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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight2.3 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1.78 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 2.3
CNY 0.233
66887209 sent 626 COVFEFE to
5772ef31 sent 1 CNY to
f34b6029 cancel order
e2db5fd1 wants 0.1835 CNY for 0.874 BTS
virtual paid 0.874 BTS for 0.233 CNY
virtual cancel order
628a067c wants 1 BTS for 0.2 CNY
57c328aa sent 6 BTS to
9f3e9bd3 wants 4.01 BTS for 1 CNY
virtual paid 1 CNY for 4.01 BTS
0838f0f2 cancel order
e328e5f9 wants 5.68 BTS for 1.417 CNY
virtual paid 1.417 CNY for 5.68 BTS
9026e60b cancel order
e3d46bd5 wants 8.02 BTS for 2 CNY
0ab17993 wants 4.01 BTS for 1 CNY
b8be0b54 sent 600,000 GDP to
f04dc3dd sent 29 BTS to
099599dd sent 80,000 GDP to
0b85a194 sent 2,899 GDP to
995e0a06 cancel order
34d6eb69 wants 5,000 CNY for 10,000 GDP
a7eea812 cancel order
9c548e61 wants 0.001 GDP for 0.0003 CNY
virtual paid 0.0003 CNY for 0.001224 GDP
58b2aeeb wants 0.01 GDP for 0.0024 CNY
5de3b78f cancel order
e888a99e cancel order
ae181e2b cancel order
7b9f9308 cancel order
06890482 wants 0.001 GDP for 0.0002 CNY
7b7024d7 wants 0.001006 GDP for 0.0002 CNY
e819ecde wants 0.001006 GDP for 0.0002 CNY
bacac886 wants 0.001006 GDP for 0.0002 CNY
8e4d2b44 cancel order
5fbfcf0c wants 0.001 GDP for 0.0002 CNY
132838d7 sent 3 CNY to
214e01b9 sent 10 BTS to
2e20b531 wants 39.6 BTS for 20 CNY
virtual paid 20 CNY for 39.7 BTS
90563306 wants 24.9 CNY for 125.8 GDP
virtual paid 125.8 GDP for 26.4 CNY
virtual cancel order
081d4460 cancel order
c71edf97 wants 24.9 CNY for 100 GDP
2574a0ac cancel order
d1a5aa57 wants 22 CNY for 100 GDP
b22d24b7 sent 600,000 GDP to
60a4b9f5 sent 100 GDP to
ce9838c2 paid 0.1 GDP for 0.024 CNY
34f71376 wants 0.024 CNY for 0.1 GDP
41db7f8c cancel order
23020595 paid 0.0504 GDP for 0.0121 CNY
fcebccf7 wants 0.024 CNY for 0.1 GDP
5bf835e2 sent 140,000 GDP to
4a47eac8 sent 130,000 GDP to
1ba71476 sent 130,000 GDP to