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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.0049 BTS
Lifetime fees paid299 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.0049
NOBLE 0.0002
BRIDGE.GIC 0.00016
BRIDGE.ABET 0.000005
BRIDGE.LRM 0.0000174
2d89ad31 sent 13.26 BTS to
859d2e06 sent 543 BRIDGE.1X2 to
228f7430 cancel order
f1352bbb wants 0.00666 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
64ca7fa2 cancel order
80ff7a5f wants 0.00667 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
6b3eec65 cancel order
f979747f wants 0.00667 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
f007515b cancel order
93a507ea wants 0.00674 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
c3a341e0 cancel order
6effed48 wants 0.00684 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
e5cd2acf cancel order
3f98f914 cancel order
7abbcb54 wants 0.0069 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
01e169a6 cancel order
6ebe67f9 wants 0.00693 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
bb19ea0a wants 0.00694 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
b7e80d5a cancel order
b19a9b15 wants 0.00692 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
9e876c68 cancel order
eb00b805 wants 0.00693 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
753e1e16 cancel order
d7fb7bf0 wants 0.00693 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
927d9ed5 cancel order
c9cd8052 wants 0.00694 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
0a9f3de5 cancel order
b988268c wants 0.00694 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
a28bb519 cancel order
290e25f9 cancel order
30e77046 wants 0.00695 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
e0d23d57 cancel order
dc364267 wants 0.00702 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
52c6cd4e wants 0.00703 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
71ed376c cancel order
62d10568 wants 0.00705 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
d57a0042 cancel order
42d5d889 wants 0.00729 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
fa1823f9 cancel order
de8cd0ac wants 0.0073 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
fc6e5a5b cancel order
4ac7bd72 wants 0.00733 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
2b21af39 cancel order
41bc0809 wants 0.00854 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
f3aa6934 cancel order
12ca703f wants 0.00855 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
681ba835 cancel order
822d10b2 wants 0.00864 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
74d65f58 cancel order
d92530d8 wants 0.00861 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
58eb0273 cancel order
a92aca0c wants 0.00864 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
628042a0 cancel order
d143b651 wants 0.0087 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
0e7731dc cancel order
fa2a50ba wants 0.00876 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
4cd86547 cancel order
ba0b09d6 wants 0.00891 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
43cd26f7 cancel order
9efbd04e wants 0.00698 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
314ba192 cancel order
9ef7e4a5 wants 0.00697 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
a163a10c cancel order
04ef20e1 wants 0.00698 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
698422e7 cancel order
f0128556 wants 0.00698 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
bb898fb8 cancel order
7f0307ca wants 0.0089 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
83e41a5c cancel order
f88f42c2 wants 0.00891 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
2fcb2a74 cancel order
c8a12a41 wants 0.00895 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
77ffed15 cancel order
3f21b014 wants 0.00896 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
c6136431 cancel order
9ff40a3d wants 0.00919 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
474db036 cancel order
f21c0691 wants 0.0092 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
0c6d57dc cancel order
487505f1 wants 0.0092 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
92ff7cc4 cancel order
0750ee28 wants 0.0092 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
63687ede cancel order
6525368f wants 0.0092 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
72409bd8 cancel order
6e938de3 wants 0.00913 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
c3db3548 cancel order
b2d77af8 wants 0.00914 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
c110c339 cancel order
23c36a3d cancel order
34ecbb50 wants 0.00914 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
4410dffa wants 0.00915 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
d0cade17 cancel order
ed391348 cancel order
4b02df2c wants 0.00915 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
a8e5314a wants 0.00916 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
0fba57c6 cancel order
4052214e wants 0.00916 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
2e56ee64 cancel order
eb8c7a62 wants 0.00917 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
a7ac87fa cancel order
