 BRIDGE.RVN
4f481f68 wants 0.00269 BRIDGE.BTC for 500 BRIDGE.RVN
virtual paid 500 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.00269 BRIDGE.BTC
2b9a82fa paid 0.000188 BRIDGE.BTC for 41.4 BRIDGE.XSH
19927d1e paid 0.000767 BRIDGE.BTC for 168.8 BRIDGE.XSH
10f2a9d4 paid 0.001063 BRIDGE.BTC for 234 BRIDGE.XSH
6827d3cc paid 0.001506 BRIDGE.BTC for 332 BRIDGE.XSH
75f3c86c paid 0.0025 BRIDGE.BTC for 550 BRIDGE.XSH
fb14c1ea wants 0.00674 BRIDGE.BTC for 898 BRIDGE.XSH
247fe602 wants 0.0085 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.XSH
64bcd838 paid 0.001978 BRIDGE.BTC for 435 BRIDGE.XSH
13955aa2 wants 2,941 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
27a65eb0 wants 4,382 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.01722 BRIDGE.BTC
bdee3873 wants 1,761 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.008 BRIDGE.BTC
ea5eb6e8 wants 778 BRIDGE.XSH for 1,245 BRIDGE.ZNY
9a95696b cancel order
ff5551d7 cancel order
9d40e95d wants 12,203 BRIDGE.DOGE for 338,985 BRIDGE.XP
1c7c18d4 wants 820 BRIDGE.XSH for 1,245 BRIDGE.ZNY
76e480a0 wants 3,338 BRIDGE.ZNY for 1,463 BRIDGE.XSH
c799d589 cancel order
5b6d2846 cancel order
a180ea3b cancel order
bf8df85b wants 218,506 BRIDGE.XP for 1,245 BRIDGE.ZNY
41582ec8 wants 504,734 BRIDGE.XP for 1,463 BRIDGE.XSH
58c69203 wants 11,187 BRIDGE.DOGE for 338,985 BRIDGE.XP
2dda95ce cancel order
4b17dc92 cancel orders (2)
2241645d cancel orders (5)
41e8dcb6 paid 5.14 BRIDGE.XSH for 12.39 BRIDGE.ZNY
231e56dc paid 8.3 BRIDGE.XSH for 20 BRIDGE.ZNY
14d5d6bf paid 20.32 BRIDGE.XSH for 49 BRIDGE.ZNY
893c69a6 wants 2,385 BRIDGE.ZNY for 990 BRIDGE.XSH
65c0a1df wants 0.00652 BRIDGE.BTC for 338,985 BRIDGE.XP
e0940c5e paid 766 BRIDGE.XSH for 263,396 BRIDGE.XP
79120cb4 paid 221.8 BRIDGE.XSH for 76,268 BRIDGE.XP
9cf20390 paid 0.00364 BRIDGE.BTC for 620 BRIDGE.XSH
c9958b0b paid 0.000529 BRIDGE.BTC for 90 BRIDGE.XSH
3e9f3fd9 paid 0.001655 BRIDGE.BTC for 281.4 BRIDGE.XSH
768dba46 wants 3,229 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.0113 BRIDGE.BTC
b116ffdc wants 2,000 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.0076 BRIDGE.BTC
164bfa79 wants 1,500 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.0069 BRIDGE.BTC
cf522316 wants 2,191 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00942 BRIDGE.BTC
c7809f13 wants 0.0033 BRIDGE.BTC for 508 BRIDGE.XSH
5f7b7a86 paid 0.002256 BRIDGE.BTC for 384 BRIDGE.XSH
e9022afb paid 0.000735 BRIDGE.BTC for 125 BRIDGE.XSH
73078cd4 wants 685 BRIDGE.XSH for 1,164 BRIDGE.ZNY
9edfba2f wants 339,664 BRIDGE.XP for 988 BRIDGE.XSH
fa9333b4 wants 990 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00596 BRIDGE.BTC
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f8b81725 wants 1,500 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00882 BRIDGE.BTC
16eef2d0 sent 0.374 BRIDGE.BTC to
33fb5939 cancel order
19d0bebf wants 0.00343 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,164 BRIDGE.ZNY
917f8b3d paid 3,119 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.0296 BRIDGE.BTC
fce83a50 cancel order
a59598c1 wants 684 BRIDGE.XSH for 1,164 BRIDGE.ZNY
66061d08 cancel order
240a7b3f wants 0.01048 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,164 BRIDGE.ZNY
36511106 wants 0.0001463 BRIDGE.BTC for 38.6 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 38.6 BRIDGE.ZNY for 0.0001463 BRIDGE.BTC
525f8298 wants 38.9 BRIDGE.ZNY for 7,054 BRIDGE.XP
virtual paid 45.2 BRIDGE.XP for 0.2846 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 7,009 BRIDGE.XP for 38.6 BRIDGE.ZNY
a3b49fa3 cancel order
3ede73d7 wants 69,280 BRIDGE.XP for 0.001502 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0001533 BRIDGE.BTC for 7,068 BRIDGE.XP
022966cb wants 0.0296 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,119 BRIDGE.XSH
90734788 cancel order
fe447801 paid 2,000 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.018 BRIDGE.BTC
33d0b7a7 paid 2,000 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.0172 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 3,000 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.0264 BRIDGE.BTC
26d1e9f1 paid 3,000 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.0255 BRIDGE.BTC
6219ab14 paid 565 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00463 BRIDGE.BTC
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f75d437b paid 463 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00379 BRIDGE.BTC
b44cf928 paid 1,271 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.01042 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1,360 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.01115 BRIDGE.BTC
72c94a02 paid 35.5 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.000291 BRIDGE.BTC
d6985e41 paid 35.5 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.000291 BRIDGE.BTC
30c6d2e8 paid 4.38 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.000036 BRIDGE.BTC
db6eb620 paid 1,125 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00877 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 3,000 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.0237 BRIDGE.BTC
