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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid71.7 BTS
4cf6f367 sent 8,390 BTS to
ae304335 paid 34.5 CNY for 71.2 BTS
fb590f4d paid 617 CNY for 1,273 BTS
ab1db5c4 paid 1,199 CNY for 2,474 BTS
9bd14a93 paid 41.6 CNY for 85.8 BTS
40976f15 wants 3,905 BTS for 1,892 CNY
10cc5679 cancel order
62127367 wants 3,905 BTS for 1,892 CNY
813ce14b cancel order
b4a6f21f wants 3,924 BTS for 1,892 CNY
8e48e07c cancel order
13b71afb paid 36.1 CNY for 74.5 BTS
31903e30 wants 8,393 BTS for 4,067 CNY
289f90d1 paid 404 CNY for 834 BTS
7ce79df6 paid 1,466 CNY for 3,025 BTS
5ccca8f0 paid 134.6 CNY for 278 BTS
88a9c438 paid 134.6 CNY for 278 BTS
16fc0115 cancel order
1c40fcf5 wants 8,509 BTS for 4,067 CNY
cb758d49 wants 2,546 CNY for 34,352,657 BTSUCN
virtual paid 33,780,781 BTSUCN for 2,503 CNY
virtual paid 571,875 BTSUCN for 42.4 CNY
virtual cancel order
892fc52b wants 1,526 CNY for 20,598,941 BTSUCN
virtual paid 20,598,941 BTSUCN for 1,526 CNY
virtual cancel order
27debbba sent 76 BTS to
f76effaa paid 39.5 CNY for 77.6 BTS
66bb8f06 wants 77.6 BTS for 39.5 CNY
625aebc6 wants 39.5 CNY for 526,463 BTSUCN
virtual paid 526,463 BTSUCN for 39.5 CNY
virtual cancel order
f17116b9 sent 1,490 BTS to
c873adf6 paid 756 CNY for 1,491 BTS
90125eaa wants 1,491 BTS for 756 CNY
33f14e20 paid 9,450,598 BTSUCN for 756 CNY
5f3651ab wants 756 CNY for 9,450,598 BTSUCN
bfdc9d05 sent 886 BTS to
248697fa paid 302 CNY for 888 BTS
ec660fb3 wants 888 BTS for 302 CNY
f82c5f42 cancel order
4666d026 wants 882 BTS for 302 CNY
db1d34d7 wants 302 CNY for 4,127,969 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,674,805 BTSUCN for 122.8 CNY
virtual paid 2,054,795 BTSUCN for 150.4 CNY
virtual paid 398,368 BTSUCN for 29.15 CNY
virtual cancel order
59e87c7d sent 1,580 BTS to
7c696076 paid 522 CNY for 1,578 BTS
fef314f8 wants 1,578 BTS for 522 CNY
fcd81a0e cancel order
e2a38b12 wants 1,597 BTS for 522 CNY
12f04594 wants 518 CNY for 7,200,315 BTSUCN
virtual paid 7,200,314 BTSUCN for 522 CNY
virtual cancel order
07643115 wants 0.0542 CNY for 752 BTSUCN
virtual paid 752 BTSUCN for 0.0545 CNY
virtual cancel order
7be8199a sent 3,340 BTS to
32b429dd paid 1,013 CNY for 3,345 BTS
921c93b3 wants 3,345 BTS for 1,013 CNY
f0a9a144 sent 4 BTS to
3d99fe44 cancel order
8da7cf78 wants 6,010 BTS for 953 CNY
0ae48a42 cancel order
b8b4a523 wants 6,060 BTS for 1,013 CNY
21a6c21d cancel order
27fa3048 wants 6,536 BTS for 1,013 CNY
b5db887d cancel order
a4a521c9 wants 6,770 BTS for 1,013 CNY
38c54e72 cancel order
609463f8 wants 6,726 BTS for 1,013 CNY
0fa28877 cancel order
39d09cbe wants 6,754 BTS for 1,013 CNY
ccd88f32 cancel order
58fd2b98 wants 5,912 BTS for 1,013 CNY
8bf9b64b cancel order
54d13fb9 wants 5,629 BTS for 965 CNY
c21d4f11 wants 841 CNY for 12,012,148 BTSUCN
virtual paid 2,921,543 BTSUCN for 219 CNY
virtual paid 9,090,604 BTSUCN for 664 CNY
virtual cancel order
fca4da13 cancel order
37d1d901 cancel order
a9421e0e wants 709 BTS for 131.5 CNY
9179bf9e wants 901 CNY for 12,012,148 BTSUCN
fa6bba2f cancel order
4ea0afda wants 949 CNY for 12,012,148 BTSUCN
dd7018ca cancel order
5ab60c33 wants 965 CNY for 12,067,297 BTSUCN
virtual paid 55,149 BTSUCN for 4.47 CNY
385745db cancel order
01c5046f wants 984 CNY for 8,203,721 BTSUCN
6fcf90b3 wants 0.1 CNY for 1,000 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,000 BTSUCN for 0.1 CNY
370bad13 cancel order
23cc435c sent 11,150 BTS to
