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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight2,559 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1.384 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 2,559
CNY 0.777
DEEX 0.1
ZALUPA 0.008
BAIDUCOM 0.00001
EBAYCOM 0.00001
APPLECOM 0.00001
TESLACOM 0.00001
CISCOCOM 0.00001
VISACOM 0.00001
FORDCOM 0.00001
6543ae9f sent 0.1 DEEX to
f48799bc paid 93.5 CNY for 100 BTS
24ba683e paid 94 CNY for 100 BTS
79eeb2f8 paid 94.5 CNY for 100 BTS
83763f2e paid 2,140 CNY for 2,184 BTS
c3987d93 wants 2,184 BTS for 2,140 CNY
03ee30ce sent 700 BTS to
dd794268 paid 95.5 CNY for 100 BTS
virtual paid 95 CNY for 100 BTS
119ca0d0 wants 100 BTS for 94.5 CNY
853aae22 wants 100 BTS for 95 CNY
322b8efc wants 100 BTS for 95.5 CNY
1ad1b0dd cancel order
53199c96 cancel order
9f31958c cancel order
23afd962 wants 100 BTS for 92.5 CNY
8ca9bc7d wants 100 BTS for 93 CNY
d69e0b3a wants 100 BTS for 93.5 CNY
988d0ca5 wants 100 BTS for 94 CNY
73fdbbe4 cancel order
3366c024 cancel order
c93f9333 cancel order
890cd26e cancel order
virtual cancel order
c7adc960 paid 100 BTS for 94.5 CNY
7d7b6767 paid 100 BTS for 94 CNY
91aed290 paid 100 BTS for 93.5 CNY
134a6e0f paid 100 BTS for 93 CNY
7b9425e7 wants 100 BTS for 90 CNY
cb15a603 wants 95 CNY for 100 BTS
232a5d08 wants 94.5 CNY for 100 BTS
9397cd8b wants 94 CNY for 100 BTS
a43eac05 wants 93.5 CNY for 100 BTS
82d544df wants 93 CNY for 100 BTS
5c408bb9 paid 92.5 CNY for 100 BTS
715a995c wants 100 BTS for 90.5 CNY
e431e55d wants 100 BTS for 91 CNY
b41f814f paid 93 CNY for 100 BTS
eda3c6ea paid 93.5 CNY for 100 BTS
c5a018cc wants 100 BTS for 91.5 CNY
8386528b wants 100 BTS for 92 CNY
0aa1750e wants 100 BTS for 92.5 CNY
511d5df5 wants 100 BTS for 93 CNY
fe2391ec wants 100 BTS for 93.5 CNY
4b99a39b cancel order
cab52d58 cancel order
7a2b0fd4 cancel order
c0008c52 cancel order
85f0511c cancel order
539f05a2 paid 100 BTS for 91.5 CNY
a45b5ace paid 100 BTS for 91 CNY
962a7609 paid 93.4 BTS for 84.5 CNY
9d71f792 paid 6.63 BTS for 6 CNY
96f2a910 paid 93.4 BTS for 84.1 CNY
2ac2b8c7 paid 6.55 BTS for 5.9 CNY
17b9c09e paid 100 BTS for 89.5 CNY
7352fba8 wants 100 BTS for 87.5 CNY
3d79d796 wants 100 BTS for 88 CNY
9e2994c0 wants 100 BTS for 88.5 CNY
f1d0d24e cancel order
1456e0f2 cancel order
dba9b2f2 cancel order
3680dc7b wants 91.5 CNY for 100 BTS
ef647648 wants 91 CNY for 100 BTS
e8dcdc6a wants 90.5 CNY for 100 BTS
45384bed paid 100 BTS for 89 CNY
3fe619d3 paid 100 BTS for 88.5 CNY
c381622a paid 100 BTS for 88 CNY
bd1ef0a8 wants 100 BTS for 85 CNY
c58b9bc6 wants 100 BTS for 85.5 CNY
b07337f0 wants 88.5 CNY for 100 BTS
9867306b wants 88 CNY for 100 BTS
c6a532b4 cancel order
8c17a418 cancel order
205c09f2 paid 87.5 CNY for 100 BTS
65a49f84 paid 17.07 CNY for 19.4 BTS
e323d52e paid 30.83 CNY for 35 BTS
667186af paid 4.79 CNY for 5.45 BTS
1edfe178 paid 8.73 CNY for 9.92 BTS
ed4be16c paid 16.35 CNY for 18.6 BTS
625bf063 paid 10.23 CNY for 11.62 BTS
16ecfd8e wants 91 CNY for 100 BTS
d4c81f00 wants 90.5 CNY for 100 BTS
64e871bd wants 90 CNY for 100 BTS
0950b8c5 wants 89.5 CNY for 100 BTS
38df60ee wants 89 CNY for 100 BTS
ac6134cb cancel order
cdce0fb4 cancel order
af1f9607 cancel order
c87325f4 cancel order
0f583461 paid 100 BTS for 89 CNY
3bf37d0c wants 100 BTS for 87 CNY
baaaa93d wants 100 BTS for 87.5 CNY
3c7f8ceb wants 100 BTS for 88 CNY
