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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight200.5 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.0227 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 200.5
CNY 0.313
YOYOW 0.999
BADCOIN 10,000
DEEX 0.1
f064c3d7 sent 0.1 DEEX to
c3c2a28a sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
c67388c9 paid 240 CNY for 200 BTS
78e34970 paid 0.72 CNY for 1 YOYOW
2e320a08 wants 1 YOYOW for 0.72 CNY
249f25e6 wants 200 BTS for 240 CNY
7597dae2 cancel order
f0e71cc1 wants 200 BTS for 240 CNY
31474507 cancel order
4c94cd6f wants 374 GDEX.BTO for 241 CNY
98590e09 paid 199 BTS for 239 CNY
9251ec14 wants 239 CNY for 199 BTS
307b4222 cancel order
8561f6b4 wants 484 CNY for 199 BTS
db023380 cancel order
4388b4d0 wants 485 CNY for 199 BTS
223afc7f cancel order
3237f03f wants 490 CNY for 199 BTS
3e624bba paid 528 CNY for 199 BTS
3c39f562 wants 199 BTS for 528 CNY
e92c20d8 cancel order
d6b9052c wants 199.2 BTS for 528 CNY
711fdc70 cancel order
ae10c58e wants 200 BTS for 528 CNY
c9a2ccd7 cancel order
31f3a0ad wants 211.6 BTS for 529 CNY
f714d4b0 cancel order
aa5b016d wants 203.5 BTS for 529 CNY
37e4e985 cancel order
8029d1e5 wants 211.6 BTS for 529 CNY
b1cb6bc1 paid 196 BTS for 529 CNY
df7c9a40 wants 529 CNY for 196 BTS
aed98a98 wants 96 BTS for 267 CNY
virtual paid 267 CNY for 96 BTS
a8783f20 cancel order
866c84bf wants 98.8 BTS for 266.6 CNY
c4132e0e cancel order
f04a28aa wants 121.4 BTS for 267 CNY
6850c671 paid 109 BTS for 266 CNY
b928d207 wants 266 CNY for 109 BTS
8a4584fc paid 506 CNY for 113 BTS
d4ae5ba8 wants 113 BTS for 506 CNY
e62b9562 cancel order
a4d64a8a wants 114 BTS for 505 CNY
5ef78ff1 cancel order
86e7bff7 wants 115 BTS for 506 CNY
69d5e4ef cancel order
133ea31e wants 125 BTS for 500 CNY
d01067d5 paid 118 BTS for 507 CNY
d6787f87 wants 507 CNY for 118 BTS
fe9f353e paid 498 CNY for 131 BTS
03f609bd wants 131 BTS for 498 CNY
c79f8a4d wants 83.3 BTS for 500 CNY
virtual paid 500 CNY for 83.3 BTS