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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight96.1 BTS
Lifetime fees paid8.97 BTS
Registrar-10% -
Referrer90% -


Asset Balance
BTS 83.2
9ab25171 sent 3 BTS to
9a287ec1 sent 22.5 SOUNDAC.XSD to
efe3187d sent 5 BTS to
0c6d8a22 sent 2 BTS to
3f4ef070 wants 0.999 BTS for 10,000 BADCOIN
virtual paid 10,000 BADCOIN for 0.999 BTS
dbe75a06 wants 0.0374 BTS for 0.1 DEEX
virtual paid 0.1 DEEX for 0.0374 BTS
96c7a28f wants 0.1005 BTS for 1,000 QBITS
virtual paid 1,000 QBITS for 0.1005 BTS
9e7a3622 wants 0.66 BTS for 2 QORA
virtual paid 2 QORA for 0.66 BTS
2436a514 sent 1 BTS to
2a596e6f sent 1 BTS to
a61bb535 sent 12.9 OPEN.EOS to
a225311b paid 200 BTS for 22.54 OPEN.MUSEOL
8ac0afbe wants 22.54 OPEN.MUSEOL for 200 BTS
fac8b933 wants 93.8 BTS for 52 OPEN.MAID
virtual paid 52 OPEN.MAID for 93.8 BTS
5d2d6fc5 wants 12.92 OPEN.EOS for 500 BTS
virtual paid 500 BTS for 12.92 OPEN.EOS
7ea74b92 sent 21 BTS to
39a718f8 paid 0.00013 OPEN.MAID for 0.00031 BTS
ea11c699 paid 1.408 OPEN.MAID for 3.44 BTS
c4bd9b98 paid 2.18 OPEN.MAID for 5.32 BTS
14f57921 paid 1.063 OPEN.MAID for 2.594 BTS
7bba9761 paid 29.17 OPEN.MAID for 71.2 BTS
e2de4197 paid 16.66 OPEN.MAID for 40.7 BTS
87d40064 wants 135.4 BTS for 55.5 OPEN.MAID
virtual paid 5 OPEN.MAID for 12.2 BTS
3e9b8a6a sent 1,000 BTS to
4ac1605f wants 115.5 OPEN.MAID for 0.02523 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.02523 OPEN.BTC for 115.5 OPEN.MAID
c1a46cad sent 1,100 BTS to
99e55467 sent 320 BTS to
aba0d0e3 sent 320 BTS to
c6a35687 paid 7.07 OPEN.STEEM for 47.5 BTS
7403819e paid 0.067 OPEN.STEEM for 0.451 BTS
bef74913 wants 48 BTS for 7.13 OPEN.STEEM
virtual paid 0.001 OPEN.STEEM for 0.00675 BTS
1e017ee0 sent 300 BTS to
0f000876 sent 600 BTS to
ed0daa3b wants 7.06 OPEN.STEEM for 4,394 BTS
virtual paid 4,394 BTS for 7.06 OPEN.STEEM
30fcb4f9 wants 0.088 OPEN.STEEM for 58.2 BTS
virtual paid 58.2 BTS for 0.088 OPEN.STEEM
8a4f3a4f sent 100 BTS to
4014bd63 update account/votes
d7b99cf6 claimed 4,652 BTS, 4,086 BTS