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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid4.98 BTS


Asset Balance
BRIDGE.BTC 0.000452
dd8985cf sent 55,000 BRIDGE.PGN to
6afc6a9a issue 796 BRIDGE.PGN to
da0aeaef issue 521 BRIDGE.PGN to
be3c3b7d issue 575 BRIDGE.PGN to
2c33ef28 issue 573 BRIDGE.PGN to
a1ca6bcb issue 1,097 BRIDGE.PGN to
ad3cecdc issue 622 BRIDGE.PGN to
ae2653ac issue 644 BRIDGE.PGN to
db019421 sent 0.0183 BRIDGE.BTC to
2c1c58a8 wants 0.00888 BRIDGE.BTC for 19,682 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 19,682 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.00892 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
7e0623fc wants 0.00902 BRIDGE.BTC for 20,000 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 20,000 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.00907 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
9e01dbc1 sent 0.0083 BRIDGE.BTC to
0b98e0b6 wants 0.0037 BRIDGE.BTC for 20,000 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 20,000 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.00376 BRIDGE.BTC
03e9c6bb wants 0.00462 BRIDGE.BTC for 40,105 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 40,105 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.00462 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
9a8f3077 sent 0.0203 BRIDGE.BTC to
7e9a3810 cancel orders (2)
effff92a paid 121.8 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.00001955 BRIDGE.BTC
02f12bda wants 0.0194 BRIDGE.BTC for 120,777 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 239.6 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000406 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 239.6 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000404 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 239.6 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000402 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 239.6 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.00004 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 239.6 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000398 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 239.6 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000396 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 239.6 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000394 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 239.6 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000392 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 239.6 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.000039 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 66,228 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.01076 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 48,117 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.00782 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 239.6 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000388 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 239.6 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000387 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 239.6 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000385 BRIDGE.BTC
49894060 paid 557 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000894 BRIDGE.BTC
fa241c3a paid 160 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000257 BRIDGE.BTC
3ef12491 paid 228.7 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000367 BRIDGE.BTC
59d63e9d paid 292.6 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.000047 BRIDGE.BTC
1f7e173c wants 0.000364 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,136 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 239.6 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000412 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 239.6 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.000041 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 239.6 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000408 BRIDGE.BTC
a5da8ea2 paid 109.8 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000187 BRIDGE.BTC
5d8f14ca cancel orders (2)
f4a1c574 cancel order
f425efad wants 0.000489 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,826 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 239.6 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000419 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 239.6 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000417 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 239.6 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000415 BRIDGE.BTC
0b5a193f wants 0.0001696 BRIDGE.BTC for 966 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 239.6 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000427 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 239.6 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000425 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 239.6 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000423 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 239.6 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000421 BRIDGE.BTC
a1d1acfe wants 0.000475 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,650 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 239.6 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000442 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 239.6 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.000044 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 239.6 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000438 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 239.6 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000436 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 239.6 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000434 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 239.6 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000431 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 239.6 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000429 BRIDGE.BTC
659c1c75 wants 0.00002955 BRIDGE.BTC for 159.3 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 159.3 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.00002955 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
08dd9c0e cancel order
246d3d10 wants 0.00932 BRIDGE.BTC for 50,000 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 232.8 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0000434 BRIDGE.BTC
956ffb88 cancel order
e6d60bd9 wants 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC for 50,000 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual cancel order
66825002 wants 0.1 BRIDGE.BTC for 100,000 BRIDGE.PGN
31f756de cancel order
5702d60d wants 0.01 BRIDGE.BTC for 100,001 BRIDGE.PGN
c6f314b7 sent 0.0083 BRIDGE.BTC to
5abbd973 wants 0.00873 BRIDGE.BTC for 100,001 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 100,001 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.0091 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
a90da6f4 sent 0.0093 BRIDGE.BTC to
e8686dc5 cancel order
535933e1 wants 0.01048 BRIDGE.BTC for 417,603 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 112,225 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.002817 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 87,774 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.002203 BRIDGE.BTC
ed3667a3 cancel order
30ead1db wants 0.0418 BRIDGE.BTC for 417,603 BRIDGE.PGN
88839217 cancel order
6df14741 wants 0.01253 BRIDGE.BTC for 417,603 BRIDGE.PGN
5711483f wants 0.0045 BRIDGE.BTC for 150,001 BRIDGE.PGN
virtual paid 30,605 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.00093 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 30,605 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.000926 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 30,605 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.000921 BRIDGE.BTC
fe895fd7 paid 58,184 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.001746 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order