8b25564e wants 0.00917 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
b9b308e1 cancel order
95293eb9 wants 0.00918 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
028f6135 cancel order
fe6a921c wants 0.00919 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
de74495d cancel order
6cf0d2de wants 0.0092 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
b771b63c cancel order
1541b15e wants 0.0092 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
ccd4a157 cancel order
664ac52a wants 0.0092 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
47a495e5 cancel order
ef9c710d wants 0.0092 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
93184b2b cancel order
1e848bcd cancel order
201ea017 wants 0.0092 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
38e53e0e wants 0.0092 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
6748a8bc cancel order
9e4ada05 wants 0.0092 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
de1f098b cancel order
a8b47c47 wants 0.0092 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
c4d31bb1 cancel order
232bdbbc wants 0.0092 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
1ff65090 cancel order
40418ac5 wants 0.0092 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
c98d908d cancel order
ca3bccb0 wants 0.0092 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
d9f88f2e cancel order
3e64143f wants 0.0092 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
1ffa64f3 cancel order
3c4455c8 wants 0.00921 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
6e2ae019 cancel order
940d8aa0 wants 0.00922 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
4c055058 cancel order
302ee8e7 wants 0.00923 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
dca204d1 cancel order
9b50462f cancel order
e700d886 wants 0.00923 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
9dad40f6 wants 0.00924 BRIDGE.BTC for 543 BRIDGE.1X2
2ddf559d paid 0.00578 BRIDGE.BTC for 526 BRIDGE.1X2
ad350d74 wants 526 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00578 BRIDGE.BTC
297f8651 cancel order
c2acb84a wants 557 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00578 BRIDGE.BTC
fda65ddd cancel order
662bde19 wants 557 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00578 BRIDGE.BTC
cde83d2f cancel order
43ff8354 wants 554 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00578 BRIDGE.BTC
369f5319 cancel order
4978ae4f paid 0.0001965 BRIDGE.BTC for 18.86 BRIDGE.1X2
42fd696a wants 574 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00598 BRIDGE.BTC
f8c3a072 cancel order
8fbe7a40 cancel order
6f8bcaac wants 575 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00598 BRIDGE.BTC
996a628c wants 576 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00598 BRIDGE.BTC
a53f2b81 cancel order
7a96a765 wants 639 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00598 BRIDGE.BTC
3a07a4f5 cancel order
414df617 wants 552 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00598 BRIDGE.BTC
473ef694 cancel order
c4244cea wants 554 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00598 BRIDGE.BTC
a6f350d0 cancel order
4b84715c wants 556 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00598 BRIDGE.BTC
85727897 cancel order
70e90c16 wants 557 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00598 BRIDGE.BTC
90213398 cancel order
0dfc164a wants 558 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00598 BRIDGE.BTC
08ace8ec cancel order
83fea501 wants 560 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00598 BRIDGE.BTC
d136b3bd cancel order
4f3773b3 wants 561 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00598 BRIDGE.BTC
6de05333 cancel order
f5ceb956 wants 563 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00598 BRIDGE.BTC
b29fdd97 cancel order
d9e1ad72 wants 564 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00598 BRIDGE.BTC
7dc93c9b cancel order
46022838 wants 566 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00598 BRIDGE.BTC
cf63cd6f cancel order
4a34f8b0 wants 568 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00598 BRIDGE.BTC
3b26461a cancel order
a7ee5dd0 wants 569 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00598 BRIDGE.BTC
0cd6ff61 cancel order
62ea3c87 wants 570 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00598 BRIDGE.BTC
053e8452 cancel order
38683da9 wants 572 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00598 BRIDGE.BTC
33a37ddb cancel order
cad06acb wants 574 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00598 BRIDGE.BTC
ce57e2b0 cancel order
ad05bd43 wants 575 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00598 BRIDGE.BTC
2ac74cb5 cancel order
06bb61e1 wants 576 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00598 BRIDGE.BTC
4d8885f9 cancel order
44bd5b7f cancel order
03aea6b2 wants 578 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00598 BRIDGE.BTC
a698028c wants 580 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00598 BRIDGE.BTC
4752cfc6 cancel order
801ebfaa wants 663 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00598 BRIDGE.BTC
7480d817 cancel order
cb9922c9 wants 596 BRIDGE.1X2 for 0.00598 BRIDGE.BTC
2b9c0dec cancel order