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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid22.18 BTS
a5687632 sent 2,548 BTS to
5a2c08dc sent 10 BTS to
b2740731 sent 10 BTS to
95dc440d wants 1,467 BTS for 706 CNY
virtual paid 706 CNY for 1,467 BTS
ceab75a4 cancel order
e9bf95ef wants 1,487 BTS for 706 CNY
b205cb52 cancel order
715aaee8 wants 1,500 BTS for 706 CNY
b8edba29 cancel order
53955393 wants 1,487 BTS for 706 CNY
73395e20 wants 246 CNY for 3,674,340 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3,674,339 BTSUCN for 246 CNY
virtual cancel order
77cbaf92 cancel order
481b11b3 wants 706 CNY for 10,537,317 BTSUCN
virtual paid 6,862,978 BTSUCN for 461 CNY
8aeb5cbb cancel order
5e642f02 wants 948 CNY for 10,537,317 BTSUCN
21776b44 cancel order
87e294eb wants 948 CNY for 10,537,317 BTSUCN
13ae95f9 cancel order
7d49861d wants 948 CNY for 10,537,317 BTSUCN
14725e22 cancel order
7f2e0efd wants 738 CNY for 10,537,317 BTSUCN
b5018595 paid 74.8 CNY for 141.5 BTS
0eae08a3 paid 501 CNY for 947 BTS
b63aca56 wants 1,088 BTS for 575 CNY
c06c85b2 wants 576 CNY for 7,679,145 BTSUCN
virtual paid 7,679,144 BTSUCN for 576 CNY
virtual cancel order
b510f8bf cancel order
3c31047e wants 601 CNY for 7,679,145 BTSUCN
fca122c6 cancel order
1b338356 wants 691 CNY for 7,679,145 BTSUCN
445d2c89 cancel order
41bfc1cb wants 760 CNY for 7,679,145 BTSUCN
607d42e2 cancel order
bca5f237 wants 12,133 CNY for 7,679,145 BTSUCN
fe907b4b cancel order
0ad2d9af wants 1,052 CNY for 7,014,638 BTSUCN
7a3b38da cancel order
4ec9b5c5 wants 1,052 CNY for 7,014,638 BTSUCN
e7447ea4 cancel order
5320667a wants 842 CNY for 7,014,638 BTSUCN
f04adc42 cancel order
815f1910 wants 1,052 CNY for 7,014,638 BTSUCN
6465d7fa cancel order
2407d925 wants 1,052 CNY for 7,014,638 BTSUCN
6344a3ea cancel order
041d3acc wants 11,083 CNY for 7,014,638 BTSUCN
5f35e9f2 cancel order
dad27286 wants 1,052 CNY for 7,014,638 BTSUCN
386d0b71 cancel order
dcf3231a wants 1,052 CNY for 7,014,638 BTSUCN
b3100a2c cancel order
5aede4f8 sent 760 BTS to
04be3f9e sent 10 BTS to
82b55ed0 sent 10 BTS to
512d47be wants 701 CNY for 5,841,977 BTSUCN
67c7fd15 wants 582 BTS for 177 CNY
virtual paid 177 CNY for 582 BTS
e0935f2a cancel order
4aef8ed1 wants 625 BTS for 177 CNY
34ef8e5a cancel order
147a8221 wants 594 BTS for 177 CNY
d6dbf8d1 cancel order
ce760ab7 wants 588 BTS for 177 CNY
6cd1a6e4 cancel order
00fe15dc wants 590 BTS for 177 CNY
32c10df6 wants 218 BTS for 1,947,326 BTSUCN
66949bf9 paid 1,947,326 BTSUCN for 218 BTS
4690ede3 cancel order
88604ba8 wants 567 BTS for 177 CNY
42e93942 cancel order
1bfc40df wants 595 BTS for 177 CNY
93045718 cancel order
8fdf4e9a wants 560 BTS for 177 CNY
1705f902 cancel order
23c4c990 wants 537 BTS for 171.7 CNY
0a96b6ab cancel order
88a1f35a wants 619 BTS for 177 CNY
b09c20e5 cancel order
a8c8d7de wants 588 BTS for 177 CNY
9199113b cancel order
7be6a1e3 wants 582 BTS for 177 CNY
a16f61f1 cancel order
df704da2 wants 642 BTS for 177 CNY
cedca4b9 paid 1,574,554 BTSUCN for 115.4 CNY
virtual cancel order
e4b9e78c wants 177 CNY for 2,414,021 BTSUCN
virtual paid 839,466 BTSUCN for 61.6 CNY
aa5ab9cf paid 92.7 CNY for 1,270,400 BTSUCN
198428f6 wants 1,270,400 BTSUCN for 92.7 CNY
32e718ba wants 93 CNY for 423 BTS
virtual paid 423 BTS for 93 CNY
virtual cancel order
bece6750 cancel order
fb49aad3 wants 929 CNY for 4,221,571 BTSUCN
82b1486a cancel order
ed2f8574 wants 1,102 CNY for 3,674,330 BTSUCN