cb020a75 paid 1,273 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00967 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 875 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00683 BRIDGE.BTC
92e6ac16 paid 183 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00139 BRIDGE.BTC
41b87518 paid 1,544 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.01174 BRIDGE.BTC
923fd5f2 paid 3,000 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.0219 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 2,000 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.0148 BRIDGE.BTC
4ce1e57e paid 3,000 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.021 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 2,000 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.014 BRIDGE.BTC
6b194cc2 paid 1,000 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.0066 BRIDGE.BTC
60c7ac65 paid 2,000 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.0134 BRIDGE.BTC
46888beb paid 2,000 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.0122 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1,000 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.0062 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 2,000 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.0128 BRIDGE.BTC
476e810e paid 1,000 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.0058 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 2,000 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.0116 BRIDGE.BTC
2d630db7 paid 1,676 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00922 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
afb6617d paid 324 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.001784 BRIDGE.BTC
31220281 paid 1,000 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.0054 BRIDGE.BTC
138d6f54 paid 2,000 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.0104 BRIDGE.BTC
bb8dbd91 paid 1,000 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
9a2e1a75 paid 2,000 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.0098 BRIDGE.BTC
7caa5de4 paid 1,000 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.0046 BRIDGE.BTC
5fb5bbc9 paid 1,000 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.0043 BRIDGE.BTC
f8d69b49 paid 943 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00377 BRIDGE.BTC
ff966ec5 paid 0.00475 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,483 BRIDGE.XSH
31c64569 paid 0.0000315 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.86 BRIDGE.XSH
c3be33f0 paid 0.00001405 BRIDGE.BTC for 4.39 BRIDGE.XSH
40ec252c paid 0.00521 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,628 BRIDGE.XSH
17404dcb wants 0.0046 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.XSH
3e3dd65b wants 0.0043 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.XSH
68bedd56 wants 0.00377 BRIDGE.BTC for 943 BRIDGE.XSH
5283bf10 wants 3,571 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
b6945ad7 wants 3,125 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC
295115ac paid 0.01067 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,948 BRIDGE.XSH
cb88e874 wants 2,948 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.01067 BRIDGE.BTC
9eb4c19b paid 1,000 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.0046 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 2,000 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.0092 BRIDGE.BTC
0ddbcebe paid 2,000 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.0086 BRIDGE.BTC
94021aa2 paid 1,000 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.0042 BRIDGE.BTC
42edfb02 cancel order
7ac057e7 paid 1,034 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00413 BRIDGE.BTC
60449b12 wants 0.00413 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,034 BRIDGE.XSH
95bfc522 wants 0.0042 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.XSH
acf9dc4c wants 0.0086 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,000 BRIDGE.XSH
754c44bd wants 0.0092 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,000 BRIDGE.XSH
ab26e606 wants 0.0046 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.XSH
d224bcae wants 0.0098 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,000 BRIDGE.XSH
aed8a775 wants 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.XSH
5d1728ce wants 0.0104 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,000 BRIDGE.XSH
d77a0436 wants 0.0054 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.XSH
b92a8e32 wants 0.011 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,000 BRIDGE.XSH
3f48a27b wants 0.0116 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,000 BRIDGE.XSH
8a329947 cancel order
fb4a522e cancel order
049c3de9 cancel order
994a272f cancel order
fda4b87c cancel order
68a0ca79 cancel order
34b67c23 wants 0.0058 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.XSH
1e9d7107 wants 0.0122 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,000 BRIDGE.XSH