0f0a58b9 cancel order
949854da cancel order
56494f78 cancel order
47d42525 wants 91 CNY for 100 BTS
046f6efe wants 90.5 CNY for 100 BTS
5eaa1ebf wants 90 CNY for 100 BTS
52105f46 wants 89.5 CNY for 100 BTS
8cf2eebf wants 89 CNY for 100 BTS
5b1e0aa7 cancel order
9339edab cancel order
a8757015 cancel order
85e14452 cancel order
4a610921 cancel order
dfb5275e wants 100 BTS for 86.5 CNY
249e48fe cancel order
dfaf512a wants 89.5 CNY for 100 BTS
3e8f0207 wants 87.5 CNY for 100 BTS
fdfc7d99 paid 8.28 BTS for 7.25 CNY
ddcd279f paid 91.7 BTS for 80.3 CNY
9ecc9354 paid 100 BTS for 87 CNY
7d5699a2 wants 87 CNY for 100 BTS
3d7466b9 paid 0.1055 BTS for 0.0918 CNY
ff0ddcc5 paid 11.53 BTS for 10.03 CNY
87d3797a paid 26.63 BTS for 23.17 CNY
9299d17e paid 17.8 BTS for 15.5 CNY
4a3df1e3 paid 43.9 BTS for 38.2 CNY
6d50a2b0 wants 100 BTS for 84 CNY
a15288c3 wants 100 BTS for 84.5 CNY
88ab7ff0 wants 100 BTS for 85 CNY
543a611f wants 100 BTS for 85.5 CNY
53a8eee1 wants 100 BTS for 86 CNY
f9b63123 wants 89 CNY for 100 BTS
cab9af02 wants 88.5 CNY for 100 BTS
74d4fcf1 wants 88 CNY for 100 BTS
ff768af2 wants 87.5 CNY for 100 BTS
80e8d0f5 wants 87 CNY for 100 BTS
29d38818 cancel order
b13d6ece cancel order
7ec0d7ac cancel order
25c15396 cancel order
9e8b0390 cancel order
d12bc3fe paid 88.5 CNY for 100 BTS
c7e7731e paid 89 CNY for 100 BTS
60de1cc0 paid 89.5 CNY for 100 BTS
78695bd2 paid 83.1 CNY for 92.4 BTS
c18f68d8 paid 6.86 CNY for 7.62 BTS
cf415dfd paid 90.5 CNY for 100 BTS
d2842bd9 wants 100 BTS for 88.5 CNY
95cc96e5 wants 100 BTS for 89 CNY
b80eac46 wants 100 BTS for 89.5 CNY
ad4fa418 wants 93.5 CNY for 100 BTS
ea4f1c7d wants 93 CNY for 100 BTS
0856e49b wants 92.5 CNY for 100 BTS
d6e387f6 wants 92 CNY for 100 BTS
ae4ba2b3 wants 91.5 CNY for 100 BTS
d79637d1 paid 91 CNY for 100 BTS
432688f0 paid 91.5 CNY for 100 BTS
47f0849d paid 92 CNY for 100 BTS
88575c50 wants 100 BTS for 91.5 CNY
dad5e1ae wants 100 BTS for 92 CNY
ea28fa94 cancel order
cb819c32 paid 91.5 CNY for 100 BTS
fa88dd8b wants 100 BTS for 90.5 CNY
082c3894 wants 100 BTS for 91 CNY
28c63f7b wants 100 BTS for 91.5 CNY
9bd9aeaa cancel order
96d24085 cancel order
4d999c65 cancel order
8cd7a5f5 wants 100 BTS for 89 CNY
1ded34df wants 100 BTS for 89.5 CNY
7d0fb029 wants 100 BTS for 90 CNY
5565d051 cancel order
60821a2f cancel order
f98715d8 cancel order
81d0256a cancel order
03a5ff0c cancel order
56abf46d paid 100 BTS for 90.5 CNY
546fb44c paid 82.8 BTS for 74 CNY
virtual paid 100 BTS for 90 CNY
44619634 paid 17.24 BTS for 15.43 CNY
22867ab6 wants 100 BTS for 88.5 CNY
79ca1e11 cancel order
2c9fa12f wants 91.5 CNY for 100 BTS
796c5bb1 wants 91 CNY for 100 BTS
f6f04707 wants 90.5 CNY for 100 BTS
3f5deb9b wants 90 CNY for 100 BTS
aff0b884 wants 89.5 CNY for 100 BTS
f7644639 wants 100 BTS for 87 CNY
f5e5a185 wants 100 BTS for 87.5 CNY
fa285813 wants 100 BTS for 88 CNY
b032d61f cancel order
6b0cc9e1 cancel order
69d46d74 cancel order
bd71bbc9 cancel order
9ce07e05 cancel order
4a9cc54f paid 100 BTS for 88.5 CNY
6932afa4 paid 100 BTS for 88 CNY
77d99fde paid 100 BTS for 87.5 CNY
7d892c8a wants 100 BTS for 86.5 CNY
d1021296 wants 87.5 CNY for 100 BTS
b38cbb9a paid 100 BTS for 87.5 CNY
12d94b5b paid 86.5 CNY for 100 BTS
90e69e81 wants 100 BTS for 84.5 CNY
4ec42ba5 wants 100 BTS for 85 CNY
6d638f56 wants 100 BTS for 86.5 CNY
8f959327 wants 89.5 CNY for 100 BTS
8db069ac wants 89 CNY for 100 BTS