10b88f69 sent 57,000 BTS to
7a46e3b4 wants 1,707 BTS for 197 CNY
virtual paid 197 CNY for 1,707 BTS
1f6c7cfc cancel order
a2cd5ac9 wants 1,027 CNY for 469,062 BTSUCN
e4f44c3b cancel order
3b0000ce wants 770 CNY for 312,708 BTSUCN
c555ed9f cancel order
4d5a5f55 wants 775 CNY for 312,708 BTSUCN
09535595 cancel order
7138d8b2 wants 779 CNY for 312,708 BTSUCN
4b3e2cf0 cancel order
911c9c6c wants 775 CNY for 312,708 BTSUCN
41077548 cancel order
e16e4ab7 wants 7,020 CNY for 55,718 BTS
4d937550 paid 78,177 BTSUCN for 197 CNY
54726da5 wants 197 CNY for 78,177 BTSUCN
f48b2ff4 wants 1.927 BTS for 0.2963 CNY
c60885bd paid 0.2963 CNY for 1.927 BTS
ae8bba69 cancel order
9e1090d1 paid 1,353 CNY for 8,818 BTS
c2a96705 wants 9,720 BTS for 1,492 CNY
virtual paid 138.1 CNY for 900 BTS
c75b801b wants 1,494 CNY for 625,216 BTSUCN
virtual paid 625,216 BTSUCN for 1,494 CNY
virtual cancel order
d6749faa cancel order
5b1e8023 cancel order
677aee58 wants 391 CNY for 156,354 BTSUCN
a3e62093 wants 1,191 CNY for 468,862 BTSUCN
d77d1ee6 cancel order
8526eae4 wants 1,200 CNY for 468,862 BTSUCN
3bc3bf23 cancel order
4fab9978 cancel order
f31ea441 wants 416 CNY for 156,354 BTSUCN
57006bed paid 0.245 CNY for 1.646 BTS
1b64ac33 paid 22.85 CNY for 153.6 BTS
f652a74e paid 0.2023 CNY for 1.36 BTS
55bc5b39 paid 1,785 CNY for 11,998 BTS
b331a81c paid 1,001 CNY for 6,730 BTS
11f59902 paid 757 CNY for 5,087 BTS
378fb7c8 paid 576 CNY for 3,875 BTS
eee953dc wants 863 CNY for 312,508 BTSUCN
57877282 paid 297.5 CNY for 2,000 BTS
919c667b wants 31,846 BTS for 4,737 CNY
virtual paid 297.5 CNY for 2,000 BTS
0763d04c sent 100 CNY to
b26c7a1b sent 100 BTSUCN to
7e112952 sent 100 BTSUCN to
d2060181 paid 469,063 BTSUCN for 1,421 CNY
87b43e1b wants 1,421 CNY for 469,063 BTSUCN
73dcb20b cancel order
ec8c6b83 wants 1,435 CNY for 469,063 BTSUCN
5d620c05 cancel order
06e9484c wants 1,196 CNY for 390,886 BTSUCN
074b8627 cancel order
6d40d59d wants 1,196 CNY for 390,886 BTSUCN
85f7bcfc cancel order
fae90553 wants 1,212 CNY for 390,886 BTSUCN
bf843334 cancel order
af7e8e11 wants 973 CNY for 312,709 BTSUCN
26ef9cd2 paid 390,887 BTSUCN for 1,208 CNY
dcf2f6ca wants 1,208 CNY for 390,887 BTSUCN
1995cbcf wants 718 CNY for 234,532 BTSUCN
virtual paid 234,532 BTSUCN for 726 CNY
virtual cancel order
4d6d2ee0 cancel order
8073c8d2 wants 104.6 CNY for 33,012 BTSUCN
6df20ef4 wants 1,482 CNY for 469,064 BTSUCN
virtual paid 469,064 BTSUCN for 1,487 CNY
virtual cancel order
aa49370f wants 8,781 BTS for 1,968 CNY
virtual paid 1,968 CNY for 8,781 BTS
9b98a3a3 paid 547,241 BTSUCN for 1,970 CNY
77ba15ae wants 4,431 BTS for 993 CNY
virtual paid 993 CNY for 4,431 BTS
6231b89d cancel order
0945e4e8 wants 1,970 CNY for 547,241 BTSUCN
14ff6f71 wants 4,606 BTS for 993 CNY
e8b8a289 paid 312,708 BTSUCN for 994 CNY
2fcd238e wants 994 CNY for 312,708 BTSUCN
a09d42b6 paid 254.7 CNY for 944 BTS
4fe37be7 wants 944 BTS for 254.7 CNY
97722e7f paid 82,709 BTSUCN for 255 CNY
8c03b490 wants 255 CNY for 82,709 BTSUCN
202928a9 paid 0.704 CNY for 1.848 BTS
b6989c8a wants 1.848 BTS for 0.704 CNY
70f3664a wants 0.725 CNY for 1.898 BTS
virtual paid 1.898 BTS for 0.727 CNY
virtual cancel order
89f86d3e sent 230,000 BTSUCN to
cc19b621 wants 2.796 BTS for 1 CNY
virtual paid 1 CNY for 2.815 BTS
d8e096dd wants 1.017 CNY for 2.9 BTS
virtual paid 2.9 BTS for 1.021 CNY
virtual cancel order
7c7461d7 wants 2.947 BTS for 1.05 CNY
virtual paid 1.05 CNY for 2.95 BTS
1a9e3f04 cancel order