立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.1872 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1.798 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.1872
CNY 1.9
d6f3ec0c sent 19,970 CNY to
93b5a2a4 sent 9,970 CNY to
8cc46ba8 sent 15,008 CNY to
4ee6bdbc sent 5,025 CNY to
545b7e83 sent 10,045 CNY to
8a9232ba cancel order
ab8f95ca wants 1,000 BTS for 5,389 CNY
3ca9efb1 sent 3,422 CNY to
01dffc9d cancel order
ff7b1a86 cancel order
a0502cb4 cancel order
56cfc692 cancel order
3913ec4c cancel order
25bc973f wants 186 BTS for 1,002 CNY
3800544c wants 122 BTS for 645 CNY
5927fe06 paid 110 BTS for 648 CNY
3a27ed3d wants 648 CNY for 110 BTS
d9c4ad22 wants 130 BTS for 557 CNY
c786b29d paid 114 BTS for 557 CNY
412fb786 wants 158 BTS for 662 CNY
8096639d paid 145 BTS for 662 CNY
7b8ad561 wants 146 BTS for 553 CNY
165898d7 cancel order
c41387b6 paid 450 CNY for 110 BTS
2bfcf6d8 wants 110 BTS for 450 CNY
96780778 cancel order
dcb84a57 wants 662 CNY for 145 BTS
d4ae1c14 paid 593 CNY for 145 BTS
bdd42d95 wants 145 BTS for 593 CNY
04216fd1 wants 557 CNY for 114 BTS
4fc9567f cancel order
ecdee54a paid 130 BTS for 596 CNY
43d384ae wants 127 BTS for 447 CNY
425c1a51 wants 596 CNY for 130 BTS
204b271e wants 150 BTS for 553 CNY
5a93acf2 paid 91.3 CNY for 23 BTS
66457b85 wants 23 BTS for 91.3 CNY
45035e0b paid 450 CNY for 112 BTS
5c84778d wants 527 CNY for 110 BTS
53a3b35c paid 289.4 CNY for 70.3 BTS
85addb31 paid 163.8 CNY for 39.7 BTS
d8b608c5 wants 112 BTS for 450 CNY
a79fc02c wants 110 BTS for 453 CNY
17d58b0b update account/votes