立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.0374 BTS
Lifetime fees paid28 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.1765
SEREY 5,428
97c2c8ad sent 50 SEREY to
c05c3217 sent 100 SEREY to
72891bf6 paid 112 BTS for 5,600 SEREY
32bb824e wants 5,600 SEREY for 112 BTS
71201354 cancel order
62d787c0 wants 9,447 SEREY for 111.5 BTS
1c28a418 cancel order
4091928b wants 10,000 SEREY for 100 BTS
5d72a09b wants 7.84 BTS for 3,456 WEKUCOIN
virtual paid 3,456 WEKUCOIN for 7.84 BTS
virtual cancel order
7add925d cancel order
163bf40e wants 8.86 BTS for 3,869 WEKUCOIN
virtual paid 413 WEKUCOIN for 0.946 BTS
a5c5c723 wants 33.6 BTS for 14,679 WEKUCOIN
virtual paid 14,679 WEKUCOIN for 33.6 BTS
virtual cancel order
6e26fcb5 wants 1.031 BTS for 0.02344 REVEUR
virtual paid 0.02344 REVEUR for 1.031 BTS
2f37711f wants 6.21 BTS for 2,714 WEKUCOIN
virtual paid 2,714 WEKUCOIN for 6.21 BTS
virtual cancel order
cd6a7933 wants 10.13 BTS for 4,003 WEKUCOIN
virtual paid 4,003 WEKUCOIN for 10.13 BTS
virtual cancel order
0956ebfb cancel order
f48f6b92 wants 18.14 BTS for 6,047 WEKUCOIN
virtual paid 6,047 WEKUCOIN for 18.14 BTS
virtual cancel order
7898497a wants 10,370 SEREY for 34.6 BTS
e6f002e7 cancel order
15214518 wants 34,565 SEREY for 34.6 BTS
ff3be2db wants 18.15 BTS for 7,924 WEKUCOIN
virtual paid 7,924 WEKUCOIN for 18.15 BTS
virtual cancel order
d432f395 wants 10 BTS for 4,365 WEKUCOIN
virtual paid 4,365 WEKUCOIN for 10 BTS
6ccb3e0d wants 6.55 BTS for 0.1408 REVEUR
virtual paid 0.1408 REVEUR for 6.55 BTS
04eada56 sent 16,381 WEKUCOIN to
b3eb52b1 sent 1 WEKUCOIN to
01e742d1 sent 1 WEKUCOIN to
6529191d sent 1 WEKUCOIN to
2a6c620e sent 1 WEKUCOIN to
5153d8d1 sent 1 WEKUCOIN to
7da4be2d sent 1 WEKUCOIN to
15a27b97 wants 140 WEKUCOIN for 0.7 BTS
virtual paid 0.7 BTS for 140 WEKUCOIN
b2fea5d1 sent 1 WEKUCOIN to
7f869ffe wants 8,263 WEKUCOIN for 155.3 BTS
virtual paid 155.3 BTS for 8,263 WEKUCOIN
ef21ca0f cancel orders (2)
243e2cdb wants 10,677 WEKUCOIN for 200.7 BTS
virtual paid 48.4 BTS for 2,574 WEKUCOIN
857c2cfc wants 143.5 BTS for 3,587 WEKUCOIN
5e13c8a0 cancel order
1e99ff09 wants 175.8 BTS for 3,587 WEKUCOIN
576e0683 cancel order
ecaed3bf wants 385 BTS for 7,696 WEKUCOIN
virtual paid 4,110 WEKUCOIN for 205.5 BTS
ba31e194 sent 5 WEKUCOIN to
1924c6e2 sent 5 WEKUCOIN to
65c09d0c sent 10 WEKUCOIN to
9e9a6668 sent 7,840 WEKUCOIN to
adae006f sent 7,671 WEKUCOIN to
7a9289a1 sent 7,668 WEKUCOIN to
f2110e78 sent 219 WEKUCOIN to
35535c8a sent 7,706 WEKUCOIN to
ad693ce3 sent 591 WEKUCOIN to
6aa52ac1 sent 7,911 WEKUCOIN to
f915438b sent 0.0374 WEKUCOIN to
6e6c84a7 sent 8,484 WEKUCOIN to
7c10acad sent 1,395 WEKUCOIN to
db85e3e7 sent 70 WEKUCOIN to
fd21c4ee sent 892 WEKUCOIN to
7b9afbd2 sent 1,231 WEKUCOIN to
dd425792 sent 0.0374 WEKUCOIN to
4757431a sent 0.0374 WEKUCOIN to
a009827c sent 236 WEKUCOIN to
c87ec8fd sent 9,797 WEKUCOIN to
77dd503f sent 5 WEKUCOIN to
f173e43b sent 504 WEKUCOIN to
86d52fbd sent 542 WEKUCOIN to
1c1513da sent 1,348 WEKUCOIN to
24162e35 sent 10 WEKUCOIN to
6fb71e22 sent 10 WEKUCOIN to
ffe3f507 sent 100 WEKUCOIN to
bd94989b sent 679 BTS to