cc281196 paid 1,972 CNY for 10,748 BTS
dac63b75 wants 10,755 BTS for 1,973 CNY
62ec62a6 cancel order
7a2e789a wants 11,331 BTS for 1,973 CNY
6503b93e cancel order
6e58c154 wants 10,827 BTS for 1,973 CNY
095a5a6f wants 936 CNY for 6,688,002 BTSUCN
virtual paid 6,688,002 BTSUCN for 1,003 CNY
virtual cancel order
e9a106bf cancel order
75d71d84 cancel order
0c3b3e35 wants 5,329 BTS for 971 CNY
841e5bfe wants 2,310 CNY for 11,549,965 BTSUCN
virtual paid 4,861,963 BTSUCN for 972 CNY
ac9c0191 cancel order
1eefb68f wants 2,345 CNY for 11,549,965 BTSUCN
3c777c7b sent 2,000 BTS to
79e4813c wants 493 BTS for 77.5 CNY
virtual paid 77.5 CNY for 493 BTS
82b942a3 cancel order
e6846cd9 wants 1,787 CNY for 7,295,792 BTSUCN
433fa072 paid 147 CNY for 940 BTS
2e02d5cb paid 45.4 CNY for 290 BTS
60c27343 paid 45.4 CNY for 290 BTS
32e246b1 paid 45.4 CNY for 290 BTS
17c7c0fb wants 1,849 BTS for 289 CNY
virtual paid 5.9 CNY for 37.7 BTS
67fb0d6a sent 100 BTS to
95b12445 sent 5 BTS to
17465a72 sent 10 BTS to
9ef6ec36 cancel order
7ca45b43 wants 683 BTS for 97 CNY
5fdf1c91 sent 1,000 BTS to
172bf673 wants 959 BTS for 166 CNY
virtual paid 166 CNY for 960 BTS
a6e68a9d cancel order
31ad1589 wants 976 BTS for 166 CNY
762ab2c2 cancel order
e2130b06 wants 1,064 BTS for 166 CNY
9dc32d1b sent 5,000 BTS to
83b3d94f sent 320,000 BTS to
0cbced6e sent 100 BTS to
a9f59328 sent 690 BTS to
fe28dea6 wants 7,495 BTS for 1,118 CNY
virtual paid 59.8 CNY for 401 BTS
virtual paid 1,058 CNY for 7,094 BTS
32e0677d cancel order
e325df3d wants 7,974 BTS for 1,118 CNY
17831064 cancel order
841e04e5 wants 7,532 BTS for 1,118 CNY
662ad2f0 cancel order
68661983 wants 9,651 BTS for 1,118 CNY
8f7f79f9 cancel order
788c7352 sent 5,000,000 BTSUCN to
0d82bdd3 wants 7,825 BTS for 932 CNY
0a46c3cf cancel order
cb90905d wants 8,473 BTS for 932 CNY
e7a3022e cancel order
798c1218 wants 7,854 BTS for 864 CNY
cfc60263 paid 1,024 CNY for 8,419 BTS
dcbcb3b4 wants 8,419 BTS for 1,024 CNY
78ed3b83 sent 50,000 BTS to
8d38f344 sent 300,000 BTS to
333bdfb3 sent 500,000 BTSUCN to
bcf3b976 paid 13.6 CNY for 28,972 BTSUCN
9b9ed8bd paid 44 CNY for 93,888 BTSUCN
377123e8 wants 122,860 BTSUCN for 57.6 CNY
935f14d4 sent 5,000,000 BTSUCN to
5a6cc277 cancel order
15e747b1 wants 654 CNY for 5,000 BTS
virtual paid 162.2 BTS for 21.2 CNY
a30a647c paid 279 BTS for 36.5 CNY
6d98cae2 sent 2 BTS to
8f5f6676 sent 300,000 BTSUCN to
a9881b9c paid 1,740 CNY for 14,497 BTS
8b6384be paid 295.4 CNY for 2,462 BTS
b6956d2b wants 16,959 BTS for 2,035 CNY
d39f22e1 paid 930,024 BTSUCN for 2,037 CNY
03cd69c9 wants 2,037 CNY for 930,024 BTSUCN
4325a3e1 paid 538 CNY for 4,366 BTS
8d0abdfa wants 4,366 BTS for 538 CNY
02631e10 cancel order
578f9a67 cancel order
260a33cd wants 1,060 CNY for 425,519 BTSUCN
4d1b1fda wants 4,403 BTS for 537 CNY
96b963b0 cancel order
7d8d25fa paid 217,621 BTSUCN for 538 CNY
702df7bf paid 445 BTSUCN for 1.1 CNY
f23b9041 wants 945 CNY for 382,697 BTSUCN
1bdeb9ef cancel order
1fa781eb wants 976 CNY for 382,697 BTSUCN
bb8ff1de paid 956 CNY for 7,379 BTS
11244c9d wants 7,379 BTS for 956 CNY
3923310c paid 382,697 BTSUCN for 957 CNY
029e9f7f paid 52.6 CNY for 405 BTS
5fad92d9 paid 13 CNY for 100 BTS
c13b4125 paid 13 CNY for 100 BTS
f9a55a36 paid 46.7 CNY for 360 BTS
10f0b0c1 wants 957 CNY for 382,697 BTSUCN
3ce61ca5 wants 964 BTS for 125.4 CNY
e146673e paid 13.08 BTSUCN for 0.0309 CNY
virtual cancel order
592870cb paid 1,694 BTSUCN for 4 CNY