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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid5.43 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 19.92
CNY 0.0025
51542e89 sent 59,715 GDEX.BKBT to
16c5f073 sent 20 BTS to
9c2fbe23 sent 59,715 GDEX.BKBT to
07dd1631 sent 383,630 GDEX.SEER to
316c9dbf sent 383,630 GDEX.SEER to
99100128 wants 1.79 BTS for 0.402 CNY
virtual paid 0.402 CNY for 1.79 BTS
54ccfc8f sent 1 CNY to
6fb9d65a sent 20,618 CNY to
7cab9b4c sent 20,620 CNY to
2be8368d sent 4,780 BTS to
a7521bd8 sent 5,221 YOYOW to
3f67054a cancel order
9582aedb wants 2,767 CNY for 5,221 YOYOW
a61b611c paid 2,354 CNY for 4,591 BTS
b14c2857 wants 4,591 BTS for 2,354 CNY
1cc39429 wants 2,307 CNY for 5,000 YOYOW
virtual paid 5,000 YOYOW for 2,308 CNY
7b60800a cancel order
4a50f6a7 paid 4.02 YOYOW for 1.854 CNY
3aca2b68 wants 2,311 CNY for 5,006 YOYOW
3d1d2bf0 cancel order
387b9444 paid 4.29 YOYOW for 1.98 CNY
3208b4db wants 2,311 CNY for 5,000 YOYOW
virtual paid 2.193 YOYOW for 1.028 CNY
virtual paid 2.35 YOYOW for 1.1 CNY
virtual paid 2.99 YOYOW for 1.398 CNY
b8abd522 paid 81.9 YOYOW for 37.8 CNY
d55d0b31 sent 10 BTS to
445f898f sent 69 CNY to
ca530f61 cancel order
24557f20 sent 3,000 YOYOW to
b130253e paid 500 CNY for 1,667 YOYOW
61768658 paid 500 CNY for 1,656 YOYOW
725d046a wants 137.3 BTS for 69.5 CNY
65600156 wants 1,667 YOYOW for 500 CNY
082063f7 paid 436 BTS for 236 CNY
virtual cancel order
aae5ef20 paid 19.4 BTS for 10.5 CNY
56468b0f paid 18.5 BTS for 10 CNY
e5350a2d paid 181.3 BTS for 98 CNY
2cb3548d wants 1,656 YOYOW for 500 CNY
virtual paid 0.0001 CNY for 0.00045 YOYOW
56aaa4a4 wants 500 CNY for 925 BTS
virtual paid 269.4 BTS for 145.6 CNY
2d261adb cancel order
5f99a73d cancel order
b0981a9b wants 500 CNY for 910 BTS
0f56fc87 cancel order
fcda2c29 wants 900 CNY for 2,000 YOYOW
0b4f9eef cancel order
e3d71797 paid 500 CNY for 1,024 BTS
faacbee9 wants 1,024 BTS for 500 CNY
47481d06 cancel order
8f95aa01 wants 1,024 BTS for 500 CNY
virtual paid 0.977 CNY for 2 BTS
9a2563de wants 100 BTS for 48.8 CNY
virtual paid 48.8 CNY for 100 BTS
1e543b9d cancel order
c1bfb4b3 wants 360 CNY for 1,000 YOYOW
83d69e17 cancel order
129183c7 wants 140 CNY for 500 YOYOW
0de31ad5 cancel order
c8af82f5 wants 123 CNY for 500 YOYOW
3f7c919b wants 2,143 BTS for 600 CNY
c167d9a7 cancel order
c1ac25d5 wants 1,484 BTS for 519 CNY
20898a30 wants 1,478 BTS for 600 CNY
be6c0b4b update account/votes
97e16464 sent 5.3 BTS to
fff896e0 sent 1,193 CNY to
8ed01b1c cancel order
4296805b cancel order
eb0812fa update account/votes
c01eb38e wants 1,460 BTS for 593 CNY
a910b4bf wants 1,714 BTS for 600 CNY
146d922a cancel order
01b1ca68 wants 1,714 BTS for 600 CNY