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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight3.59 BTS
Lifetime fees paid3.81 BTS
Whitelisting accounts
Registrar-20% -
Referrer100% -


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 9.59 0
QBITS 200 0
QORA 2 0
OPEN.ZGC 0.0000003 60
LUCRA 0.5 0
DEEX 0.3 0
ARCOIN 0.0025 0
TESLACOM 0.00001 0
CVN 2.29 0
2f440668 paid 50 OPEN.ZGC for 5 BTS
virtual cancel order
621fe07a paid 8 OPEN.ZGC for 0.8 BTS
5fd91506 paid 1 OPEN.ZGC for 0.1 BTS
72bf4608 paid 1 OPEN.ZGC for 0.1 BTS
aae4d4d5 paid 6.69 OPEN.ZGC for 0.669 BTS
37c47d4b paid 10 OPEN.ZGC for 1 BTS
7a49f564 wants 0.17 BTS for 1 ZENGOLD
virtual paid 1 ZENGOLD for 0.17 BTS
71ddddd0 wants 8 BTS for 80 OPEN.ZGC
virtual paid 0.0295 OPEN.ZGC for 0.00295 BTS
5db2ceed paid 3.34 OPEN.ZGC for 0.334 BTS
fbe452e1 sent 609 BTCPLUS to
a5f5fea2 sent 1.954 BTCPLUS to
virtual cancel order
57eb85fd paid 0.0001 ICOO for 0.00022 BTS
4e02184d paid 0.0023 ICOO for 0.00507 BTS
ebbf52db sent 78 BTS to
43a2f91f wants 74.5 BTS for 33.8 ICOO
virtual paid 0.0056 ICOO for 0.01233 BTS
virtual paid 0.455 ICOO for 1 BTS
2667e138 paid 33.3 ICOO for 73.3 BTS
acc109a6 paid 0.0651 ICOO for 0.1432 BTS
ae70f911 sent 4 BTS to
174730af sent 45.6 BTS to
d62d66c6 sent 109.7 BTCCORE to
cb97d49e sent 2.41 OPEN.STEEM to
b105f460 sent 623 BPSCX to
a842be4f sent 309.4 CRYPTOCEEDS to
f7461104 sent 754,349 EPESO to
ab33492e sent 5,000 ECASH to
0ade3a11 sent 1,225 OCEANIA to
2979d5e7 sent 9,507,089 COMPUCEEDS to
9dccb5cf sent 0.01 FASTBTC to
c3ce4552 sent 150.4 VERVE to
408d788a sent 108,306 EURCX to
688e16ba sent 1,500 ELOAD to
a30080a1 sent 0.00000944 OPEN.BTC to
42a1add9 wants 413 BPSCX for 805 BTS
virtual paid 805 BTS for 413 BPSCX
96b43e1c wants 103 BPSCX for 200 BTS
virtual paid 200 BTS for 103 BPSCX
f81e7019 wants 0.892 BPSCX for 0.0000276 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.0000276 OPEN.BTC for 0.892 BPSCX
382dd203 wants 8.25 BPSCX for 16 BTS
virtual paid 16 BTS for 8.25 BPSCX
68f2b19f wants 31.56 BPSCX for 61.2 BTS
virtual paid 61.2 BTS for 31.56 BPSCX
virtual cancel order
1128b594 wants 25.8 BPSCX for 50 BTS
virtual paid 50 BTS for 25.8 BPSCX
1ad5ac86 wants 15 BPSCX for 30 BTS
virtual paid 30 BTS for 15 BPSCX
d83a2b9d sent 5 BTS to
2661db19 sent 1 BTS to
f59780f4 wants 1 BTCCORE for 0.0407 BTS
virtual paid 0.0407 BTS for 1.03 BTCCORE
b76bab92 wants 29 VERVE for 203 BTS
virtual paid 203 BTS for 29 VERVE
b124f59c sent 40,000 BADCOIN to
c84b630b sent 10 LAMBO to
85f3ad74 wants 92.9 VERVE for 650 BTS
virtual paid 650 BTS for 92.9 VERVE
d4fdfe43 wants 28.57 VERVE for 200 BTS
virtual paid 200 BTS for 28.57 VERVE
deb6fb42 wants 88.9 BTCCORE for 6.22 BTS
virtual paid 6.22 BTS for 88.9 BTCCORE
7b90cb28 wants 5.11 BTS for 0.0001108 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.0001108 OPEN.BTC for 5.11 BTS
412fc549 sent 2 BTS to
5b5efd4f sent 247 BTCCORE to
c7dffc35 update account/votes
virtual paid 0.00001 AMAZONCOM for 0.0989 BTS
db10af0e settle 0.00001 AMAZONCOM
b00ad9f2 wants 12,832,550 USD for 611 BTCPLUS
4fa0ad16 cancel order
43683bfc wants 12,832,550 BTS for 611 BTCPLUS
4ff0a220 wants 2.63 BTCCORE for 6.76 BTS
virtual paid 6.76 BTS for 2.63 BTCCORE